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Milo nailed it:


There’s no diplomatic way to put it. In this historic announcement, Donald Trump has dramatically overtaken the chronically Muslim-friendly Democratic Party on gay rights. I predict conservatives across the west will soon follow suit. The right is quickly realising that, thanks to the silence on Islam, it is they and not the left who are destined to safeguard women, gays, and minorities from the barbarians of the East.



Soros sure has a gang of libtards meandering around aimlessly...that is all.
Quote:The early immigrants took generations to assimilate, as you point out. But they came here because they saw the US as a better place. They wanted to become Americans to the best of their ability. To use Italy as an example, they did not aspire to be Italians living in the US. They did not demand that everyone learn Italian. They did not demand that schools teach classes in Italian.


For many groups there is no assimilation. A majority of Muslims in the US still want Sharia law observed, including 2nd, 3rd, and 4th generation Muslims. They are NEVER going to assimilate.

And it's not just assimilation. Nowadays, many of the immigrants come here to get what they view the US owes them. They don't want to be Americans, they want to take back what they perceive as having been stolen from them by the US. I heard a very eloquent speaker at a graduation ceremony basically claim that the US owed it to the Mexicans to let them immigrate. Owed!

I was going to make a similar point.  My mother's side of the family came from Hungary and Germany.  Both her mother and father's families immigrated after WW1.  They came here to make a better life for their families.


My great grandfather actually died in WWI.  While he was fighting the war, my great grandmother actually took his place working in a bank in Szatmar.  After he died, she took the money she had saved up from her job, and she moved along with her sisters and brothers in law to the US, entering Ellis Island with my grandmother who was a toddler at the time.


When she got to the United States, she tried to get a job working in a bank, but it was a man's business at the time, so she went to work with her sisters doing custom tailoring for Saks 5th Avenue.  She did that for several years while raising my grandmother as a single mother.  She told us when we were children, before she died, that her greatest moment of pride was when she and my grandmother became citizens of the United States. To her, that meant everything.


My grandfather's family came from Germany around the same time.  They were brewers in the old country, and brought their skills to work here in the US.  NY had dozens of breweries at the time, and they were among those who came here with nothing, started working in the breweries, and worked their way up to the point where they could provide a home for their three kids, all born here in the US.  They worked themselves to death, literally.  They wanted to be a part of the American dream, and they were determined to do whatever was necessary to make that happen.  They never had much, but they instilled a work ethic in my grandfather that allowed him to go to college, get the first degree in the family, and then graduate from Fordham Law.  He practiced law for more than 60 years before he passed away.  You always could tell that he and his siblings, who all went to college, had a certain work ethic.  All were successful in their chosen professions, but all lived very modest lifestyles. 


In both instances, when the families arrived here, their entire focus was not necessarily on assimilating, but on becoming a part of the melting pot that the United States had become.  And in both situations, they did exactly that, and with great pride.  They loved their adopted homeland, and worked their tails off to become a part of it.  They learned the language well enough to manage, but they maintained many of their cultural beliefs and customs.  My grandparents wound up settling into a neighborhood in NY that was mostly German and Italian, and very Catholic.  We used to love going up there because they had some of the best European restaurants I've ever been.


The point is, while the first generation didn't fully assimilate, they did work towards that end.  It's always toughest on the first generation arriving here.  They have to deal with the biggest degree of culture shock.  But, unlike the immigrants who came here in the 19th and 20th centuries for a better life, what we're seeing with the current crop of immigrants in certain sects is that they refuse to adopt that same mindset.  They're coming to the US for the trappings, but they've got no interest in becoming part of that fabric.  You've got Muslim communities that want to be left to their own devices, including how they govern their people, and want nothing to do with US laws or cultural norms.  You've got Mexican immigrants who refuse to learn the language, and who demand that we adapt to them rather than the other way around.




Same guy who paid for "Occupy" and other publicity stunts and paid riots.


