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Quote:Sorry, didn't see your question. Just turned 38 on Saturday
So you have been hooked on conventions since you were 6? Umm..... Yeah
Quote:The most important one is defending his family after they were insulted by the nominee.  His family means more than the party.  Speaking of which, he is clearly not one of the "insiders" or part of the GOP establishment.


Quote:That's hurt feelings not principles or values.


You want to know a dude that had real values...  Kasich...  The dude despises trump as much as Ted, the trump convention is in his state, he was given a chance to come and air his grievences...  He stayed home.


That's a true man, with true values.  He doesn't have to make his values a political point.  Ted is scum.  
Quote:So you have been hooked on conventions since you were 6? Umm..... Yeah

I still remember it like it was yesterday, to be honest.


It was dark outside, and in the summer time it means that it must have been 9 PM at least...  The crowd on the TV looked HUGE, like it was the entire USA that was there.


And they were all chanting "4 MORE YEARS, 4 MORE YEARS".  And in my child like mind, I don't want to remember how old I am, I was thinking OMG, my president doesn't want to be president anymore!!  


I was on the edge of my seat...


And then Reagan came out and started talking.  I didn't understand what he was really saying.  But every now and then, the chant went up... "4 MORE YEARS!  4 MORE YEARS".


I was on the edge of my seat...  Was he gonna accept it?  Was he gonna still be our president???  


Finally, after what felt like the entire night, he said something to the affect that he proudly accepts the nomination for PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!


I still remember jumping up and down and being so excited about it...  Not having any idea why, other than the relief that the continuity of Reagan-- this guy that I didn't even know-- was gonna still be the President and was gonna keep everything the way I liked it.


So yeah, I was pretty young, but I've never missed a convention, Democratic or Republican since.  


Nobody asked me...  But I thought Don Jr.'s speech was damn good.  I disagreed with all of it, and I thought his final paragraph was rhetorical garbage, but it was a great speech.  


I'm surprised nobody ever started a thread on it.  Don Jr.'s speech was the best of the convention.  
Quote:Sorry, didn't see your question. Just turned 38 on Saturday

So you got hooked watching Regan at like 8? I can't get my kids to watch anything absent of a cartoon character lol
Quote:So you got hooked watching Regan at like 8? I can't get my kids to watch anything absent of a cartoon character lol

I was a little younger than that...  But we didn't really have that much opportunity for entertainment back in the 80's!!  It's not like I had Pokemon Go to distract me.


I just tried to get my 7 year old to watch the convention during dinner.  She's kinda done with the convention this week.  But we've talked about trump for the last several months.


I make sure she watches the news with me at least a couple times a week.  She knows who trump is.  She knows who Bernie is.  I haven't explained the Clintons to her.  I don't think I'm gonna put that on her.


But next week, during the Democratic Convention, I'll make sure she knows that a woman is running against trump.  She already knows that race doesn't matter.  It's important for her to know that a woman can be president.


No matter what the trump convention is saying, this is a good time to be alive.  RealMarty said it best, I'm not worried about terrorism.  And I'm not worried about a a race war either.


I'm raising my kids to love, not to fear.  And all the kids I've met because of my kid; makes me have faith that parents aren't as awful as the politicians we see on TV and the news all the time.


Things are actually gonna be OK.  ISIS won't kill you.  Cops are gonna get it right.  And black dudes are actually pretty cool, too.  


Teach your children well.  Ya know?   By the way, the fear of government is real.  The struggle is real as well.  But I'd prefer to elect a politician that speaks to the hope of government that the fear that government is evil.  That's just me.  
Quote:So you got hooked watching Regan at like 8? I can't get my kids to watch anything absent of a cartoon character lol

Regan was never a candidate, but the last time I went down this road it befuddled a few, so I'll just assume you meant Ronald, not Donald.


My first memory of a political convention was the 1968 Democratic National Convention. What we see now is child's play compared to that.
Quote:Regan was never a candidate, but the last time I went down this road it befuddled a few, so I'll just assume you meant Ronald, not Donald.

