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Quote:Milo is similar to Ben Carson or that Herman Cain guy.

They sell out their class for right wing praise and wealth. They allow bigots to say, "see that one is a credit to his minority group". And then gives those bigots cover to maintain their bigotry against the rest of the group.

It's a smart move if you don't mind selling your soul for cash to a bunch of awful people that actually hate you.

That is just ludicrous and easily the most inane perspective I have heard on this message board. What class do Herman Cain and Ben Carson in? The extremely successful, wealthy, and responsible class? Or are you speaking of another class?


Did it ever occur to you that perhaps Ben Carson and Herman Cain believe in the policies of conservatism over progressivism? Perhaps the tremendously successful business person Herman Cain prefers the concepts of lower taxes and less regulation because of his experience as a CEO? Or perhaps the deeply religious Ben Carson prefers the concepts of pro-life over pro-choice because of his devotion to Christianity? No, forget all that. According to you, they belong to a certain party because of their "class".

Quote:LOL... it's the Demorats that have sold out blacks from the beginning, and continue to today. You have zero standing when those you worship are bigots themselves.

Wait.. are you saying black lives matter?
Quote:Wait.. are you saying black lives matter?

Take the color blinds off, bro. American lives matter.
Quote:LOL... it's the Demorats that have sold out blacks from the beginning, and continue to today. You have zero standing when those you worship are bigots themselves.

Lol, right on que--

Yes, democrats have sold out the workers. Not the economic policies that encourage the growth of corporations overseas. Not the war on drugs that occupies inner cities but ignores the wealthy youth in the suburbs.

Democrats were the ones that coined the term welfare queen in order to cause resentment for poor moms so that unemployment insurance can only be taken for 2 years.

You are just parroting lies you've been told over and over again.

Rush Limbaugh and Joseph Goebelles would be very proud. Students of history know that if you tell a lie often enough, those that hear it over and over again will believe it's true.
Quote:Milo is similar to Ben Carson or that Herman Cain guy.

They sell out their class for right wing praise and wealth. They allow bigots to say, "see that one is a credit to his minority group". And then gives those bigots cover to maintain their bigotry against the rest of the group.

It's a smart move if you don't mind selling your soul for cash to a bunch of awful people that actually hate you.



I didn't think that you had the bigotry in you that you accuse conservatives of being.


They "sold out" their "class"?  Are you trying to say that they "sold out" their race?  Are you implying that they achieved their respective wealth because the "sold out"?


Are you trying to say that successful and smart black men shouldn't be conservative because it makes them "sell outs" because of their race?


I can't wait to see your spin on this one.  Your comment happens to be one of the most racist (bigoted) comments that I've seen on this board yet.
I see TAM is ducking away from this thread....

Quote:LOL... it's the Demorats that have sold out blacks from the beginning, and continue to today.  You have zero standing when those you worship are bigots themselves.

Some people don't know their history (I don't mean you, pirkster).  KKK was all Democrat.  Democrats Strom Thurmond and Robert Byrd initially filibustered the Civil Rights Act.  Lyndon Johnson designed the welfare state as a way to get blacks to vote Dem.

Eat the poor!

I didn't think that you had the bigotry in you that you accuse conservatives of being.

They "sold out" their "class"? Are you trying to say that they "sold out" their race? Are you implying that they achieved their respective wealth because the "sold out"?

Are you trying to say that successful and smart black men shouldn't be conservative because it makes them "sell outs" because of their race?

I can't wait to see your spin on this one. Your comment happens to be one of the most racist (bigoted) comments that I've seen on this board yet.

Welp. Triggered another one today. That's two for me. Stop acting like a PC social justice warrior, JIB.

Your soft sensibilities are indicative of our new everyone gets a trophy society.

Man up.
Quote:Eat the poor!

And we'll make them pay for it too
Quote:Lol, right on que--

Yes, democrats have sold out the workers. Not the economic policies that encourage the growth of corporations overseas. Not the war on drugs that occupies inner cities but ignores the wealthy youth in the suburbs.

Democrats were the ones that coined the term welfare queen in order to cause resentment for poor moms so that unemployment insurance can only be taken for 2 years.

You are just parroting lies you've been told over and over again.

Rush Limbaugh and Joseph Goebelles would be very proud. Students of history know that if you tell a lie often enough, those that hear it over and over again will believe it's true.

That you bemoan a benefit of "only" two years speaks to the depths of your confusion.
Quote:That you bemoan a benefit of "only" two years speaks to the depths of your confusion.

If you got laid off and need to reevaluate and then educate yourself and then relocate into a new line of work within a new industry and profession, you may think differently...

I don't bemoan anything. I look at the big picture.

