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Quote:Typically people pulled over for routine violations dont expect to get killed, that would probably explain why she wasn't filming earlier, also since she was streaming to facebook live, she likely didn't already have the app open and ready to record the second the unexpected shooting took place.

As far as not being hysterical, it could be shock or it could be that he wasn't actually dead, hearing her account she says the officer shot him in his arm.

I know we have to rush to discredit the victims because the police are robots without fault but both of those things mentioned aren't the least bit suspicious.

This makes alot of sense if you sit back and think about it. Most normal people don't record when they get pulled over for a routine traffic stop. After something this eventful happened she may have decided to start recording in the event something happened to her as well.
Quote:I'm sure her version of what transpired will differ somewhat if not considerably to what the cop's version is and that doesn't automatically make either of their versions true and correct. I don't think rushing to either "side" is helpful, though I understand it being difficult to not get emotional after watching the aftermath on video.

Im pretty sure if he have a concealed weapons permit and told the cop that he had a gun, he wasnt gonna shoot the cop... The cop never said he aimed a gun or anything at him...Common sense really tells u what happen..
Quote:As a result of the Ferguson shooting, the Washington Post began compiling an authoritative database of fatal police shootings. This database shows blacks made up 26.8 percent of those shot and killed by police in 2015. Blacks make up only 13.3 percent of the U.S. population, but total population is not the relevant demographic to consider in police shootings. The FBI Uniform Crime Report (Data Table 43: Arrests) shows that blacks made up 27.8 percent of those arrested, a number that closely matches their 26.8 share of fatal police shootings. The FBI report shows whites made up 69.4 percent of those arrested while the Washington Post database shows whites made up 69.2 percent of those fatally shot by police. Again, the percentages match almost exactly. Now that an authoritative database exists, there is no longer any justification to assert the racial disparities in police shootings is due to racism. The data shows the racial disparity in police shootings is due to the racial disparity in arrests. One might argue that the racial disparity in arrests is due to racism, but the racial disparity in arrest corresponds closely to the racial disparity in victim reports which are disproportional filed by African Americans.



This post above was not mine, but I did think it was relevant. Although this particular story very much seems like it was the officer being trigger happy, as usual I will wait for more facts to appear. Any 'white officer shoots black guy' story is always missing something when published.

Here's another study by another new organization that counters yours.  Just wanted to put this one out there...


<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Guardian Text Egyptian Web', Georgia, serif;font-size:medium;">Young black men were nine times more likely than other Americans to be killed by police officers in 2015, according to the findings of <a class="" href='http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2015/jun/01/the-counted-police-killings-us-database'>a Guardian study</a> that recorded a final tally of 1,134 deaths at the hands of law enforcement officers this year.

<div style="font-family:'Guardian Egyptian Web', 'Guardian Text Egyptian Web', Georgia, serif;">

<a class="">The Guardian view on killings by US police: why we must keep counting</a>

The Counted has made up for the Obama administration’s failings, but the lack of oversight remains. So we will restart our count of people killed by police until the government does its job

Read more
<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Guardian Text Egyptian Web', Georgia, serif;font-size:medium;">Despite making up only 2% of the total US population, African American males between the ages of 15 and 34 comprised more than 15% of all deaths logged this year by an ongoing investigation into the use of deadly force by police. Their rate of police-involved deaths was five times higher than for white men of the same age.

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Guardian Text Egyptian Web', Georgia, serif;font-size:medium;">Paired with official government mortality data, this new finding indicates that about one in every 65 deaths of a young African American man in the US is a killing by police.

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Guardian Text Egyptian Web', Georgia, serif;font-size:medium;">“This epidemic is disproportionately affecting black people,” said Brittany Packnett, an activist and member of the White House taskforce on policing. “We are wasting so many promising young lives by continuing to allow this to happen.”

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Guardian Text Egyptian Web', Georgia, serif;font-size:medium;"> 

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Guardian Text Egyptian Web', Georgia, serif;font-size:medium;">https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015...-black-men
I think a big issue here is there was no common sense being used. The guy got pulled over for a tail light, had no warrant, told the cop he had a gun and then the guy was going to reach for the gun and just shoot the cop? I'm not a cop, but there seems to be an over use of "I feel threatened." So a cop is supposed to feel threatened and is justified in taking a life when the non threatening individual reaches (for what he says he thinks) a gun that the individual just made him aware of? If this is really how police are trained then as I said earlier, they need to reconsider what is a life threatening situation. Also, body cameras need to be mandatory and there should be technology available that flags cameras that have been tampered with.
Quote:Here's another study by another new organization that counters yours.  Just wanted to put this one out there...


<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Guardian Text Egyptian Web', Georgia, serif;font-size:medium;">Young black men were nine times more likely than other Americans to be killed by police officers in 2015, according to the findings of a Guardian study that recorded a final tally of 1,134 deaths at the hands of law enforcement officers this year.

