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Quote:What a hideous woman.

How so?
She just ruined Madagascar for me. Thanks.
Lot of balloon knots on stage.

Quote:She just ruined Madagascar for me. Thanks.
Madagascar was a thing for you?
It is truly a shame that history had to be made with this heinous woman.
Quote:It is truly a shame that history had to be made with this heinous woman.

I'm not entirely sure that IS a woman.
Did they actually trot Bernie out there again, to warn his ex-supporters not to vote for Jill Stein?  Getting desperate.  Bernie sold out then tells his peeps that they should sell out too.  Don't vote for what you believe, vote for the people who just betrayed you.

The greatest piece of real estate Donald Trump owns right now is in Hillary's head.

- Hannity
lots of conservative voices suggesting this wasn't such a train wreck



Quote:The greatest piece of real estate Donald Trump owns right now is in Hillary's head.

- Hannity

Says the guy who has obsessed about the Clintons for two decades?
Let's recap:

- boot out many Bernie supporters

- hire seat fillers as replacements

- lock the fire doors so no one can leave during Hillary's speech

- booing during Hillary speech

- Bill falls asleep during Hillary speech

- turn backs on Medal of Honor speech

- unfurl wiki leaks banner during Hillary speech

- after being called out for no American flags they stripped all the local gov buildings and rushed them over

- chanting Black Lives Matter during moment of silence for dead policemen


After a week of complaining about Trump and the Russians they use the Russian Black Sea Fleet as their patriotic backdrop

Quote:Let's recap:

- boot out many Bernie supporters

- hire seat fillers as replacements

- lock the fire doors so no one can leave during Hillary's speech

- booing during Hillary speech

- Bill falls asleep during Hillary speech

- turn backs on Medal of Honor speech

- unfurl wiki leaks banner during Hillary speech

- after being called out for no American flags they stripped all the local gov buildings and rushed them over

- chanting Black Lives Matter during moment of silence for dead policemen


After a week of complaining about Trump and the Russians they use the Russian Black Sea Fleet as their patriotic backdrop

You forgot about the training of Hillary's pets to chant her name whenever a Bernie chant started. She has very good pets that listen well.
Wow. A lot of fear and insecurity being exhibited here.


And you think Trump is in Hillary's head. You guys must dream about her.

Quote:Wow. A lot of fear and insecurity being exhibited here.


And you think Trump is in Hillary's head. You guys must dream about her.

Nightmares are dreams, so you might be correct.
I almost - almost - wish Trump would win. For the shear entertainment value. But we'd need a new Cabinet level position - the Director of This Is What He Really Meant. I think Badger would be perfect.


What are the yahoo politicians going to do now that Obama is leaving? Everyday I get a number of glossy mailings from all these Trump wannabes trying to link any opponent who isn't to the right of Louis XIV and every one has a picture of Obama. They're kind of like Trump - very little of what they plan to do but OMG my opponent was once in the same city as Obama!


Party of Lincoln my butt. 

Quote:I almost - almost - wish Trump would win. For the shear entertainment value. But we'd need a new Cabinet level position - the Director of This Is What He Really Meant. I think Badger would be perfect.


What are the yahoo politicians going to do now that Obama is leaving? Everyday I get a number of glossy mailings from all these Trump wannabes trying to link any opponent who isn't to the right of Louis XIV and every one has a picture of Obama. They're kind of like Trump - very little of what they plan to do but OMG my opponent was once in the same city as Obama!


Party of Lincoln my butt. 

The best part of a Trump presidency will be the media starting to report the truth about the poor state of our society. Of course they won't allow any of that "B-b-Bush" nonsense they let Captain Petulance get away with for his whole reign administration, and all of the country's ills will date precisely back to Trump's inauguration, but at least the glitter spouting smoke blowers will go away and we can, ,just maybe, talk about what's really wrong with this country.
Quote:The best part of a Trump presidency will be the media starting to report the truth about the poor state of our society. Of course they won't allow any of that "B-b-Bush" nonsense they let Captain Petulance get away with for his whole reign administration, and all of the country's ills will date precisely back to Trump's inauguration, but at least the glitter spouting smoke blowers will go away and we can, ,just maybe, talk about what's really wrong with this country.

You just wrote the lead advertising slogan for The Angry White Male. Fear and loathing in the gated community!


Do do realize there is more to America than what you can see from your little neighborhood, don't you?


Don't you?
Quote:It is truly a shame that history had to be made with this heinous woman.

History has been made the wrong way a lot lately.  She's just carrying the torch of firsts that America deserved better.


Herman Cain and Fiorina were just two easy examples of better alternatives.  But, now history will be known more for them being so disappointing than the fact they were "first."  Just compounds the lunacy.


Idiocracy Now

Quote:You forgot about the training of Hillary's pets to chant her name whenever a Bernie chant started. She has very good pets that listen well.

That's why they call them useful idiots.


Do they hand out membership cards for that, adam?  Or like everything else they do, do they just take your money then turn their back after all the empty talk is done?
Quote:You are a politicians wet dream. You've fallen for style over substance.

Sorry - you don't get it. I have fallen for nothing. I am reporting what is actually happening. PRODUCTION WISE - DNC was nothing near a train wreck - as claimed by OP. I won't call it epic, but it was pretty darn spectacular and incredibly effective. Period. The whole event went 100 times BETTER than the RNC. That fact isn't really disputable, is it? Try to see things objectively.
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