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Full Version: Donald Trump criticizes family of slain Muslim Solider
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Quote:So you agree with Trump's response? I suppose any time you put yourself in the public eye you do open yourself up to a backlash, but the fact that that backlash actually came from a presidential candidate is staggering. How can you agree with what Trump said? And, if you don't agree, how can you support such a man to be president? He is a bigoted, strong-man candidate who is fueling prejudice and stoking anger in the American people.

What did he say that offended you so much? Just curious. I want the exact quote, for reference.
Quote:So you agree with Trump's response? I suppose any time you put yourself in the public eye you do open yourself up to a backlash, but the fact that that backlash actually came from a presidential candidate is staggering. How can you agree with what Trump said? And, if you don't agree, how can you support such a man to be president? He is a bigoted, strong-man candidate who is fueling prejudice and stoking anger in the American people.

I've already said I don't agree with what Trump said in response to Mr. Khan's wife not being able to speak. As far as I know, that is the worst thing he said.


I also don't agree with Mr. Khan doing media tours.

Quote:Random question. You can answer it or not. You have 89 posts and have been a member on here for 9 years posting heavily in the political forum.


What gives?

I'm very excited about Telvin Smith and Myles Jack forming a dominant linebacker duo for the coming era of Jags dominance... etc etc....


This forum is more interesting, at least until the season starts. (can't wait)
Quote:What did he say that offended you so much? Just curious. I want the exact quote, for reference.

His allegation that Khan's mother 'wasn't allowed to have anything to say'. 


99% of people would have seen that speech and felt nothing but sympathy for that woman. Trump instead tries to turn her into a symbol of his perceived Muslim oppression, and use her to stoke up anti-Muslim sentiment.


It lacks any degree of class, compassion or decency. Trump is so obviously a despicable human being, and it is terrifying that such a large percentage of the country support him.
Quote:His allegation that Khan's mother 'wasn't allowed to have anything to say'. 


99% of people would have seen that speech and felt nothing but sympathy for that woman. Trump instead tries to turn her into a symbol of his perceived Muslim oppression, and use her to stoke up anti-Muslim sentiment.


It lacks any degree of class, compassion or decency. Trump is so obviously a despicable human being, and it is terrifying that such a large percentage of the country support him.


"Trump is so obviously a despicable human being, and it is terrifying that such a large percentage of the country support him"



Amazing how the word Trump can be replaced with Hillary here and still apply.
Quote:"Trump is so obviously a despicable human being, and it is terrifying that such a large percentage of the country support him"



Amazing how the word Trump can be replaced with Hillary here and still apply.
Frankly I disagree. There are many negative adjectives I could use for Hillary, but she is nothing like Trump. He is a rich bully who is used to getting his own way, and will lash out whenever he doesn't. He is narcissistic and unstable. And he is a bigot. All of these things make him the worst possible candidate to lead a country, yet all of these things also make him very successful at political campaigning, especially in America.
Quote:His allegation that Khan's mother 'wasn't allowed to have anything to say'. 


99% of people would have seen that speech and felt nothing but sympathy for that woman. Trump instead tries to turn her into a symbol of his perceived Muslim oppression, and use her to stoke up anti-Muslim sentiment.


It lacks any degree of class, compassion or decency. Trump is so obviously a despicable human being, and it is terrifying that such a large percentage of the country support him.

Thanks. If you feel that way, so be it. Personally, I am not offended. I don't think being the parent of a fallen solider automatically gives you immunity to criticism. If you talk crap, you get slapped (figuratively Rolleyes). They made a lot of inaccurate and slanderous remarks about Trump while also making invalid statements about the constitution, so he hit back. He also pointed out a fact about Muslims that people like to hide, which is forced obedience (authorized by Sharia, which Mr. Khan is an advocate for).


I had no problem with the media attacking Pat Smith, my problem is the media not taking a partisan approach with the Khans. Hillary said worse things to Pat and Dorothy, but there was zero outrage from the MSM. It is hypocritical.


Here is the full transcript for anyone who may have only read the headline:



I don't know if you saw this speech, but there was a man named Khizr Khan speaking at the Democratic Convention last night. His son, Captain Humayun Khan, was killed serving in Iraq. And he had some very tough questions for you. He said you wouldn't have even let his son in America.



He doesn't know. He doesn't know that. I saw him. He was, you know, very emotional and probably looked like a nice guy to me. His wife, if you look at his wife, she was standing there. She had nothing to say. She probably, maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say. You tell me. But plenty of people have written that. She was extremely quiet. And it looked like she had nothing to say. A lot of people have said that. And personally, I watched him. I wish him the best of luck.



What would you say to that father?



Well, I'd say we've had a lot of problems with radical Islamic terrorism. That's what I'd say. We have a lot of problems, where you look at San Bernardino. You look at Orlando. You look at the World Trade Center. You look at so many different things. You look at what happened to the priest over the weekend in Paris, where his throat was cut, 85-year-old, beloved Catholic priest. You look at what happened in Nice, France, a couple of weeks ago. I'd say you’ve got to take a look at that, because something is going on. And it's not good.