He's using the Cloward/Piven-like strategy of disrupting/destroying establishments by overloading their systems, so he can use his money to influence/control the "new" establishments.  You weaken what you want to overtake.


I just outlined to you how he's beat the radical left to the punch.  The cult claims to be "the" voice for LGBT, women's rights, and freedom from religion.  If they are, then they'd back a vetting process that would ensure those who are against those rights are not accepted, which is exactly what Trump's is.

If there's a way to finance chaos and crisis that will benefit him economically, Soros won't hesitate to take advantage.  He is doing everything he can to bring us to a progressive utopia where he's pulling the strings.  Both Clinton and Obama have sold their souls to this man.  Sounds like they're already snuggling up to the son to keep that gravy train flowing.  They're not even trying to hide it anymore.  Kaine spent time with Mini Me Soros recently. 


Quote:Milo nailed it:


There’s no diplomatic way to put it. In this historic announcement, Donald Trump has dramatically overtaken the chronically Muslim-friendly Democratic Party on gay rights. I predict conservatives across the west will soon follow suit. The right is quickly realising that, thanks to the silence on Islam, it is they and not the left who are destined to safeguard women, gays, and minorities from the barbarians of the East.



Milo must be silenced.  They've already instituted a lifetime ban on Twitter.  We can't have a gay male spouting conservative values. 



Quote:Soros sure has a gang of libtards meandering around aimlessly...that is all.

Well, he is financing their opposition.
Quote:<a class="bbc_url" href='http://dailycaller.com/2016/08/15/leaked-soros-memo-refugee-crisis-new-normal-gives-new-opportunities-for-global-influence/'>http://dailycaller.com/2016/08/15/leaked-soros-memo-refugee-crisis-new-normal-gives-new-opportunities-for-global-influence/</a>

Same guy who paid for "Occupy" and other publicity stunts and paid riots.

He's using the Cloward/Piven-like strategy of disrupting/destroying establishments by overloading their systems, so he can use his money to influence/control the "new" establishments. You weaken what you want to overtake.

I just outlined to you how he's beat the radical left to the punch. The cult claims to be "the" voice for LGBT, women's rights, and freedom from religion. If they are, then they'd back a vetting process that would ensure those who are against those rights are not accepted, which is exactly what Trump's is.

I read the article from the Tucker Carlson site about Soros and I guess I don't see how it relates to Trump's comments. Not trying to be argumentative. Soros makes vague comments about opportunities to influence global policy (which as far as I know is a country by country decision). I don't see how Donald beat the left to the punch with his recent statements.
Quote:Milo nailed it:

There’s no diplomatic way to put it. In this historic announcement, Donald Trump has dramatically overtaken the chronically Muslim-friendly Democratic Party on gay rights. I predict conservatives across the west will soon follow suit. The right is quickly realising that, thanks to the silence on Islam, it is they and not the left who are destined to safeguard women, gays, and minorities from the barbarians of the East.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.breitbart.com/milo/2016/08/15/republicans-just-overtook-dems-gay-rights/'>http://www.breitbart.com/milo/2016/08/15...ay-rights/</a>

So long as the right keeps trying to block any advancement in LGBT rights, I don't see how any rational human being can assert the idea they have a more developed LGBT platform than the left.
Quote:Good grief, you are an idiot. I don't usually resort to name calling but there it is. I have nothing left to say here. Especially to you, the one who 'knows everything' yet has no actual knowledge of a damn thing. Consider yourself blocked.

Welp. Trigger confirmed.
Quote:So long as the right keeps trying to block any advancement in LGBT rights, I don't see how any rational human being can assert the idea they have a more developed LGBT platform than the left.

