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Quote:Not enough U S A chants.

Clearly a problem.

Not enough white people.


Clearly a problem ... lol.
Quote:Did Hillary Clinton state these things? Did she state that she is for corporate welfare? Did she say she was for greed? Did she say she was for Wall Street?

Let's be careful about framing a campaign versus the campaign's actual position and message.

Good grief, are you serious? 
Quote:Good grief, are you serious?
I thought you blocked me... <3

With that said, please take the time to at least explain your position.

I always give you guys that benefit, for the most part-- unless I'm in a hurry and am just trying to be funny...

I'd like to see where exactly you disagree...
what's more important? words or actions?

And don't call me Sherly.
Quote:what's more important? words or actions?

You tell me. You act as though the candidate you back is pristine. There is a real argument that trump is more corrupt than any other candidate since Nixon.

Trump has documentation that his housing facilities made sure black people were not allowed. It's part of the public record. So spare me the higher ground argument.

You act as though trump backs your political persuasions, yet he was pro choice, pro assault weapon ban, pro free trade, pro raising taxes, heck he was pro-Hillary before he decided to sell his charlatan ways to the suckers of the Republican Party.

So you tell me...

What's more important? And what actions has your candidate executed that ensures he's trustworthy?
Quote:You tell me. You act as though the candidate you back is pristine. There is a real argument that trump is more corrupt than any other candidate since Nixon.

Trump has documentation that his housing facilities made sure black people were not allowed. It's part of the public record. So spare me the higher ground argument.

You act as though trump backs your political persuasions, yet he was pro choice, pro assault weapon ban, pro free trade, pro raising taxes, heck he was pro-Hillary before he decided to sell his charlatan ways to the suckers of the Republican Party.

So you tell me...

What's more important? And what actions has your candidate executed that ensures he's trustworthy?

if in the first line you exaggerate. i will not read the rest. i have in no way presented Trump as "pristine". and calling him more corrupt than Clinton without ever actually holding office yet?  but Clinton actually having held office and done it poorly... ya vote for her man.


the obvious answer is actions. unless you're an idiot who will focus on just words.  there is no guarantee Trump will actually do anything he says, but it's worth a shot to see.  we know what we get with Hillary.  you are one of the only people naive enough to say, "maybe she has changed" lol

Trump admitted to buying politicians

Record shows that trumps business ensured blacks would not get housing in his buildings.

Trump has stated he is pro choice

Trump has stated an assault weapons ban is best

Ivanka trump is a registered democrat and didn't vote in the republican primary in NY.

These are facts.
Quote:Trump admitted to buying politicians

Record shows that trumps business ensured blacks would not get housing in his buildings.

Trump has stated he is pro choice

Trump has stated an assault weapons ban is best

Ivanka trump is a registered democrat and didn't vote in the republican primary in NY.

These are facts.

1. does not mean he himself can be bought. that's a leap on your part.


2.  this is nonsense. he's not a racist no matter how badly you want him to be.  even if he is by your standards, so is hillary


3. maybe he is, maybe he isn't. wouldnt change anything in our country either way


4. then you should love him


5. nobody cares


6. facts that have little meaning
Quote:1. does not mean he himself can be bought. that's a leap on your part.


2.  this is nonsense. he's not a racist no matter how badly you want him to be.  even if he is by your standards, so is hillary


3. maybe he is, maybe he isn't. wouldnt change anything in our country either way


4. then you should love him


5. nobody cares


6. facts that have little meaning

1. So you do not believe in quid pro quo?

2. Blacks were not allowed. So yeah, seems racist. Facts. Deal with them.

3-6. I like you badger. I really do. But I'm giving you a chance to debate. Make an argument. The first secret I'll give you is this... Anticipate your opponent's argument.

For instance, in the 90's, Hillary Clinton attacked segments of the black population as "super predators"... That position for you would have created a position for that argument that could muddy the waters...

It's a debate, it's supposed to be fun. Don't let the ideology force you into compromising your beliefs. Remember, unless you are a harsh ideologue (like trump), your position can change as long as you are true to yourself and your point.

As new information is presented, ones position should be re-evaluated..
Quote:The first secret I'll give you is this... Anticipate your opponent's argument.


Frequently when you over rely on this tactic you end up debating your assumption of the other person's position.
Quote:1. So you do not believe in quid pro quo?

2. Blacks were not allowed. So yeah, seems racist. Facts. Deal with them.

3-6. I like you badger. I really do. But I'm giving you a chance to debate. Make an argument. The first secret I'll give you is this... Anticipate your opponent's argument.

For instance, in the 90's, Hillary Clinton attacked segments of the black population as "super predators"... That position for you would have created a position for that argument that could muddy the waters...

It's a debate, it's supposed to be fun. Don't let the ideology force you into compromising your beliefs. Remember, unless you are a harsh ideologue (like trump), your position can change as long as you are true to yourself and your point.

