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Quote:The Orlando shooter was born in the us...

So yeah, like I said...
Foolish response.
Quote:U said they aren't happening on us soil...

The lie detector test determined...

Reading comprehension... Look into it...
Quote:You're an idiot if you think this country is strict with immigration. Our current leaders are always pushing to take in more refugees like Europe. Yes, it's working out great for Europe.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://fusion.net/story/252637/obama-has-deported-more-immigrants-than-any-other-president-now-hes-running-up-the-score/'>http://fusion.net/story/252637/obama-has-deported-more-immigrants-than-any-other-president-now-hes-running-up-the-score/</a>

Under Obama, the number of deportations through 2014 hit a new high -- while the number of returns is lower than at any point since the Ford administration.

<a class="bbc_url" href='https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2015/12/16/the-numbers-ted-cruz-cited-on-past-deportations-during-the-cnn-debate-were-way-off/'>https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2015/12/16/the-numbers-ted-cruz-cited-on-past-deportations-during-the-cnn-debate-were-way-off/</a>

Look, I know it's easy to just eat up the lies your told by Trump and other nationalists... And concerns about terrorism are real. But like I said, if you want to have a discussion about the details, I'd prefer that. If you want to insult me for trying to turn this into a debate instead of just flinging insults, fine.

But just be aware that under the Obama administration, undocumented workers and the enforcement of getting rid of them has increased. And the amount of them trying to return has decreased.

So, who's the idiot? Maybe the one that just bloviates and doesn't provide real information to the discussion (you) shouldn't be insulting someone who's trying to get you to think about the issue instead of just bleeting some stupid talking point you heard a billioniare politician told you.

I'll ask again, what specific immigration policies do you think would relieve some of the issues that are happening in france?
Quote:<a class="bbc_url" href='http://fusion.net/story/252637/obama-has-deported-more-immigrants-than-any-other-president-now-hes-running-up-the-score/'>http://fusion.net/story/252637/obama-has-deported-more-immigrants-than-any-other-president-now-hes-running-up-the-score/</a>

Under Obama, the number of deportations through 2014 hit a new high -- while the number of returns is lower than at any point since the Ford administration.

<a class="bbc_url" href='https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2015/12/16/the-numbers-ted-cruz-cited-on-past-deportations-during-the-cnn-debate-were-way-off/'>https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2015/12/16/the-numbers-ted-cruz-cited-on-past-deportations-during-the-cnn-debate-were-way-off/</a>

Look, I know it's easy to just eat up the lies your told by Trump and other nationalists... And concerns about terrorism are real. But like I said, if you want to have a discussion about the details, I'd prefer that. If you want to insult me for trying to turn this into a debate instead of just flinging insults, fine.

But just be aware that under the Obama administration, undocumented workers and the enforcement of getting rid of them has increased. And the amount of them trying to return has decreased.

So, who's the idiot? Maybe the one that just bloviates and doesn't provide real information to the discussion (you) shouldn't be insulting someone who's trying to get you to think about the issue instead of just bleeting some stupid talking point you heard a billioniare politician told you.

I'll ask again, what specific immigration policies do you think would relieve some of the issues that are happening in france?

Ok bud.  Ya Obama, he's real tough on immigration.  Get a clue.


Him and Hillary both want to increase the amount of refugees by 100,000 but the number is probably going to be over 1 million.
Quote:Ok bud. Ya Obama, he's real tough on immigration. Get a clue.

Him and Hillary both want to increase the amount of refugees by 100,000 but the number is probably going to be over 1 million.

Lol, that's all you got?

Oh, and the number is actually 85k for fiscal year 16--and the increase was for allowing more refugees from Latin America. The 100,000 projection is scheduled for 1 year out. Come on man, if you're gonna insult my intelligence, I'd suggest not saying things that will call your mental powers into question...

AND...If your just gonna spout garbage, why not say 1 billion refugees????

You're hilarious, badger!
Quote:What does that mean, exactly? Being strict with our borders and immigration is what we are already doing.

These talking points are cute, but vapid.

What exactly are we lax on that would make a difference, in your mind?

Also, I get the feeling that these terror attacks in France happened in the usa.

These terror attacks are awful, but they are not happening on us soil. I know we want to show solidarity with our French allies, but it's really weird that from watching the news and reading some posts, you'd think Paris and Nice are in Georgia...
Really?  So, streamlining the vetting process and increasing the number of immigrants coming from Syria is strict border control? 


I know you posted the numbers from 2014, and you're more than welcome to take those numbers as gospel. The Washington Post seems to think differently.  I guess they didn't go by the cooked books the Obama administration has put out there to show how tough he is on border security. 


Illegal immigration, particularly through our southern border has exploded over the past 2 years as a result of Obama's decision to basically ignore immigration laws.  His grand immigration plan was blocked by SCOTUS last month.  His plan would have expanded deportation relief to more than 5 million illegals in this country. When he announced that executive order, we saw waves of illegals cross from Mexico into the US.  Just read the daily news for any of the border states to see that Obama's super duper deportation enforcement is nothing but a joke.  Border Patrol has been basically instructed by the administration to adopt a catch and release policy.  Tough to deport someone that you aren't detaining.


Our border security is an absolute joke, and based on a cornucopia of reports over the past few years, it's clear that it's not just Mexicans or other South American immigrants coming across the border without concern of being caught.  There's no telling what other bad actors have made their way into the US by coming across from Mexico.  Then, you add the immigrants from regions where Sharia is practiced that Obama is trying to accelerate their entry into the US, and you've got a growing problem.  This is especially true when ISIS has made it clear that they are sending men over among the immigrants because there's no adequate way for the US to weed them out in most instances. 


