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Quote:I wasn't surprised at all, I would have been surprised had Cruz endorsed Trump. This whole convention has been surprisingly entertaining, unintentionally so, both the actions and reactions.

I would have been surprised by an endorsement, too.  It's been a pretty uneventful week for surprises, not at all like what was "predicted" to be.

whenever the other side is burning flags and inciting riots, it does give me confirmation that I'm on the right side.

When not burning themselves... lol
Quote:Laughing at the fake surprise when the non-establishment guy does things unconventionally.  At least I hope it's fake, otherwise it's simple naivete.  With emphasis on simple.


Radical libs are going to criticize him no matter what he does, inventing whatever spin they want.  So, it's all moot.


It's quite entertaining to watch the overreactions to every little thing.

Quote:A total non-story... Ted Cruz, the rat is a nobody....

How many delegates did he get?

But no. It's a non story. Pay no attention to the flaming pile of poo that is center stage at the rnc.

I swear, it's like this is the first time some of you have ever seen a national convention before.

Here's the cliff's notes---this isn't how it's supposed to go. Thus is a total poop show.

It's great television, and I'm laughing all the time.

But I don't want amateur hour when it comes to running our country.

Exhibit A and B.


Simple and naive.
Quote:Do you want a chance to rephrase that part about my family, RJ?  I made a simple statement about honoring my promises and you claim I am disloyal to my family due to an imaginary promise I made to a party I don't belong to?  I frankly don't think I've seen anything lower in a long time. 

Sure, I'll rephrase a clear hypothetical. Given your inability to discern the difference between remove and escort, I should have assumed you would take it literally.


If you made a good faith promise to support a political candidate (any candidate - dem, rep or ind) and said candidate subsequently directly insulted you and members of your family, yet you kept your promise and supported said candidate, would that not be loyalty to the candidate over your family?


I've seen lower. Like belittling the deaths of dozens by declaring them part of a hoax.

Quote:LOL, Anchorman really is watching the Convention! Let us know how it turns out, OK? I'm busy over here watching paint dry.

I've been watching these things since I can remember, the first one I remember was Reagan in '84. I was hooked ever since...
Quote:I've been watching these things since I can remember, the first one I remember was Reagan in '84. I was hooked ever since...

Wow, really? You come off as way younger.
Quote:Wow, really? You come off as way younger.

Yes, I assumed so as well. I asked him how old he was in the other thread where he made the fuhrer comment.
Quote:Yes, I assumed so as well. I asked him how old he was in the other thread where he made the fuhrer comment.

Sorry, didn't see your question. Just turned 38 on Saturday
Quote:Sorry, didn't see your question. Just turned 38 on Saturday

Cool. Happy belated.
Quote:Sorry, didn't see your question. Just turned 38 on Saturday







Happy belated birthday.
Thanks, to both of you. Now kick rocks. :-) j/k
Quote:It was no gamble at all. He stood by his values and his principles unlike the string of others in the GOP, something that you don't see very often in a politician.

What values?
Quote:What values?

Those that serve Rafael, and Rafael only.
Quote:What values?
Oh, just faith, family and country (the one he's a citizen of, not the one of his birth).


Little things like that.
Quote:Sure, I'll rephrase a clear hypothetical. Given your inability to discern the difference between remove and escort, I should have assumed you would take it literally.


If you made a good faith promise to support a political candidate (any candidate - dem, rep or ind) and said candidate subsequently directly insulted you and members of your family, yet you kept your promise and supported said candidate, would that not be loyalty to the candidate over your family?


I've seen lower. Like belittling the deaths of dozens by declaring them part of a hoax.

You stated it quite literally.  But I'll choose to believe you didn't intend a personal insult.  


As to your hypothetical, I'd never make such a promise.  If I thought the other candidates were honorable I would have never entered the race.  But if I was dumb enough to join a political party and run for office and make that pledge then I would certainly honor it, whether others disgraced themselves or not.   
Quote:What values?

The most important one is defending his family after they were insulted by the nominee.  His family means more than the party.  Speaking of which, he is clearly not one of the "insiders" or part of the GOP establishment.
I don't get this convention business at all.
Quote:I don't get this convention business at all.

Come on over and watch my freshly-painted wall.  It's supposed to be completely dry tonight but I'll watch through the weekend to make sure. 
Alex Jones crashed the set of Young Turks. haha  id link the video but the young turks guy lost his cool and dropped some F bombs.  haha

Quote:The most important one is defending his family after they were insulted by the nominee. His family means more than the party. Speaking of which, he is clearly not one of the "insiders" or part of the GOP establishment.

That's hurt feelings not principles or values.
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