He said you have sacrificed nothing and no one.



Well, that sounds - who wrote that? Did Hillary's scriptwriters write it? Because everybody that went out there, we also had John Allen who failed with ISIS. I mean, he was a general, Allen, General Allen. He went out. And he was ranting and raving. And then I read a report. He was in there for a number of months. And he failed with ISIS.



You saw Hillary say last night, you don't know more than the generals.



Well, I'll tell you, the generals aren't doing so well right now. Now, I have a feeling it may be Obama's fault. But if you look at ISIS…General McArthur and General Patton, they're spinning in their graves. The generals certainly aren't doing very well right now. And General Allen, after I saw he was on ranting and raving about me, who he never met, I checked up. Guess what. They weren't so happy with him. He didn't beat ISIS. He didn't beat ISIS. He didn't do even well with ISIS.



How would you answer that father? What sacrifice have you made for your country?



I think I've made a lot of sacrifices. I work very, very hard. I've created thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of thousands of jobs, built great structures. I've done, I've had tremendous success. I think I've done a lot.



Those are sacrifices?



Oh, sure. I think they're sacrifices. I think when I can employ thousands and thousands of people, take care of their education, take care of so many things, even in military. I mean, I was very responsible, along with a group of people, for getting the Vietnam Memorial built in downtown Manhattan, which to this day people thank me for. I raised, and I have raised, millions of dollars for the vets. I'm helping the vets a lot. I think my popularity with the vets is through the roof, far greater than hers. She's done nothing. All she's done is tell everybody that the vets are in good shape. They're fine. And they're not fine. People are waiting on line for seven days to see a doctor. She thinks it's fine.



Quote:Frankly I disagree. There are many negative adjectives I could use for Hillary, but she is nothing like Trump. He is a rich bully who is used to getting his own way, and will lash out whenever he doesn't. He is narcissistic and unstable. And he is a bigot. All of these things make him the worst possible candidate to lead a country, yet all of these things also make him very successful at political campaigning, especially in America.

Bigot, bully, RICH (that's real bad), narcissistic. All buzzwords pushed by the left that have lost all meaning.


Want to talk real evil?


Hillary Obstructed Boko Haram's Terror Designation as Her Donors Cashed In


In January 2015, I was one of the first to report on a massive massacre by Nigerian terror group Boko Haram in Borno State in northwest Nigeria, with reportedly thousands killed. Witnesses on the ground reported that bodies littered the landscape for miles as towns and villages had been burned to the ground, their populations murdered or fled.


By that time, Boko Haram had already become the most lethal terrorist organization in the world, now responsible for tens of thousands of deaths. Just yesterday, the United Nations accused Boko Haram of "almost unimaginable" levels of violence and brutality.


And yet, as Boko Haram began to ramp up its terror campaign in 2011 and 2012, Hillary Clinton obstructed the official terror designation of the group over the objections of Congress, the FBI, the CIA and the Justice Department.




How the Clinton Foundation Got Rich off Poor Haitians
Where did it go? It did not escape the attention of the Haitians that Bill Clinton was the designated UN representative for aid to Haiti. Following the earthquake, Bill Clinton had with media fanfare established the Haiti Reconstruction Fund. Meanwhile, his wife Hillary was the United States secretary of state. She was in charge of U.S. aid allocated to Haiti. Together the Clintons were the two most powerful people who controlled the flow of funds to Haiti from around the world.

The Haitian protesters noticed an interesting pattern involving the Clintons and the designation of how aid funds were used. They observed that a number of companies that received contracts in Haiti happened to be entities that made large donations to the Clinton Foundation. The Haitian contracts appeared less tailored to the needs of Haiti than to the needs of the companies that were performing the services. In sum, Haitian deals appeared to be a quid pro quo for filling the coffers of the Clintons.
For example, the Clinton Foundation selected Clayton Homes, a construction company owned by Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway, to build temporary shelters in Haiti. Buffett is an active member of the Clinton Global Initiative who has donated generously to the Clintons as well as the Clinton Foundation. The contract was supposed to be given through the normal United Nations bidding process, with the deal going to the lowest bidder who met the project’s standards. UN officials said, however, that the contract was never competitively bid for.

Quote:People can hate whomever they want to hate, but not acknowledging the massive shortcomings of their own candidate is annoying.

I'll vote for 1 of the 2 but I'll be the 1st person to admit both candidates are my last choices.


I'd be happy to vote for Sanders, Rubio, Kasich, or a few of the others if they were representing their respective parties.

Bigot, bully, RICH (that's real bad), narcissistic. All buzzwords pushed by the left that have lost all meaning.



They may have lost all meaning to you, but for me they come from my honest appraisal of his personality.


Maybe all those words are unnecessary though. Essentially I think Trump is just a BAD PERSON and I am shocked that so many people are willing to vote for him. Simplistic, but that's the way it is.


