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@ fbt-- I personally don't believe this is an immigration issue.

I have lived in New Mexico most my life. The immigration problem has not gotten any worse than it ever was.

So excuse me when I don't by into the fear mongering...
Quote:My sister is in Paris with a student tour group. I wasn't crazy about her going, even more concerned now.

I'm in Paris with my family right now, including my little ones. If it makes you feel any better the streets are crawling with police and military.
Let all the muslims in, then when terrorist attack happens, flood communities with military and riot police frisking everybody any time they want to just go to the grocery store.  That's our future.


But that's between you and your psychotherapist
See, this is why it's so hard to take you seriously. There are times when what you say has a valid point whether others agree with it or not, but no one cares because you can't answer a simple question with an actual answer. You retaliate with name calling or some form of belligerent comeback. If you want to be a jerk for the sake of being one, then be my guest, I can put you on my ignore list and so can others. If you want to be taken seriously and have actual conversation then stop acting like a child who isn't getting his way. 


You're not the only one who does this but I'm calling you out because this reply to jj is a perfect example of what I'm talking about.
Guys they're just over there in France. Not here. Everything is wonderful... Umm NO:



Quote:@ fbt-- I personally don't believe this is an immigration issue.

I have lived in New Mexico most my life. The immigration problem has not gotten any worse than it ever was.

So excuse me when I don't by into the fear mongering...

With regards to France I think the issue is hugely based on their immigration policy over the last 200+ years.Their policy of assimilation is directly linked to today's problems in my opinion.Huge amounts of disadvanted foreign ghettos in many city's.
Quote:With regards to France I think the issue is hugely based on their immigration policy over the last 200+ years.Their policy of assimilation is directly linked to today's problems in my opinion.Huge amounts of disadvanted foreign ghettos in many city's.

Well said, or lack of assimilating, if you will.
Quote:@ fbt-- I personally don't believe this is an immigration issue.

I have lived in New Mexico most my life. The immigration problem has not gotten any worse than it ever was.

So excuse me when I don't by into the fear mongering...

Well, whatever sand pit you've got your head buried in, don't bother pulling it out any time soon.  There's no fear mongering going on here, but I understand that from your perspective, what's actually happening in the real world might seem like scary stuff to you, so I can see why you'd opt to ignore it.


No doubt, nothing has gotten worse in New Mexico.
the Cartel moves people across the border daily.  that's a fact. they have lookouts camped out on hills to spot border patrol.

Quote:Well said, or lack of assimilating, if you will.
Agreed, and that is one of the main issues here.  These Muslim immigrants refuse to assimilate to the nations they're relocated to.  They expect the recipient nation to cede to their wishes instead of trying to become part of the mix. 


For most of the 20th century, immigrants coming to the United States did so to find a better life.  They wanted to come here to become Americans.  They did everything they could to learn the language and to better understand the American culture.  Even today, most of the immigrants who come into this country want to become Americans.  They aren't sacrificing their heritage or culture, but they're blending with the locals to become part of the cloth that makes up this country.  Many of these Muslim immigrants that you see coming into Europe refuse to assimilate, and the same is true for those coming here.  That is a problem.


There are Sharia courts throughout the UK.  There are Muslim areas that are considered no go zones in the UK and throughout Europe.  That is starting to happen here in the US.


And it's not just the Muslims who refuse to assimilate.  You're seeing the same trend with illegals coming from Mexico as well.  There is a segment of this population that refuses to learn the language, or assimilate in any way.  Some have gotten to the point where they think that they should be permitted to not only live as if they are in Mexico, but that they are entitled to take areas of the US back as part of Mexico (based on the current state deficit, I'd gladly give them California). 


The days of immigrants coming into this country to become American is almost completely gone now, and it's a shame.  America used to be a melting pot.  Now it's divided. 
Quote:the Cartel moves people across the border daily.  that's a fact. they have lookouts camped out on hills to spot border patrol.
Not in T_A's gated community. :teehee:

Quote:See, this is why it's so hard to take you seriously. There are times when what you say has a valid point whether others agree with it or not, but no one cares because you can't answer a simple question with an actual answer. You retaliate with name calling or some form of belligerent comeback. If you want to be a jerk for the sake of being one, then be my guest, I can put you on my ignore list and so can others. If you want to be taken seriously and have actual conversation then stop acting like a child who isn't getting his way.