Any development the Democrats have for the LGBT community in their platform is immediately negated by the FACT they want to import and integrate millions of individuals who belong to a culture and religion that overwhelmingly seeks to oppress, enslave, or murder gays and women. This wouldn't really be an issue if 50% of these 1.6 billion potential immigrants didn't embrace Sharia law and hold it above secular law.
Quote:So long as the right keeps trying to block any advancement in LGBT rights, I don't see how any rational human being can assert the idea they have a more developed LGBT platform than the left.
As long as the left tries to prop up the defense of radical Islamic religious views where gays and women are either murdered or treated like property simply for being who they are, I don't see how any rational human being can assert the idea that the left has a more developed LBGT platform than the right.
As someone who knows a thing or two about the LGBT community, I can tell you it isn't Islamic views that have been touted over and over again as reasons to suppress LGBT rights in America. (I'll give you a hint. He can play flute with his palms.) The HRO debate will be coming back before city council soon. Go there and hear just how many opponents of expanding the existing HRO mention Islam, Mohammad or Sharia Law as reasons why they feel it is okay for LGBT people to be fired, evicted or kicked out of a restaurant. (Spoiler: you won't hear any of these words.)

So because Donald says he will add, "Do you believe in Sharia Law?" to the list of questions immigrants will have to answer, the right is a champion of LGBT causes? Do you not know where Prop 8 and the bathroom bills in places like Houston or NC come from? It ain't the Middle East. And newsflash.. despite what people may 'believe,' the laws of the land supersede religious doctrine. Secular law flies in Iran. This is 'Merica. So I can assure you the LGBT community is not viewing immigration policies of the left as an attack on their existence. The list of GOP leaders and those whose strings they pull trying to obstruct advancements of LGBT rights is quite long.
Quote:As someone who knows a thing or two about the LGBT community, I can tell you it isn't Islamic views that have been touted over and over again as reasons to suppress LGBT rights in America. (I'll give you a hint. He can play flute with his palms.) The HRO debate will be coming back before city council soon. Go there and hear just how many opponents of expanding the existing HRO mention Islam, Mohammad or Sharia Law as reasons why they feel it is okay for LGBT people to be fired, evicted or kicked out of a restaurant. (Spoiler: you won't hear any of these words.)

So because Donald says he will add, "Do you believe in Sharia Law?" to the list of questions immigrants will have to answer, the right is a champion of LGBT causes? Do you not know where Prop 8 and the bathroom bills in places like Houston or NC come from? It ain't the Middle East. And newsflash.. despite what people may 'believe,' the laws of the land supersede religious doctrine. Secular law flies in Iran. This is 'Merica. So I can assure you the LGBT community is not viewing immigration policies of the left as an attack on their existence. The list of GOP leaders and those whose strings they pull trying to obstruct advancements of LGBT rights is quite long.

Not being able to use the restroom of your subjective gender is more worrisome than the importation of a religious culture that actively seeks to oppress or even murder you? I don't remember an anti-transgender bathroom activist shooting up a gay nightclub in Orlando.


Whatever. This country deserves its fate.
Quote:Not being able to use the restroom of your subjective gender is more worrisome than the importation of a religious culture that actively seeks to oppress or even murder you? I don't remember an anti-transgender bathroom activist shooting up a gay nightclub in Orlando.

Whatever. This country deserves its fate.

You cannot be a generations long enemy of a demographic and expect to woo them by adding one [BLEEP] clause to a revised immigration policy.

And I'm sorry I don't think 1.6 billion people want to murder me or my gay friends.
Conservatives believe LGBT have a right not to be murdered.  Libs believe LGBT have a right to tinkle in the wrong bathroom. 

Quote:Conservatives believe LGBT have a right not to be murdered. Libs believe LGBT have a right to tinkle in the wrong bathroom.

Tell me more about what rights conservatives feel LGBT people should have..
Quote:Conservatives believe LGBT have a right not to be murdered. Libs believe LGBT have a right to tinkle in the wrong bathroom.

Lol, you mean the conservatives that think gays ruined their marriage?


That's hilarious, Bryon.

Trump is not going to get that group to vote for a party that has hatred for them.

