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Quote:My ancestors came to the area in which I live just before the genocide began.

I can understand your position a bit more now.  My family came here because of a potato shortage and then volunteered to fight two world wars.  My name is Irish but I can't point to a single cultural thing we do that is Irish.  
Quote:I can understand your position a bit more now. My family came here because of a potato shortage and then volunteered to fight two world wars. My name is Irish but I can't point to a single cultural thing we do that is Irish.

They fled from one of the worst genocides in history too.
Quote:All you folks who talk about assimilation have apparently never lived in a foreign country. It's really not that difficult. You go there, you learn about the people and the customs and you respect them even if you don't fully embrace them. You obey the laws. You learn the language the best you can. And don't ever forget you're a guest in that country until you're a permanent citizen.

The folks who have a problem with it are either coming from severely drastic backgrounds- say a third world country, completely different cultural mindset- we'll say a religious background, and those who just flat out refuse because they're here for the opportunity and don't give a rat's butt about America or the people.

LOL!!!  So if you are a guest in the country and that's what you remember, you're not really assimilated are you? 


Knowing the laws and and trying to learn the language the best you can is not necessarily becoming assimilated.  I think you're being waaaaaay to simplistic about this.  Being a military person and living on a base in a foreign country not assimilating to that foreign country, just to be honest here.
Quote:LOL!!!  So if you are a guest in the country and that's what you remember, you're not really assimilated are you? 


Knowing the laws and and trying to learn the language the best you can is not necessarily becoming assimilated.  I think you're being waaaaaay to simplistic about this.  Being a military person and living on a base in a foreign country not assimilating to that foreign country, just to be honest here.
Don't speak of things you know nothing about because you know little to nothing of my time living overseas. You look foolish talking out of your [BLEEP]. Just to be honest here.


The first step in assimilating into another country is learning the language and customs to the best of your ability. Over time you become more fluent in the language and more respectful of the customs. Customs are tricky because sometimes they are religious based and sometimes they're based on the part of the world you live in, the political climate of the country, etc. Whether you agree with them or not is of no consequence, the fact that you respect them is. The more time you spend in the country the more you become part of their society and assimilate. It's not going to happen overnight and it's not going to happen if people don't want to. You don't have to leave your customs and traditions when you leave your country but you should respect those of where you're going. And if you don't like them then don't move there. 


And yes, you technically are a guest in a foreign country until you become a permanent citizen. You can be asked to leave or deported at any time for any reason. It doesn't seem to work that way here, but I assure you in other countries it does. 
My grandfather and father were both immigrants. My grandfather fought in WWII and my father volunteered to join the military early in Vietnam. They were two of the most patriotic men I have ever known. My father's parents lived in America the last 40 or so years of their lives. Between the two of them they spoke very little English up to the day they died. Did they not assimilate well enough? Should they have been ejected?

Trump's latest comments are ridiculous. And, like everything else with him, it is scarcely defined. EXTREME ideological vetting (with electrolytes) where we ask immigrants if they reject Sharia Law.. as if our government scrapping over two centuries of the law we have had is a realistic fear (tin foil hat wearers will be mocked mercilessly if this is posed as a legitimate fear). As if any terrorist couldn't just lie about their beliefs. He is pushing buttons and the mouth breathers lap it up without acknowledging (again) he has not defined what he will actually do or how it will work.

My comments where in no way an attack on you and your experiences, please don't take them personally.

But a military person living on base is not assimilating to anything. They are guests in a country for crying out loud. They are not immigrants!!

Come one. Let's be real here.

Immigrants fresh of the boat do their best to adjust, but they bring their own cultures with them. Learning the rules of the society you are entering into is not assimilation. Especially when discussing the USA where we are so multicultural.

It's really the children and grand kids of the immigrants that truly become assimilated.

For that bigoted moron to think that he can create a criteria that determines whether an immigrant fresh off the boat is properly assimilating is ridiculous and is clearly meant to arbitrarily single out a particular group of immigrants.
Quote:My ancestors came to the area in which I live just before the genocide began.

So around 1973 right before Roe then?
Quote:So around 1973 right before Roe then?

Yes, you're very witty.

Did you know it can be verified that the legalization of abortions starting in the 70s resulted in the precipitous drop in crime of the late 80s and 90s
Imagine if people never brought any of their own culture. The food would suck.
Quote:Imagine if people never brought any of their own culture. The food would suck.

Hell.. our founding fathers had no clue about corn.

My comments where in no way an attack on you and your experiences, please don't take them personally.

But a military person living on base is not assimilating to anything. They are guests in a country for crying out loud. They are not immigrants!!

Come one. Let's be real here.

Immigrants fresh of the boat do their best to adjust, but they bring their own cultures with them. Learning the rules of the society you are entering into is not assimilation. Especially when discussing the USA where we are so multicultural.

It's really the children and grand kids of the immigrants that truly become assimilated.

For that bigoted moron to think that he can create a criteria that determines whether an immigrant fresh off the boat is properly assimilating is ridiculous and is clearly meant to arbitrarily single out a particular group of immigrants.

Good grief, you are an idiot. I don't usually resort to name calling but there it is. I have nothing left to say here. Especially to you, the one who 'knows everything' yet has no actual knowledge of a damn thing. Consider yourself blocked. 
Which bit did you disagree with out of interest?
What made America great was that many cultures contributed to one, new American culture.


Not separate villages/tribes with separate tongues and distinctly different culture.  A belief in self destiny and self sufficiency, and in doing so a greater country.


Many of today's immigrants, particularly those targeted for artificial infusion by the radical, extreme left, are those with no interest in becoming a part of us... as did those who came here before them, the legal way.


Speaking of which, why can't the kooks on the left acknowledge that there is legal and illegal means of immigration?


