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Quote:So is that a yes or a no? 


You need to reply to my post you ran away from. 

Isn't it cute how liberals get so offended when they aren't addressed specifically?


[Image: rYlq3TW.gif]


So which post do I need to respond to dear?
Quote:Gotta say, it was very strange to see the DNC with no American flags. Do Dems not find that weird? Is there an explanation for it?

This was a dumb statement. I saw the flag so many times. Even Snopes laughs at this.

Quote:Demi Lovato, Sarah Silverman, Alicia Keys, Meryl Streep

Could someone tell me why anybody needs to hear what these ladies have to say regarding (democratic) politics in general?

As much as we cared what Trumps kids have to say?
Quote:Demi Lovato, Sarah Silverman, Alicia Keys, Meryl Streep

Could someone tell me why anybody needs to hear what these ladies have to say regarding (democratic) politics in general?
No idea.

Any more than the great insights of some low ranked golfer ( on celebrity apprentice...that's some qualifications right there), UFC fighter, the Duck Commander and Scott Chachi Baio

As both parties have division, the big difference is how Bernie handled it vs Ted Cruz.
Quote:This was a dumb statement. I saw the flag so many times. Even Snopes laughs at this.

I saw that.  I was confused by it so should have my own flags go up.  I usually catch these things and use Snopes often.  Media got this time, dammit.  I wuz dumb.  
Dems are killing it. Can't wait to see Fox spin these speeches.

Powerful "come together" ideas - Instead of dividing and segregating Americans.
Quote:Dems are killing it. Can't wait to see Fox spin these speeches.

Powerful "come together" ideas - Instead of dividing and segregating Americans.

Sort of like how CNN and MSNBC spun the RNC to be "Dark" and "Angry"?
Quote:Dems are killing it. Can't wait to see Fox spin these speeches.

Powerful "come together" ideas - Instead of dividing and segregating Americans.

So the Dems are finally giving up "diversity?"

Quote:Not enough white people.

Clearly a problem ... lol.

Totally not racist!!!
You'd think with the email confirmation of paid DNC internet shills that maybe they'd refrain from posting with such zeal for a few days.  


It's piqued my interest, though.  How much are they actually getting paid?  And if it's significant, who do I need to contact?   PM me.

Quote:You'd think with the email confirmation of paid DNC internet shills that maybe they'd refrain from posting with such zeal for a few days.  


It's piqued my interest, though.  How much are they actually getting paid?  And if it's significant, who do I need to contact?   PM me.

sent :thumbsup:
Quote:Sort of like how CNN and MSNBC spun the RNC to be "Dark" and "Angry"?

Lol, "spin"....
Watching Bill try to humanize Hillary was painful. I felt like I had 2 birthdays during his speech.

One difference in the conventions? The Dems have some friction within, and so do the GOP.

Unless I'm misinformed, over 20 GOP representatives did not attended the RNC. Although there may have been some pushing and shoving, the Dems got under one umbrella. The GOP had many who wanted their own umbrella.

Trump said it himself. The Dems stick together more than the GOP.

It may prove costly.
Cruz tried to cause dissent, the people boo'd.  Bernie tried to unify, the people boo'd.  Complete opposite reality than the picture main stream news painted for the past several months.

Quote:One difference in the conventions? The Dems have some friction within, and so do the GOP.

Unless I'm misinformed, over 20 GOP representatives did not attended the RNC. Although there may have been some pushing and shoving, the Dems got under one umbrella. The GOP had many who wanted their own umbrella.

Trump said it himself. The Dems stick together more than the GOP.

It may prove costly.

You are right. There is clear evidence of bias by the DNC to ensure their chosen candidate Hillary was victorious over Bernie. Anti-semitism, racism, and sexism, values supposedly antithetical to Democrats, were broadcasted by the organizations members. How does Bernie the anti-establishment revolutionary respond? He endorses the very person who screwed him over and the representative of big money and establishment politics. How does Hillary respond? She hires the rat to her staff who orchestrated the rigging and her coronation.


Democrats definitely stick together. They sacrifice their principles (whatever few they have) to keep a rigged system running. Gotta give them credit for that.
Quote:You are right. There is clear evidence of bias by the DNC to ensure their chosen candidate Hillary was victorious over Bernie. Anti-semitism, racism, and sexism, values supposedly antithetical to Democrats, were broadcasted by the organizations members. How does Bernie the anti-establishment revolutionary respond? He endorses the very person who screwed him over and the representative of big money and establishment politics. How does Hillary respond? She hires the rat to her staff who orchestrated the rigging and her coronation.


Democrats definitely stick together. They sacrifice their principles (whatever few they have) to keep a rigged system running. Gotta give them credit for that.

You're a trump supporter, right? So you think that it's a good thing that john McCain, mitt Romney, the entire bush administration, and all of the normal republicans realized that trump is too racist and dangerous for this country? How is this a good thing for your candidate, exactly?

Lol, half the gop refused to show up for trump, including two female republican governors, and you are trying to spin this a positive? Can you please clarify your thinking?
Quote:You're a trump supporter, right? So you think that it's a good thing that john McCain, mitt Romney, the entire bush administration, and all of the normal republicans realized that trump is too racist and dangerous for this country? How is this a good thing for your candidate, exactly?

Lol, half the gop refused to show up for trump, including two female republican governors, and you are trying to spin this a positive? Can you please clarify your thinking?

McCain, Graham, Romney, the Bushes, and the other neocons no-showing was the greatest thing that could happen at the RNC. They represent an old guard that is antithetical of the United States values and constitution. They didn't boycott it because Trump is a racist, though CNN and your other left-wing news outlets controlled by the DNC would like you to believe so. They did it because Trump is cutting ties with the warhawks and globalists that now support Hillary Clinton. I wouldn't be surprised to see any of them endorse Hillary Clinton or even change parties. Ted Cruz getting booed offstage for NOT endorsing Trump (unlike Sanders getting booed FOR endorsing Hillary) cemented the unified transition by the voters to a pro-America Republican party. How is that not viewed as positive?


I don't know why you would be upset about the war wing of the Republican party separating from Trump and the new Republicans. Do you fear that your own party is becoming the party of warmongering and disastrous job killing trade deals? Because it is.
#DemExit is happening.


Bedlam on the convention floor.  Security confiscating Bernie signs and No-TPP signs, threatening delegates with arrest for holding up signs.  Major boos whenever Hillary's name is mentioned.  Thousands of delegates walked out, thousands of empty prime time seats.  Major anti-Hillary protests outside.

Quote:#DemExit is happening.


Bedlam on the convention floor.  Security confiscating Bernie signs and No-TPP signs, threatening delegates with arrest for holding up signs.  Major boos whenever Hillary's name is mentioned.  Thousands of delegates walked out, thousands of empty prime time seats.  Major anti-Hillary protests outside.
And yet, the democrats will still try to say it's going better than the RNC
All you need to know about the DNC in one simple statement:


"But Bill Clinton went on stage last night to do the impossible -- to humanize the inhuman. Instead of talking about policy and economics, about which he has some credibility, he instead chose to speak of love, commitment, and marriage, about which he has none."


Good night folks, the party's over.

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