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Of course they don't get it.  Trump heard the speech and decided to give Cruz a brightly-lit stage on which to commit political suicide. 

Laughing at the fake surprise when the non-establishment guy does things unconventionally.  At least I hope it's fake, otherwise it's simple naivete.  With emphasis on simple.


Radical libs are going to criticize him no matter what he does, inventing whatever spin they want.  So, it's all moot.


It's quite entertaining to watch the overreactions to every little thing.

Whatever they can do to take the focus off of Hillary

Quote:What about Cruz would ever prompt you to lump him in with the predominantly liberal RINO crowd?

The trumpettes have never followed politics or the issues in most cases. So they just parrot what they've passively heard on fox before. Anyone not aligned with the ultimate outsider must be a rino or establishment Republican!

Never mind some of the biggest neo-con RINO establishment republicans have been in trumps corner from the start like Christe, Rick Scott, Rudy and so on....nah he's a true small government Republican I must be a RINO..
Quote:Of course they don't get it.  Trump heard the speech and decided to give Cruz a brightly-lit stage on which to commit political suicide. 
Not necessarily.  You're assuming Donald will win the election.  If he doesn't, Cruz has put himself in a prime spot.


WP on Cruz's gamble.
Quote:That's not what an escort service does.  Or so I've heard. 


So, due to your irrelevant deflection I will assume you admit you were wrong. They were not forced to leave by the authorities, they needed protection.


If I made a promise, I keep it.  Nothing anyone else says or does has any bearing. 


Your loyalty to your party supersedes your loyalty to your family. Check. Why was Trump not held accountable for a lack of respect for someone who had pledged to support him if he won? There are some things one can do that betray the spirit of any agreement.
Quote:Laughing at the fake surprise when the non-establishment guy does things unconventionally.  At least I hope it's fake, otherwise it's simple naivete.  With emphasis on simple.


Radical libs are going to criticize him no matter what he does, inventing whatever spin they want.  So, it's all moot.


It's quite entertaining to watch the overreactions to every little thing.

I wasn't surprised at all, I would have been surprised had Cruz endorsed Trump. This whole convention has been surprisingly entertaining, unintentionally so, both the actions and reactions.
Quote:Not necessarily.  You're assuming Donald will win the election.  If he doesn't, Cruz has put himself in a prime spot.


WP on Cruz's gamble.

There is a professor who made a statistical model that has predicted who will win the presidential election for the past century with almost 100% accuracy (Was wrong for the 1960 election).  He said there is a 97-99% chance Trump wins the election.






I find it funny how close attention the left pays to this RNC.  There is 0 chance I pay any attention to the DNC (if there even is such a thing). 

Quote:I find it funny how close attention the left pays to this RNC. There is 0 chance I pay any attention to the DNC (if there even is such a thing).
Over/under on time between Trump tweets is 4m31s.
So Ted's big gamble is that he's an untrustworthy rodent who hopes his party fails because it might help his career down the road?  This is why D.C. is dysfunctional.  All the rats care about is personal gain. 

Quote:I find it funny how close attention the left pays to this RNC.  There is 0 chance I pay any attention to the DNC (if there even is such a thing). 


Everyone watches a train wreck happening in front of them.
This story is pretty much just another non-story.  It seems that only the main stream media and a few establishment types are the only ones worked up because of Ted Cruz's non-endorsement of Donald Trump.


For the record, the Trump campaign reviewed the speech that Ted Cruz was going to give prior to him speaking.  Say what you will about Donald Trump, but one thing that he is not is a conventional politician.  If anything the Trump campaign was pretty smart to allow the speech because it keeps the media talking about the convention.


As far as Cruz, I admire the man even more.  First of all, he took this so-called "pledge" prior to Trump insulting his wife and his father.  For Cruz to refuse to endorse Trump and choose his family and his values over the GOP speaks volumes.  It also shows once again that Cruz is an "outsider", ie. not one of the establishment politicians.  Should he choose to run again he'll once again be among the top of my list.

Quote:So Ted's big gamble is that he's an untrustworthy rodent who hopes his party fails because it might help his career down the road?  This is why D.C. is dysfunctional.  All the rats care about is personal gain. 

It was no gamble at all.  He stood by his values and his principles unlike the string of others in the GOP, something that you don't see very often in a politician.

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Byron LeftTown" data-cid="773859" data-time="1469120404">
That's not what an escort service does.  Or so I've heard. 


So, due to your irrelevant deflection I will assume you admit you were wrong. They were not forced to leave by the authorities, they needed protection.


If I made a promise, I keep it.  Nothing anyone else says or does has any bearing. 


Your loyalty to your party supersedes your loyalty to your family. Check. Why was Trump not held accountable for a lack of respect for someone who had pledged to support him if he won? There are some things one can do that betray the spirit of any agreement.


Do you want a chance to rephrase that part about my family, RJ?  I made a simple statement about honoring my promises and you claim I am disloyal to my family due to an imaginary promise I made to a party I don't belong to?  I frankly don't think I've seen anything lower in a long time. 
A total non-story... Ted Cruz, the rat is a nobody....

How many delegates did he get?

But no. It's a non story. Pay no attention to the flaming pile of poo that is center stage at the rnc.

I swear, it's like this is the first time some of you have ever seen a national convention before.

Here's the cliff's notes---this isn't how it's supposed to go. Thus is a total poop show.

It's great television, and I'm laughing all the time.

But I don't want amateur hour when it comes to running our country.
Quote:There is a professor who made a statistical model that has predicted who will win the presidential election for the past century with almost 100% accuracy (Was wrong for the 1960 election).  He said there is a 97-99% chance Trump wins the election.




Cool story bro
Quote:A total non-story... Ted Cruz, the rat is a nobody....

How many delegates did he get?

But no. It's a non story. Pay no attention to the flaming pile of poo that is center stage at the rnc.

I swear, it's like this is the first time some of you have ever seen a national convention before.

Here's the cliff's notes---this isn't how it's supposed to go. Thus is a total poop show.

It's great television, and I'm laughing all the time.

But I don't want amateur hour when it comes to running our country.

Could it be that it's by design?


I can't wait to see the robots next week.
LOL, Anchorman really is watching the Convention!  Let us know how it turns out, OK?  I'm busy over here watching paint dry. 

im really too busy having a life to care much about the RNC let alone the DNC.  and im not even that busy.  just shows how so many people have way too much time on their hands.  they are glued to a tv watching a convention they dont belong to, or even worse they show up on the streets to protest and burn american flags.  


whenever the other side is burning flags and inciting riots, it does give me confirmation that I'm on the right side.

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