The fact that you cannot see or consider how complicated life is makes me wonder which one of us is truly the one that's confused...
Quote:Wait.. are you saying black lives matter?

As much as any.


Quote:You are just parroting lies you've been told over and over again.

Rush Limbaugh and Joseph Goebelles would be very proud. Students of history know that if you tell a lie often enough, those that hear it over and over again will believe it's true.

This describes you to a T.  Empty talking points.  Total puppet.


Think for yourself.


I should know, I used to spew the same nonsense you currently do.  Until I realized I wasn't thinking for myself and just being used.  Fueled by empty hate, and "truths" that were complete falsehoods.


Your reference is a mantra for the left, as truth is the enemy.  They fully admit it as well.  Because they know they have useful idiots like you to fall in line.  They expect it.  Take for granted that you will comply.  And you don't disappoint them.


Again, it's historical fact.  
Quote:As much as any.

This describes you to a T. Empty talking points. Total puppet.

Think for yourself.

I should know, I used to spew the same nonsense you currently do. Until I realized I wasn't thinking for myself and just being used. Fueled by empty hate, and "truths" that were complete falsehoods.

Your reference is a mantra for the left, as truth is the enemy. They fully admit it as well. Because they know they have useful idiots like you to fall in line. They expect it. Take for granted that you will comply. And you don't disappoint them.

Again, it's historical fact.

we're clearly polar opposites in terms of our politics.

It's also very odd that the critiques you lay upon me, are the exact critiques I charge you with.

I don't mind you pointing out when you think I'm not thinking fur myself, Heck I make it a point to call you out for those things.

But I just don't get how you changed your political philosophy. Was it a specific every that changed your thinking?
Quote:If you got laid off and need to reevaluate and then educate yourself and then relocate into a new line of work within a new industry and profession, you may think differently...

I don't bemoan anything. I look at the big picture.

The fact that you cannot see or consider how complicated life is makes me wonder which one of us is truly the one that's confused...

There's no industry evaluation or education that requires anyone to go two years without a job. It's a hammock.
Quote:we're clearly polar opposites in terms of our politics.

It's also very odd that the critiques you lay upon me, are the exact critiques I charge you with.

I don't mind you pointing out when you think I'm not thinking fur myself, Heck I make it a point to call you out for those things.

But I just don't get how you changed your political philosophy. Was it a specific every that changed your thinking?

Just a moment of clarity.  I simply realized that my entire foundation was on shifting sand.  Born from emotion and not fact, built on what I wanted to believe ...instead of where the truth took me, whether I liked it or not.  Jumping to the wrong conclusions based on who I liked/disliked and not the substance of the subject matter itself.  Simply put, I was being immature and letting emotion override my conscience.


There's a peace that comes with being honest to yourself and not having to justify your foundation of beliefs by ignoring or discarding evidence to the contrary.


Occam's Razor comes to mind.  I was having to work harder to justify my flimsy position and still couldn't tip the scale against evidence to the contrary.  This was a journey from the right (I initially considered it environment, so as a youth I reflexively rebelled and rejected it), then to the left in defiance of it, then back again.


I am not registered Republican and never will be.  I am also not registered Democrat and will never be.  I will forever remain independent.  Yes, there are Democrats I would vote for, though that pool is emptying rapidly.  There are also fewer Republicans than I can stomach than at any time I can remember, including back in the peak of my left leaning days when I was rooting for Bill to defeat GHWB.  I identify most closely to libertarian, but again am not party bound.  Nor do I consider that a true party in an effectual sense.  It's more of a philosophy.


Libertarian on personal freedoms, and constitutional conservative would be the best way to describe my foundation.  I believe we're getting farther and farther away from the foundations and principles that created the greatest nation ever built.  I feel we're getting to a point where it's undergoing irreparable damage.  Historically, we've outlived every great society there ever was, and we're seeing our decline from that global perch.
Quote:There's no industry evaluation or education that requires anyone to go two years without a job. It's a hammock.

Ok... I think it's more complicated than that.
Quote:Ok... I think it's more complicated than that.

Oh, no doubt it is, but long term unemployment benefits contribute to long term unemployment among those who have no intrinsic motivation to work. The world is going to have to deal with the loss of more and more menial and entry level work, but at the moment there's plenty to go around for those willing to do it.
Quote:Oh, no doubt it is, but long term unemployment benefits contribute to long term unemployment among those who have no intrinsic motivation to work. The world is going to have to deal with the loss of more and more menial and entry level work, but at the moment there's plenty to go around for those willing to do it.

Those menial jobs are all well and good for young adults.

But if a mom or dad is laid off, those menial jobs just won't cut it.

Getting retrained and then finding a good paying job is not that easy... it takes a while.
Had my wife's Mediterranean Chicken last night and I can guarantee that Black Olives Matter!

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