My first memory of a political convention was the 1968 Democratic National Convention. What we see now is child's play compared to that.

I was 5 in 1990 so I dont remember anything about the 80's obviously outside the tree I used to climb and the pool in our backyard.
Quote:I don't get this convention business at all.

Its a Pep Rally/wrasslin promo for adults:

"They suck. We're great. We can't do it without your donations. Vote for us unless you want the world to end. This November at the John Allison Sportatorium we're gonna destroy those scrum bags with the sheer agony of the Vote of Patriotism!!!!!"
Quote:Its a Pep Rally/wrasslin promo for adults:

"They suck. We're great. We can't do it without your donations. Vote for us unless you want the world to end. This November at the John Allison Sportatorium we're gonna destroy those scrum bags with the sheer agony of the Vote of Patriotism!!!!!"

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One more:


[Image: 200.gif]

The only convention I ever saw that wasn't just one big dull infomercial was the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago.   Now THAT was entertainment.  


Police beating up protestors.  I mean, they were giving those billy clubs a workout.  The protestors chanting "The whole world is watching!   The whole world is watching!"   Protestors getting dragged by their hair and tossed into paddy wagons. 




Dan Rather got punched on the convention floor.  




A speaker at the podium addressed Mayor Daley directly, talking about "Gestapo tactics" and Mayor Daley giving someone the sign to cut off the microphone. 




Nothing can live up to that for pure entertainment value. 


By the way, the nominee wound up being Hubert Humphrey, a man with the nickname "The Happy Warrior," which really did not fit the mood of that convention.   I was pretty young, but I sat in front of that TV and absorbed every bit of that.  What a great TV show that was. 

Teach your children identity politics? 

Vote for her cause she's a woman.  dont be afraid of anything but Trump.

She's not old enough to be told about the Clintons yet.  I'm not sure any of us are.

Lol, what in the wide world of sports are you two going on about?
Quote:Teach your children identity politics?
Sadly, that's all that matters to a vast amount of the population.

I have two sisters that fall into the "identity politics" bucket. They could care less about any policies put forth by administrations,, and have no clue about current political affairs foreign or domestic. Financial issues might as well be something on alien planets to them.

All that matters to them is gender/race, and that they could be president. That's it. That's all they care about.

Logical reasons for supporting a candidate are non-existent. Forget about policy.

I'm telling you, it's getting to the point where all that will matter is what gender/race a candidate is, or how big of a celebrity they are.

Obviously, this does not apply to all Americans. But, for a great many people, that's as far as it goes.

It's sad, really.
Like how 95% of blacks voted for a half-white black guy?


Like how only women and Anchorman are voting for Hillary in 2016? 

Quote:Sadly, that's all that matters to a vast amount of the population.

I have two sisters that fall into the "identity politics" bucket. They could care less about any policies put forth by administrations,, and have no clue about current political affairs foreign or domestic. Financial issues might as well be something on alien planets to them.

All that matters to them is gender/race, and that they could be president. That's it. That's all they care about.

Logical reasons for supporting a candidate are non-existent. Forget about policy.

I'm telling you, it's getting to the point where all that will matter is what gender/race a candidate is, or how big of a celebrity they are.

Obviously, this does not apply to all Americans. But, for a great many people, that's as far as it goes.

It's sad, really.

That's pretty much true.  It describes the "low information voter" to a tee and is one of the reasons that Obama has gotten elected twice.
Quote:Teach your children identity politics? 
Quote:Vote for her cause she's a woman.  dont be afraid of anything but Trump.

It's just the next generation of the low information voters.



Quote:She's not old enough to be told about the Clintons yet.  I'm not sure any of us are.

Well, there is the stain on the dress thing that needs explaining.
Quote:Like how 95% of blacks voted for a <del>half-white</del> black guy?

Like how only women and Anchorman are voting for Hillary in 2016?

Oh man, I don't know why, but this literally had me lol'ing out loud!!
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