As new information is presented, ones position should be re-evaluated..

that's why i said by those standards, hillary is also racist.  it doesn't matter anyway. if you're choosing between these two based on who is less racist then you are stupid.


i dont see how quid pro quo is relevant unless politicians he once donated to will in return, do what exactly?

Quote:I thought you blocked me... <3

With that said, please take the time to at least explain your position.

I always give you guys that benefit, for the most part-- unless I'm in a hurry and am just trying to be funny...

I'd like to see where exactly you disagree...
I thought about blocking you but decided you don't annoy me that much- yet.  :thumbsup:  Also, I am just taking quick peeks here while doing other stuff and at the time I didn't have the time to go into what I disagreed with. 


About what you said that I quoted and replied to, the woman is obviously all about greed, power, and the other things listed that I can't go back to and reference right this minute. If she wasn't she wouldn't allow all of the corruption to happen that has gotten her where she is, not just in this election cycle but also to her life career-wise. And there is a lot she has allowed to happen. Just because she hasn't been caught and/or prosecuted and found guilty does not mean she's innocent, it just means she's greasing the "right" palms which means people are paid to do the dirty work and she can have plausible deniability. That DNC woman is a perfect example, except she got caught. Clinton's mistake was hiring her after the fact and that will bite her in her ample rear at some point. 


I realize there is a certain amount of corruption that goes on in politics regardless of the party, but she has gone above and beyond and someone who goes to those lengths is not interested in anything but power, greed, money, etc. I feel for the democrats who are believing her lies. It must hurt to be so blind.  
Quote:As a Bernie bro, I'm elated that that Curley haired republican disguised as the democratic chair was pushed out. And while that made waves on Sunday, it did not overshadow day 1, in my opinion. Cnn isn't even discussing it anymore.

Being objective about it, there were a couple hiccups yesterday--- but compared to the revolt in the afternoon of the rnc, and the fact that the lies about trumps 3rd wife's plagiarism was perpetuated for 4 days, not to mention the huge gap in enthusiasm between the two parties on day one-- the poop show champs on day one is the gop.

Cmon, TA. You know the reasons for these things.

1. "CNN isn't even discussing it anymore."

Wow, what a complete shock that is, lol! You know very well that if the RNC chair had to step down over sketchy leaked emails,, that CNN and MSNBC would be driving that home probably even still.

2. "lies about Trump's 3rd wife's plagiarism was perpetuated for 4 days" :

See topic 1. Wow, what a shock that is also, lol! I can't believe CNN and MSNBC perpetuated the speech for 4 days,, but have already moved on from the DNC chair stepping down from leaked info! Color me absolutely stunned, lol.

TA, alot of your posts are usually thought out and intelligent (regardless if I agree with your stances or not,,, on some things I do agree btw). But, you know that's very weak sauce and extreme bias of the media on full display here. You know that, man.
To cry foul now is certainly different. Whether or not we think we know something vs. having full proof evidence makes a huge difference. We can say Hillary is corrupt all day long, but having video of the corruption or a smoking gun changes things because it is more difficult to sweep it under the rug. Hearing about something and seeing it again, different. Lets take abuse for example. Hearing about someone who beat up his girlfriend people will have a reaction. Seeing the video of the beating and now you have people marching, protesting, etc... Hearing about police brutality you say yeah I know that happens, but... Seeing it though creates a completely different level of anger, emotion, etc...

I think what is worse though is seeing it and still being numb to it. That's when you've lost the fight.

Did Hillary state those things? No, she is a wolf in sheeps clothing. Why in the heck would she state that? Did she state that she was using the DNC to help her campaign and undermine Bernie? No. She also didn't state that she sent classified emails either. Not to mention all the emails she deleted. You can have the position of where is your proof, but there are plenty of signs, evidence of what she is. Just like there were plenty of signs, evidence of the DNC favoring Clinton. You state in one sentence everyone knows it has been this way for 30 years then say show you the proof of Clinton being this or that. Whatever I show you you will say it doesn't prove this or that. It just seems you are speaking from both sides. We have proof of the DNC trying to undermine Bernie and your response is so what, it's been going on for 30 years, had no effect, etc... If it had such little effect than why would they go through all of this and risk the fallout? What's the reward? If Bernie had hardly any chance than why risk it? Because they feared him. You don't do all that against someone that isn't a threat.
As far as his speech goes, I listened to as much as I could stand.
Quote:That's interesting. Where does trump stand on campaign finance reform?

That was a weak and obvious attempt at dissembling.  Hillary was caught again breaking the law, so let's desperately make this about Trump. 


I speculate that Trump's stand is to not be a felon.
Quote:Hillary was caught again breaking the law, so let's desperately make this about Trump. 

Sounds like every CNN panel ever.
[Image: 13680773_559435097576697_890781152512389...e=582267D8]

Quote:[Image: 13680773_559435097576697_890781152512389...e=582267D8]
It's understandably hard to get the flags from china after trump and the RNC already bought them all. 


So are you officially on board supporting the guy who has fooled you all into thinking he's playing for your team? Nice try at a meme though gramps. I'm sure you can find something better in your spam folder next time. 
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