Trump just out flanked all the mental midgets on the left.  If some immigrants suppress and don't believe in women's rights, want to kill LGBT, and replace rule of law with Sharia law, then that's incompatible with our society and don't belong.


But don't tell that the the cult.  Must sell completely out for the religion of the left regardless of truth.
tbh... any vetting today would be labeled "extreme" as it's not really done anymore


not "PC"

Quote:What made America great was that many cultures contributed to one, new American culture.

Not separate villages/tribes with separate tongues and distinctly different culture. A belief in self destiny and self sufficiency, and in doing so a greater country.

Many of today's immigrants, particularly those targeted for artificial infusion by the radical, extreme left, are those with no interest in becoming a part of us... as did those who came here before them, the legal way.

Speaking of which, why can't the kooks on the left acknowledge that there is legal and illegal means of immigration?

Trump just out flanked all the mental midgets on the left. If some immigrants suppress and don't believe in women's rights, want to kill LGBT, and replace rule of law with Sharia law, then that's incompatible with our society and don't belong.

But don't tell that the the cult. Must sell completely out for the religion of the left regardless of truth.

I agree with the first part here. I acknowledge there is a difference between legal and illegal immigration (we're talking about the legal one). I don't buy your theory of artificial infusion, but would be receptive to any evidence you could provide to support such a statement.

I don't get what you are saying about Trump out flanking those on the left however as I have heard what he actually said. I would love to hear how you think Trump accomplished this (so I can tell all the other cult members at tonight's meeting).
Quote:What made America great was that many cultures contributed to one, new American culture.


Not separate villages/tribes with separate tongues and distinctly different culture.  A belief in self destiny and self sufficiency, and in doing so a greater country.


Many of today's immigrants, particularly those targeted for artificial infusion by the radical, extreme left, are those with no interest in becoming a part of us... as did those who came here before them, the legal way.


Speaking of which, why can't the kooks on the left acknowledge that there is legal and illegal means of immigration?


Trump just out flanked all the mental midgets on the left.  If some immigrants suppress and don't believe in women's rights, want to kill LGBT, and replace rule of law with Sharia law, then that's incompatible with our society and don't belong.


But don't tell that the the cult.  Must sell completely out for the religion of the left regardless of truth.
Quote:tbh... any vetting today would be labeled "extreme" as it's not really done anymore


not "PC"

all of this, yes
Quote:Does Trump have bone spurs or was that in a NY Times article?
I think CNN added it to the daily spoon feeding.
Quote:The first group of Italians didn't fully assimilate. Only the kids began to assimilate.  I think the same happened with the Irish and the polish and the Japanese, all of them.


They all come in groups, form communities, and eventually the second and third generations are fully assimilated.  The first cohort that enters the USA don't really get assimilated into the culture...  They bring thier own into the USA, they bring thier own food, thier own traditions, thier own holidays...  It's thier kids, and thier kid's kids that are the ones that become fully americanized, for lack of a better word.


Plus, what is assimilation??  I mean, really?  In a country where freedom of speech and religion is protected, what does assimilation even mean.  That you have to love the constitution?  Fine, but you can love the constitution and still not learn English and not celebrate Thanksgiving or Christmas.  


The whole thing is [BLEEP], just like trumps thought process.

The early immigrants took generations to assimilate, as you point out. But they came here because they saw the US as a better place. They wanted to become Americans to the best of their ability. To use Italy as an example, they did not aspire to be Italians living in the US. They did not demand that everyone learn Italian. They did not demand that schools teach classes in Italian.


For many groups there is no assimilation. A majority of Muslims in the US still want Sharia law observed, including 2nd, 3rd, and 4th generation Muslims. They are NEVER going to assimilate.

And it's not just assimilation. Nowadays, many of the immigrants come here to get what they view the US owes them. They don't want to be Americans, they want to take back what they perceive as having been stolen from them by the US. I heard a very eloquent speaker at a graduation ceremony basically claim that the US owed it to the Mexicans to let them immigrate. Owed!

Quote:I agree with the first part here. I acknowledge there is a difference between legal and illegal immigration (we're talking about the legal one). I don't buy your theory of artificial infusion, but would be receptive to any evidence you could provide to support such a statement.

I don't get what you are saying about Trump out flanking those on the left however as I have heard what he actually said. I would love to hear how you think Trump accomplished this (so I can tell all the other cult members at tonight's meeting).



Same guy who paid for "Occupy" and other publicity stunts and paid riots.


He's using the Cloward/Piven-like strategy of disrupting/destroying establishments by overloading their systems, so he can use his money to influence/control the "new" establishments.  You weaken what you want to overtake.


I just outlined to you how he's beat the radical left to the punch.  The cult claims to be "the" voice for LGBT, women's rights, and freedom from religion.  If they are, then they'd back a vetting process that would ensure those who are against those rights are not accepted, which is exactly what Trump's is.

Quote:I agree with the first part here. I acknowledge there is a difference between legal and illegal immigration (we're talking about the legal one). I don't buy your theory of artificial infusion, but would be receptive to any evidence you could provide to support such a statement.

I don't get what you are saying about Trump out flanking those on the left however as I have heard what he actually said. I would love to hear how you think Trump accomplished this (so I can tell all the other cult members at tonight's meeting).
I would say it's the people who come over here then commit acts of terrorism (WTC circa 1993 and 9/11) or commit crimes in the name of Allah because they don't agree with anything regarding the US. All you have to do is google the information for the latter.


It's the people who come over here who demand we cater to their views and beliefs instead of practicing their views and beliefs personally while living among the rest of us peacefully. JMHO


Of course, I may have misunderstood what you meant and if so disregard what I said. 

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