As for all the stuff about Hillary in your post... a. I'm not a big fan. b. we are talking about Trump.

Quote:They may have lost all meaning to you, but for me they come from my honest appraisal of his personality.


Maybe all those words are unnecessary though. Essentially I think Trump is just a BAD PERSON and I am shocked that so many people are willing to vote for him. Simplistic, but that's the way it is.


As for all the stuff about Hillary in your post... a. I'm not a big fan. b. we are talking about Trump.

Deflect all you want. Anything negative Trump has done is peanuts compared to Hillary. Trump is not a bad person nor a good person. He is a capitalist, a business man, a job creator. He is a leader and he is efficient. He is not corrupt like Hillary Clinton. He is not bought by hedge fund operators, bankers, or wall street like Hillary Clinton. He is not a serial liar like Hillary Clinton. He is not politically correct like Hillary Clinton. He is not compromised by foreign nationals like Hillary Clinton. He doesn't hide national secrets on private servers so they cannot be audited like Hillary Clinton. He is not a Soros puppet like Hillary Clinton. He is not for open borders and TPP like Hillary Clinton. He doesn't deny radical Islam and its threat to western civilization like Hillary Clinton. He doesn't take donations from nations that murder gays and enslaves women like Hillary Clinton.


I can make the case on what Trump is, if you want, but his qualifications are posted by many all over this forum.


The only thing Hillary Clinton has over Trump is being an effectively subversive politician. If she is elected, the transformation of the United States into a banana republic will be confirmed.
Both Trump and Hillary are bad people who have time and time shown disregard for the American population in effort to benefit themselves.

Quote:Deflect all you want. Anything negative Trump has done is peanuts compared to Hillary. Trump is not a bad person nor a good person. He is a capitalist, a business man, a job creator. He is a leader and he is efficient. He is not corrupt like Hillary Clinton. He is not bought by hedge fund operators, bankers, or wall street like Hillary Clinton. He is not a serial liar like Hillary Clinton. He is not politically correct like Hillary Clinton. He is not compromised by foreign nationals like Hillary Clinton. He doesn't hide national secrets on private servers so they cannot be audited like Hillary Clinton. He is not a Soros puppet like Hillary Clinton. He is not for open borders and TPP like Hillary Clinton. He doesn't deny radical Islam and its threat to western civilization like Hillary Clinton. He doesn't take donations from nations that murder gays and enslaves women like Hillary Clinton.

I can make the case on what Trump is, if you want, but his qualifications are posted by many all over this forum.

The only thing Hillary Clinton has over Trump is being an effectively subversive politician. If she is elected, the transformation of the United States into a banana republic will be confirmed.

Deflect? This is a conversation about Trump! Lol
Quote:Deflect? This is a conversation about Trump! Lol

I guess you can't read. Public education is truly doing a disservice to American citizens. Sad!
Quote:I guess you can't read. Public education is truly doing a disservice to American citizens. Sad!

You can't talk about Trump without talking about Clinton, definition of deflecting.

Also, for the reference, and you can hold this against me all you like, I am not American.
Quote:You can't talk about Trump without talking about Clinton, definition of deflecting.

Also, for the reference, and you can hold this against me all you like, I am not American.

Do they not realize when they respond to "Trump is bad" with "Yes, but Hillary is bad" they are admitting both are bad?
Quote:You can't talk about Trump without talking about Clinton, definition of deflecting.

Also, for the reference, and you can hold this against me all you like, I am not American.
Some should consider what they say before the foot gets inserted 
Quote:You can't talk about Trump without talking about Clinton, definition of deflecting.

Also, for the reference, and you can hold this against me all you like, I am not American.

He talked a lot about Trump in this post. Maybe you need to brush up on your English?

Quote:Frankly I disagree. There are many negative adjectives I could use for Hillary, but she is nothing like Trump. He is a rich bully who is used to getting his own way, and will lash out whenever he doesn't. He is narcissistic and unstable. And he is a bigot. All of these things make him the worst possible candidate to lead a country, yet all of these things also make him very successful at political campaigning, especially in America.

Exactly. Hillary has red marks on her political career BECAUSE SHE HAS A POLITICAL CAREER.

To put it plainly - does anybody believe that if Drumpf was Secretary of State he would do that job honestly and with the highest level of ethical standards? Or would he have done it the trump way?
Quote:And shame on you for this. Anybody with half a brain who reads that nonsense can see it for what it is. You talk about media having an agenda and then you share garbage like this.

From the conclusion of the article " Is it likely that Khan’s son was killed before his Islamist mission was accomplished? Only another type of investigation will determine that. Do they ever mention how many soldiers have died because of Muslim traitors? Do they ever bring up how many Christians in the US military were killed? Yet the modernists and homosexuals continue to attack Christians."

Poisonous stuff.

The shoebat clan offshoot has little to no credibility.
Quote:The shoebat clan offshoot has little to no credibility.

The MSM has little to no credibility.
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