<div style="margin:0px;color:rgb(255,255,255);background-color:rgb(99,113,122);">
<div style="font-family:'Guardian Egyptian Web', 'Guardian Text Egyptian Web', Georgia, serif;"><a>The Guardian view on killings by US police: why we must keep counting</a>
The Counted has made up for the Obama administration’s failings, but the lack of oversight remains. So we will restart our count of people killed by police until the government does its job

Read more
<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Guardian Text Egyptian Web', Georgia, serif;font-size:medium;">Despite making up only 2% of the total US population, African American males between the ages of 15 and 34 comprised more than 15% of all deaths logged this year by an ongoing investigation into the use of deadly force by police. Their rate of police-involved deaths was five times higher than for white men of the same age.

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Guardian Text Egyptian Web', Georgia, serif;font-size:medium;">Paired with official government mortality data, this new finding indicates that about one in every 65 deaths of a young African American man in the US is a killing by police.

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Guardian Text Egyptian Web', Georgia, serif;font-size:medium;">“This epidemic is disproportionately affecting black people,” said Brittany Packnett, an activist and member of the White House taskforce on policing. “We are wasting so many promising young lives by continuing to allow this to happen.”

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Guardian Text Egyptian Web', Georgia, serif;font-size:medium;"> 

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Guardian Text Egyptian Web', Georgia, serif;font-size:medium;">https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015...-black-men

Your data is saying the same thing. 13% of population vs 26% of all arrest is double expected based on population. 7 kills per a million vs. approx 3 per a million average for other races is approximately double as well. All you have shown is that a black male is twice as likely to be involved in a conflict with police as about anyone else and that they are killed at a proportional rate to the amount they are arrested. 


Even the stats you referenced compared total population, rather than arrested population. Your running in statistical circles so to speak. When they are arrested blacks are killed at the same rate as whites approximately, but they are twice as likely to be arrested. Now the argument is why is that so? My thought is its a systemic issue that forces many Black youth into a victim mindset where they believe the only life they can live is one of illegality due to real or even precieved barriers.


But at this point I don't care about why anymore, I just don't want to fall victim to a totalitarian regime presenting itself as 'the answer' to all our problems.


Thesis: Black people are disproportionately criminal and therefore must be profiled by cops

Antithesis: Cops are racist Pig's who want to kill black people

Synthesis: ?????? More government power will deal 'justice' and keep both sides 'reasonable'?


Congrats you guys now all know what a Hegelian Dialectic is.

Quote:Your data is saying the same thing. 13% of population vs 26% of all arrest is double expected based on population. 7 kills per a million vs. approx 3 per a million average for other races is approximately double as well. All you have shown is that a black male is twice as likely to be involved in a conflict with police as about anyone else and that they are killed at a proportional rate to the amount they are arrested.

Even the stats you refereed compared total population, rather than arrested population. Your running in statistical circles so to speak. When they are arrested blacks are killed at the same rate as whites approximately, but they are twice as likely to be arrested. Now the argument is why is that so? My thought is its a systemic issue that forces many Black youth into a victim mindset where they believe the only life they can live is one of illegality due to real or even precieved barriers.

But at this point I don't care about why anymore, I just don't want to fall victim to a totalitarian regime presenting itself as 'the answer' to all our problems.

Thesis: Black people are disproportionately criminal and therefore must be profiled by cops

Antithesis: Cops are racist Pig's who want to kill black people

Synthesis: ?????? More government power will deal 'justice' and keep both sides 'reasonable'?

Congrats you guys now all know what a Hegelian Dialectic is.

And many unjustified arrests. You are having an argument with yourself on the gun issue. Blacks are also more likely to get a longer sentence for the same crime. Look at the Stanford swimmer. He didn't go to jail because he wouldn't do well there. Or the afluenza teen. He couldn't handle prison... Black people don't seem to get that same treatment.
Quote:And many unjustified arrests. You are having an argument with yourself on the gun issue. Blacks are also more likely to get a longer sentence for the same crime. Look at the Stanford swimmer. He didn't go to jail because he wouldn't do well there. Or the afluenza teen. He couldn't handle prison... Black people don't seem to get that same treatment.
I am not justifying the amount of arrests. Or the gun issue. I am pointing out that more conflict is being created till people get so sick of it they will do anything to get rid of it and go back to 'normal.' Its a circular cycle that ends in madness.
Quote:I think a big issue here is there was no common sense being used. The guy got pulled over for a tail light, had no warrant, told the cop he had a gun and then the guy was going to reach for the gun and just shoot the cop? I'm not a cop, but there seems to be an over use of "I feel threatened." So a cop is supposed to feel threatened and is justified in taking a life when the non threatening individual reaches (for what he says he thinks) a gun that the individual just made him aware of? If this is really how police are trained then as I said earlier, they need to reconsider what is a life threatening situation. Also, body cameras need to be mandatory and there should be technology available that flags cameras that have been tampered with.
Just saying, if I was going to shoot someone, I probably wouldn't tell them that I was packing heat.
What we forgetting is, he was in the passenger seat. What did he have to do with the tailight if hes not driving?
Quote:What we forgetting is, he was in the passenger seat. What did he have to do with the tailight if hes not driving?
The video was inverted. Look at where the steering wheel is. They're in the wrong country for right-hand drive.


