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Quote:Interesting response.

I was a little in shock from the story and just seconding what Fl said.
Quote:Yup, it's your responsibility to make sure the police know what they are dealing with. I do the same. Hand both the permit and license over, and follow instructions.


It seems the majority of these issues, the "victim" doesn't follow directions.


They're just trying to get home. They don't start their shifts wondering how many black folks we can go out a shoot.


Why do you have to be a black chopper? Are you racist?  Smile
 ???   :unsure:
Quote: ??? :unsure:
My thoughts exactly.
As a result of the Ferguson shooting, the Washington Post began compiling an authoritative database of fatal police shootings. This database shows blacks made up 26.8 percent of those shot and killed by police in 2015. Blacks make up only 13.3 percent of the U.S. population, but total population is not the relevant demographic to consider in police shootings. The FBI Uniform Crime Report (Data Table 43: Arrests) shows that blacks made up 27.8 percent of those arrested, a number that closely matches their 26.8 share of fatal police shootings. The FBI report shows whites made up 69.4 percent of those arrested while the Washington Post database shows whites made up 69.2 percent of those fatally shot by police. Again, the percentages match almost exactly. Now that an authoritative database exists, there is no longer any justification to assert the racial disparities in police shootings is due to racism. The data shows the racial disparity in police shootings is due to the racial disparity in arrests. One might argue that the racial disparity in arrests is due to racism, but the racial disparity in arrest corresponds closely to the racial disparity in victim reports which are disproportional filed by African Americans.



This post above was not mine, but I did think it was relevant. Although this particular story very much seems like it was the officer being trigger happy, as usual I will wait for more facts to appear. Any 'white officer shoots black guy' story is always missing something when published.

Quote:Yup, it's your responsibility to make sure the police know what they are dealing with. I do the same. Hand both the permit and license over, and follow instructions.


It seems the majority of these issues, the "victim" doesn't follow directions


They're just trying to get home. They don't start their shifts wondering how many black folks we can go out a shoot.


Why do you have to be a black chopper? Are you racist?  Smile
That is usually the common thread, but in this Minnesota one, that doesn't appear to be the case as initially presented. We will see as more 'facts' emerge.

Quote:As a result of the Ferguson shooting, the Washington Post began compiling an authoritative database of fatal police shootings. This database shows blacks made up 26.8 percent of those shot and killed by police in 2015. Blacks make up only 13.3 percent of the U.S. population, but total population is not the relevant demographic to consider in police shootings. The FBI Uniform Crime Report (Data Table 43: Arrests) shows that blacks made up 27.8 percent of those arrested, a number that closely matches their 26.8 share of fatal police shootings. The FBI report shows whites made up 69.4 percent of those arrested while the Washington Post database shows whites made up 69.2 percent of those fatally shot by police. Again, the percentages match almost exactly. Now that an authoritative database exists, there is no longer any justification to assert the racial disparities in police shootings is due to racism. The data shows the racial disparity in police shootings is due to the racial disparity in arrests. One might argue that the racial disparity in arrests is due to racism, but the racial disparity in arrest corresponds closely to the racial disparity in victim reports which are disproportional filed by African Americans.



This post above was not mine, but I did think it was relevant. Although this particular story very much seems like it was the officer being trigger happy, as usual I will wait for more facts to appear. Any 'white officer shoots black guy' story is always missing something when published.

That is very much true.
Quote:My thoughts exactly.


Quote: ???   :unsure:
In TJ's reposnse, I thought he said black helicopter...haha maybe I'M THE racist lol


Quote:That is usually the common thread, but in this Minnesota one, that doesn't appear to be the case as initially presented. We will see as more 'facts' emerge.
No time for that! Must have unfounded outrage! Burn the town!
What really bugs me about this one is that there is no immediate application of first aid to Castile.  I mean, what the hell?  The officer seems to be more preoccupied with keeping an obviously calm passenger and her child under control than addressing the immediate situation of a man bleeding to death.