Do you know who trumps running mate is?
Quote:The early immigrants took generations to assimilate, as you point out. But they came here because they saw the US as a better place. They wanted to become Americans to the best of their ability. To use Italy as an example, they did not aspire to be Italians living in the US. They did not demand that everyone learn Italian. They did not demand that schools teach classes in Italian.

For many groups there is no assimilation. A majority of Muslims in the US still want Sharia law observed, including 2nd, 3rd, and 4th generation Muslims. They are NEVER going to assimilate.

And it's not just assimilation. Nowadays, many of the immigrants come here to get what they view the US owes them. They don't want to be Americans, they want to take back what they perceive as having been stolen from them by the US. I heard a very eloquent speaker at a graduation ceremony basically claim that the US owed it to the Mexicans to let them immigrate. Owed!

There is always sub groups within communities.

My best friend in college was from India. Most of his family was assimilated, a few never did.

If you look at Japanese communities, some have never given up their culture either.

As for middle eastern immigrants, look at los angels, there's a huge Iranian population. They all left Iran fur a better life away from the theocratic oppression. The kids of the immigrants are all assimilated, they keep some of their culture, but are Americans.

While you are right some immigrants never do fully integrate, that is not a trait of just one group. And, like I said, most do assimilate over a couple generations.

The problem with middle eastern immigrants is that they are the most recent cohort so we're not seeing the kids that grow up wearing jeans. But in 10-15 years, you will. That's the story of America.

I think it just takes time for it to occur.
Quote:Milo nailed it:

There’s no diplomatic way to put it. In this historic announcement, Donald Trump has dramatically overtaken the chronically Muslim-friendly Democratic Party on gay rights. I predict conservatives across the west will soon follow suit. The right is quickly realising that, thanks to the silence on Islam, it is they and not the left who are destined to safeguard women, gays, and minorities from the barbarians of the East.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.breitbart.com/milo/2016/08/15/republicans-just-overtook-dems-gay-rights/'>http://www.breitbart.com/milo/2016/08/15...ay-rights/</a>

As he continued on and decided to use deragatory terms later. Real hero of the same sex crowd.
Quote:As he continued on and decided to use deragatory terms later. Real hero of the same sex crowd.

Milo is a shock pundit, comedian, and one of the biggest advocates for the first amendment around. His demeanor and use of vulgarity is supposed to make you uncomfortable, or triggered, as you appear to be. I think he does a pretty good job exposing the hypocritical nature of SJWs and lefties abroad. It is a shame he got banned on Twitter, but such is life in a world full of conservative censorship.
Quote:Milo is a shock pundit, comedian, and one of the biggest advocates for the first amendment around. His demeanor and use of vulgarity is supposed to make you uncomfortable, or triggered, as you appear to be. I think he does a pretty good job exposing the hypocritical nature of SJWs and lefties abroad. It is a shame he got banned on Twitter, but such is life in a world full of conservative censorship.

Milo is similar to Ben Carson or that Herman Cain guy.

They sell out their class for right wing praise and wealth. They allow bigots to say, "see that one is a credit to his minority group". And then gives those bigots cover to maintain their bigotry against the rest of the group.

It's a smart move if you don't mind selling your soul for cash to a bunch of awful people that actually hate you.
Quote:You cannot be a generations long enemy of a demographic and expect to woo them by adding one [BAD WORD REMOVED] clause to a revised immigration policy.

And I'm sorry I don't think 1.6 billion people want to murder me or my gay friends.

Just conservatives.  Amirite?
Quote:Milo is similar to Ben Carson or that Herman Cain guy.

They sell out their class for right wing praise and wealth. They allow bigots to say, "see that one is a credit to his minority group". And then gives those bigots cover to maintain their bigotry against the rest of the group.

It's a smart move if you don't mind selling your soul for cash to a bunch of awful people that actually hate you.

LOL... it's the Demorats that have sold out blacks from the beginning, and continue to today.  You have zero standing when those you worship are bigots themselves.
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