Quote:What we forgetting is, he was in the passenger seat. What did he have to do with the tailight if hes not driving?

Please take note of the discussions being had in the two threads. Point blank period, if there is silence on the issue or apologizing statements this is how they feel about you too. You get gunned down, it's your fault. Don't forget because come Sundays in the fall, they're gonna smile in your face and act like they like you. All along they despise you.
Quote:Please take note of the discussions being had in the two threads. Point blank period, if there is silence on the issue or apologizing statements this is how they feel about you too. You get gunned down, it's your fault. Don't forget because come Sundays in the fall, they're gonna smile in your face and act like they like you. All along they despise you.

Hmm is this a threat?


Quote:Hmm is this a threat?

I'm not threatening anyone. I'm saying if aren't standing up for ALL people being killed senselessly, whether they are black, white, or blue, you are complicit.
Quote:I'm not threatening anyone. I'm saying if aren't standing up for ALL people being killed senselessly, whether they are black, white, or blue, you are complicit.

Oh i can agree with that..
Quote:The video was inverted. Look at where the steering wheel is. They're in the wrong country for right-hand drive.

Is it inverted really? I didnt see the steering wheel..
Quote:Is it inverted really? I didnt see the steering wheel..

Yeah, I saw the video both in the inverted and original angle. I don't know why some of the videos were inverted, it's weird.

Either case, he was driving...
Quote:Yeah, I saw the video both in the inverted and original angle. I don't know why some of the videos were inverted, it's weird.

Either case, he was driving...

Oh ok thx.
For those of you that think that my original comment regarding the officer doing the right thing, it's because of an earlier post that I made.


The audio at about the 0:34 mark sounds like the officer said a couple of expletives and said "I told him not to reach for it, I told him to get his hand off of it"!  It would be interesting to know where exactly this firearm was located.  If it was on that side in view of the officer and if he placed his hand on it, then it looks like it might be an unfortunate accident which is still a justified shooting.


Based on the audio in the video and the original article, (the article linked in the OP has been changed/updated) the guy tells the officer that he has a gun, the officer sees it and it appears that he is reaching for it and/or put his hand on it when the officer told him not to would justify the shooting.  In the original article, it was his girlfriend that told the officer that her boyfriend had a permit for the weapon.


I'm not saying that's what happened, I'm just speculating based on the officer's reaction and what he said on the video.  An officer doesn't draw his weapon for no apparent reason, and certainly doesn't discharge it unless he has a very good reason for doing so.  He also seemed pretty upset that he had to use deadly force.


Based on what we know and that audio in the video, there is the possibility that the shooting was justified.

Quote:For those of you that think that my original comment regarding the officer doing the right thing, it's because of an earlier post that I made.

The audio at about the 0:34 mark sounds like the officer said a couple of expletives and said "I told him not to reach for it, I told him to get his hand off of it"! It would be interesting to know where exactly this firearm was located. If it was on that side in view of the officer and if he placed his hand on it, then it looks like it might be an unfortunate accident which is still a justified shooting.

Based on the audio in the video and the original article, (the article linked in the OP has been changed/updated) the guy tells the officer that he has a gun, the officer sees it and it appears that he is reaching for it and/or put his hand on it when the officer told him not to would justify the shooting. In the original article, it was his girlfriend that told the officer that her boyfriend had a permit for the weapon.

I'm not saying that's what happened, I'm just speculating based on the officer's reaction and what he said on the video. An officer doesn't draw his weapon for no apparent reason, and certainly doesn't discharge it unless he has a very good reason for doing so. He also seemed pretty upset that he had to use deadly force.

Based on what we know and that audio in the video, there is the possibility that the shooting was justified.

Everybody knows just because a police says something doesnt mean its a fact! His girlfriend also say he reached for his wallet after being ask for license and registration and was shot. And police discharge they weapons all the time. Even for simple traffic stops.. Are you gonna read a article that the police and media twist and believe that or watch a video of man get murdered in front of his family and believe his girlfriend?
I'm honestly dumbfounded by the irrationality of people that are trying to defend this murderer.

The sad thing is that this murderer is more than likely gonna go free after a paid vacation.
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