Quote:I don't suggest she does anything. Just pointing out that it is odd she is able to remain that calm after what happened. Especially with a little kid in the car.

Maybe you have never had someone shot and/or killed in front of you. The mind has a way of protecting itself in high stress situations. I will freak out if I see a spider crawling on my toilet paper roll but in high stress situations my brain seems to engage another part of itself and I am freakishly calm.
Quote:What really bugs me about this one is that there is no immediate application of first aid to Castile.  I mean, what the hell?  The officer seems to be more preoccupied with keeping an obviously calm passenger and her child under control than addressing the immediate situation of a man bleeding to death.

Wouldn't you think that a woman (girlfriend) would try to do the same thing rather than recording on her cell phone?  It appears that it was more important to her to capture the video to post to Facebook rather than either protecting her child or rendering aid to her boyfriend.


Regarding the police officer's actions, he did the right thing.
Quote:Wouldn't you think that a woman (girlfriend) would try to do the same thing rather than recording on her cell phone?  It appears that it was more important to her to capture the video to post to Facebook rather than either protecting her child or rendering aid to her boyfriend.


Regarding the police officer's actions, he did the right thing.

The officer was telling her to keep her hands where they were, which I assume meant not on her child or fiancee. He'd just shot a man sitting beside her, she's likely frozen in place.
Quote:Wouldn't you think that a woman (girlfriend) would try to do the same thing rather than recording on her cell phone?  It appears that it was more important to her to capture the video to post to Facebook rather than either protecting her child or rendering aid to her boyfriend.


Regarding the police officer's actions, he did the right thing.


Quote:The officer was telling her to keep her hands where they were, which I assume meant not on her child or fiancee. He'd just shot a man sitting beside her, she's likely frozen in place.

Gotta go with RJ on this one.  I really, really, don't like the actions of this particular officer.  And I think it's a very good thing she kept the camera rolling.
Quote:It is odd that AFTER the shooting she takes out her cell phone, starts recording video and gives a narrative of what is going on rather calmly.  If a mother has her child in a car along with her boyfriend and sees a shooting... most women would be hysterical, be concerned about her child or perhaps try to help her boyfriend (just my opinion).


What is conflicting regarding the story is that supposedly the officer asked for his license and registration.  As he was allegedly reaching for his wallet he commented that he had a firearm on him.  The audio at about the 0:34 mark sounds like the officer said a couple of expletives and said "I told him not to reach for it, I told him to get his hand off of it"!  It would be interesting to know where exactly this firearm was located.  If it was on that side in view of the officer and if he placed his hand on it, then it looks like it might be an unfortunate accident.


As a concealed permit holder myself, if I'm carrying and get pulled over, I usually have my driver's license and permit out and hand them to the officer together.  I keep my hands on the steering wheel and inform the officer that I do have a weapon.  After that, I follow instructions.

I thought her reaction was a bit odd as well, but people do strange things when they're under stress, and at gunpoint. 


I've been pulled over with a firearm in the truck.  It's nerve wracking any time you get pulled over, but especially when you know you've got to explain very quickly that you're a concealed permit holder and that you've got weapons on board.  The one time when I was pulled over by JSO because one of my taillights was out, I had one of those sphincter tightening moments when the blue lights went on.  Before I was stopped I had pulled my wallet out grabbed my license and permit, flipped in the interior cab lights, dropped the window and put my hands at 10 and 2 on the wheel.  I told the officer that I had a gun in the truck.  I usually put it in a holster in the console when driving just to keep it from getting in the way.  I told him where the gun was located and then just waited for instructions.  He actually thanked me for letting him know up front, and then had me get out of the truck and move to the rear of the vehicle.  He ran my license and tag, and came back out and thanked me again for letting him know about the weapon, gave me a warning and told me to get the light fixed, and sent me on my way. 