Sorry, but when you look at what one home grown terrorist can do in Orlando, it makes no sense to expand the cancer by allowing radicals to enter this country from regions where we know they're developing budding jihadists just hoping to become the next martyr against the great Satan of the west. 


What we're seeing right now in France is a prelude to what will happen here if we don't get a handle on how to properly vet these people.  If there's no adequate way for us to do this, then immigration from those regions should be suspended until we find one because we are inviting this vile mindset to infiltrate our communities.  It's difficult enough to prevent domestic terrorists like Matteen from doing their dirty work.  Why expand that pool? 


There was a report just yesterday that said many of these Syrian refugees that have entered the US aren't being tracked.  Instead, once they enter the country, they are handed off to a multitude of charities who are working to place these people around the country.  Once they are placed with a charity, we are not able to track their whereabouts or monitor their activities because that's a violation of their "privacy rights."  So, basically, these people can disappear once they've entered the country.  While the majority are most likely not a threat, even if it's just a small percentage that is, and we're not tracking them, all you need to do is look at what one man did in Orlando, or 19 did on 9/11, and you can see how there should be some cause for concern there.  Border security is being breached from within because our president has decided we need to take in more and more of these refugees from regions where there is a legitimate threat to our national interests.
Quote:What does that mean, exactly? Being strict with our borders and immigration is what we are already doing.

These talking points are cute, but vapid.

What exactly are we lax on that would make a difference, in your mind?

Also, I get the feeling that these terror attacks in France happened in the usa.

These terror attacks are awful, but they are not happening on us soil. I know we want to show solidarity with our French allies, but it's really weird that from watching the news and reading some posts, you'd think Paris and Nice are in Georgia...

Am I missing something?
Quote:I am convinced now that you are actually crazy. You need mental health care dude. if you live in the United States I would suggest you leave.
The article contained extensive documentation.
Quote:Lol, that's all you got?

Oh, and the number is actually 85k for fiscal year 16--and the increase was for allowing more refugees from Latin America. The 100,000 projection is scheduled for 1 year out. Come on man, if you're gonna insult my intelligence, I'd suggest not saying things that will call your mental powers into question...

AND...If your just gonna spout garbage, why not say 1 billion refugees????

You're hilarious, badger!

i suppose you think they never lie about the numbers.  you're the smart one.
Is there not a 2 year vetting period? Or are there exceptions?

Quote:Is there not a 2 year vetting period? Or are there exceptions?

The administration is making exceptions when it comes to Muslim immigrants coming from Syria.
Quote:Am I missing something?


But that's between you and your psychotherapist
So let me get this right. U bring up the idea that this isn't happening here in spite of article 5 of NATO and the attacks in Orlando and San Bernardino and I'm the one missing something?
anchorman thesis in 3...2 ...1..

Quote:The Orlando shooter was born in the us...

So yeah, like I said...
Yes and where did his ideology come from? The US? Where was his Dad from?
Quote:So let me get this right. U bring up the idea that this isn't happening here in spite of article 5 of NATO and the attacks in Orlando and San Bernardino and I'm the one missing something?

Did the Paris attack and the Nice attack happen here? You guys really have a problem with reading things within context.

Instead, you read a small part of a thought and then cherry pick whatever meaning you want out of context. Pathetic.

Try reading the entire post, genius.
Quote:Yes and where did his ideology come from? The US? Where was his Dad from?

I was responding to the post about our immigration policies need to be fixed.

Your beginning to have the same reading problem as the rest of our remedial friends. Don't take my comments out of context.
Quote:So let me get this right. U bring up the idea that this isn't happening here in spite of article 5 of NATO and the attacks in Orlando and San Bernardino and I'm the one missing something?
He's got to take that approach because 2 of the shooters were homegrown terrorists in those incidents. So, in his mind, immigration laws are irrelevant.  Of course, in the San Bernardino case, the guy was radicalized by his wife.  She was not a homegrown terrorist. That incident in particular might have been prevented if she was not allowed to enter the US.  They used a fiancee visa to get her into the country, and the rest is history.  After the fact, the head of Homeland Security said that they would need to review the policies for these visas. 


For the Orlando shooter, I see that as more of a straw man argument in this context.  There are domestic policies in place that, had they been allowed to pursue in this case, may have prevented this incident from happening.  But, it wasn't an immigration issue.  The FBI had him under surveillance to the extent that they could, but their hands were tied in being able to obtain warrants to monitor web traffic, social media, etc.. They even interviewed the guy.   A report came out earlier this week indicating the agent who actually did this investigation had a gut feeling that the guy was lying to them, but that there wasn't enough there to get a judge to sign off on a warrant.


T_A is hanging his had on the fact that we haven't had an immigrant to this country execute an attack on US soil to warrant the added scrutiny.  I guess we'll just have to wait until that happens before he's willing to concede that domestic security trumps immigration policy when the homeland is put at risk.  We should probably ignore the Boston Marathon bombing.
Quote:Yes and where did his ideology come from? The US? Where was his Dad from?

Lol, nice edit. At least you went back and gleaned the meaning. I appreciate that!

So you want to follow newt Gingrich's plan?? That type of fascist country is not one I want to live in.
Quote:I was responding to the post about our immigration policies need to be fixed.

Your beginning to have the same reading problem as the rest of our remedial friends. Don't take my comments out of context.
You know, it is POSSIBLE that our immigration policies need to be fixed AND we need to deal with domestic radicalized terrorists.  It's not like we can only focus on one or the other.


What happened in France in the past couple of attacks is a direct result of their weak immigration policies coming back to bite them in the rear.  Clearly, you would prefer we wait until it does the same thing here before we actually act, at which point you'll be complaining that we should have been prepared for this in advance.

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