You're not the only one who does this but I'm calling you out because this reply to jj is a perfect example of what I'm talking about.

Put me on ignore, then. If you can't see the context of why I responded like I did, you've got the same problem he has.
Quote:Well, whatever sand pit you've got your head buried in, don't bother pulling it out any time soon. There's no fear mongering going on here, but I understand that from your perspective, what's actually happening in the real world might seem like scary stuff to you, so I can see why you'd opt to ignore it.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.koat.com/news/officials-dangerous-violent-gangs-flocking-to-new-mexico/32269332'>No doubt, nothing has gotten worse in New Mexico</a>.

Do you even read? The gangs are coming from Texas and California. Welp, I guess we should start that wall to stop all those Texans abs Californians from entering our state.

Those Texans are all rapists, and the Californians are all drug running morons. We're not being the best from Texas and California.

Lol, pathetic.
The driver of a lorry that killed 84 people in an attack in the French city of Nice has been confirmed as Tunisian Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, 31.
Some 202 people were injured; 52 are critical, of whom 25 are on life support. Ten of the dead were children.
Quote:Do you even read? The gangs are coming from Texas and California. Welp, I guess we should start that wall to stop all those Texans abs Californians from entering our state.

Those Texans are all rapists, and the Californians are all drug running morons. We're not being the best from Texas and California.

Lol, pathetic.

Thanks for showing how little knowledge you have about the gang infiltration in your own state.  Clearly, you're neck deep in whatever sand pit or orifice you've got your head buried in.


Barrio Aztecas do indeed originate in Texas.  However, the Mexican-American gang is pretty much funded by a Mexican drug cartel that they formed an alliance with several years back.  They are a major player in the drug pipeline between MEXICO and the US. 


MS-13 is allied with the Sinaloa Cartel out of Mexico.  Again, this group is heavily into drug trafficking between Mexico and the US, AND they are also involved in human trafficking, bringing illegals across the border. 


I know, facts suck when they don't prop up your nonsensical viewpoint on how "tough" your messiah is on immigration. 

Quote:@ fbt-- I personally don't believe this is an immigration issue.

I have lived in New Mexico most my life. The immigration problem has not gotten any worse than it ever was.

So excuse me when I don't by into the fear mongering...

Says the guy who routinely falls for false crisis hook, line, and sinker...


...talk about pathetic...


There is a modern day crusade going on now, and immigration is the means of accomplishing what is a global effort.


History is repeating itself.  But then, history is not kind to the radical left - it's why they choose to ignore most of it and purposefully miseducate others about it.


There's no hidden agenda.  It's out in the open.  It's no secret.  They have explicitly stated their goal and they are currently acting on it.  No "theory."  They are putting their radical beliefs into practice, the goal being to destroy all infidels.

<div>The driver of a lorry that killed 84 people in an attack in the French city of Nice has been confirmed as Tunisian Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, 31.
Some 202 people were injured; 52 are critical, of whom 25 are on life support. Ten of the dead were children.


There were US citizens among the dead including a 51 year old father and his 11 year old son who were on their dream vacation when they were run down by this terrorist right in front of the rest of the family. 

42% of young French muslims think suicide bombings are justified

Quote:42% of young French muslims think suicide bombings are justified
"Yeah, but they're French...in France."
Quote:Says the guy who routinely falls for false crisis hook, line, and sinker...

...talk about pathetic...

There is a modern day crusade going on now, and immigration is the means of accomplishing what is a global effort.

History is repeating itself. But then, history is not kind to the radical left - it's why they choose to ignore most of it and purposefully miseducate others about it.

There's no hidden agenda. It's out in the open. It's no secret. They have explicitly stated their goal and they are currently acting on it. No "theory." They are putting their radical beliefs into practice, the goal being to destroy all infidels.

I'll mail you some more tin foil...
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