In this instance, we don't know what transpired before the guy was shot.  We hear what you referenced at the beginning of the video, and you can hear that the cop is hardly celebrating another notch on his gun belt.  He's dealing with the reality that he just shot and possibly killed someone.  It can happen so quickly, and at the end, it could all be just a terrible tragedy in which someone didn't follow instructions to the letter.  At the end of this, I seriously doubt this cop rolled up on this car with the intention of shooting someone. 
It is funny to me that the other thread is getting more action, when this story seems to be much worse as initially presented. A armed guy, resisting arrest, with a huge felony rap sheet, getting shot shouldn't have people up in arms. A guy who was pulled over for a broken tail light and then shot when he told the cops he was armed? Thats a much bigger deal in my book. One of these things is not like the other.


little update: http://heavy.com/news/2016/07/philando-c...-reynolds/

Quote:Wouldn't you think that a woman (girlfriend) would try to do the same thing rather than recording on her cell phone?  It appears that it was more important to her to capture the video to post to Facebook rather than either protecting her child or rendering aid to her boyfriend.


Regarding the police officer's actions, he did the right thing.
Just to note, theres a video in the article I linked, that shows the cops did try and do CPR at some point.
Quote:Just to note, theres a video in the article I linked, that shows the cops did try and do CPR at some point.

What a hour later? It's almost dusk in the video showing them attempting medical help. He most certainly bled out by then.
Quote:What a hour later? It's almost dusk in the video showing them attempting medical help. He most certainly bled out by then.
Yeah I am not sure if that is really later, or if its cause the guy is shooting his camera directly at the sirens and getting the autofocus all messed up. Its definitely daytime in her video. But didn't they say he died later in the hospital?


Quote:It is funny to me that the other thread is getting more action, when this story seems to be much worse as initially presented. A armed guy, resisting arrest, with a huge felony rap sheet, getting shot shouldn't have people up in arms. A guy who was pulled over for a broken tail light and then shot when he told the cops he was armed? Thats a much bigger deal in my book. One of these things is not like the other.

little update: <a class="bbc_url" href='http://heavy.com/news/2016/07/philando-castile-falcon-heights-minnesota-police-shooting-facebook-live-video-watch-uncensored-you-tube-police-shooting-man-shot-lavish-reynolds/'>http://heavy.com/news/2016/07/philando-castile-falcon-heights-minnesota-police-shooting-facebook-live-video-watch-uncensored-you-tube-police-shooting-man-shot-lavish-reynolds/</a>

You're right. Initially, I was unaware of this post until I got home from work. I've been talking over both instances with my friends. However, if you saw how the first thread went, you'll excuse me for not being in rush to comment in this one. I also haven't read all of the responses.
Quote:Wouldn't you think that a woman (girlfriend) would try to do the same thing rather than recording on her cell phone?  It appears that it was more important to her to capture the video to post to Facebook rather than either protecting her child or rendering aid to her boyfriend.


Regarding the police officer's actions, he did the right thing.
You just boggle my mind. I know racism isn't really your thing so I won't bother to insult you with it, just as I doubt racism was at play here. I just fail to see how two people being shot several times at point blank range doesn't set off any alarm bells for you aside from your burned in "pigs can do no wrong and I must defend them at all costs" button.


The Alton Sterling murder is slightly, itty-bitty-teeny-tiny defensible if you're blind and deaf, but Philando Castile? How is shooting a man multiple times when he's doing exactly what you say anything but second-degree murder?


Put a couple needles in the arms of the pigs who commit murder and I'll find something else to refer to them as.


Quote:The officer was telling her to keep her hands where they were, which I assume meant not on her child or fiancee. He'd just shot a man sitting beside her, she's likely frozen in place.
This, pretty much. I'd react the same way. If told that I can't render aid to my loved one, you bet your [BLEEP] I'm getting the whole thing on video and dumped online instantly for use in trial.
Reaching the boiling point one has to wonder if it's not intentional?
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