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if we cant kill babies anymore, i mean, where are we as a country??? very sad if we cant do this. its on he level of slavery. just as oppressive to refuse my right to kill children.

Quote:Calm down? Nobody is flying off the handle here.

Texas was trying to make the procedures safer, but what the heck. Let's just go back to the good old days of back alley abortions as long as they're legal and available. You would no doubt wholeheartedly support that because anything else would be considered restricting access.

Dude, you've got it backwards.

This Texas laws was making back ally abortions more of a possibility.

The supreme court, with a vote of 5-3 ruled that the "safety measures" were disingenuous, an adjective that fits the gop very well lately.

I even quoted an exchange during oral arguments that proved that Texas didn't really give a rat's (bad word removed) about the safety of the procedure. And there were other oral arguments that also showed this beyond just my quote on the first page of this thread.

I'd urge you to read up on it. You're argument that Texas cared is just flat out wrong, and was proven as bunk by the supreme court.
what's wrong with a back alley abortion? you trying to refuse a woman's right to have back alley abortions? very hateful. like on Hitler level of hate.

Quote:Sex ed - The right advocates that it belongs in the home. 

Contraceptives - condoms cost a freaking quarter at most

Aid to poor families - We already give away billions from the government in addition to the billions more given voluntarily.


So, since people can't be responsible we should instead allow them to commit murder. Let's just make all the rest of crime legal too, it's no different. 
When you argue from a disingenuous position it's hard to take you seriously. 


They advocate against children being taught sex education as well as contraceptive methods (which actually works). Instead, they advocate for the complete failure of a program in abstinence only education. If people actual taught sex ed to their kids we would not have sex ed being taught in schools at all and you know it. 


We already give away money and the right wants to take it away because they are lazy moochers. Don't pretend that's not the desire of the right. 


I have not argued either for or against abortion at all in this. All I am doing is pointing why it's hard to take bro-birthers seriously when they are actual things they can support that would aid in their intended mission of "less abortions". In addition to support after birth. It's not about life, it's about birth. They chose to not do those things and instead advocate policies that have the exact opposite effect. Seriously it's not hard... Advocate for contraceptive option availability, advocate for sex ed. You can still want no abortions, that's entirely understandable. 
Public schools have been teaching elementary school kids all about cool sexual positions for decades now. I'm just astonished that abortions have not decreased.

Quote:Who is the government to tell me killing babies while on LSD is wrong?

This dang oppression is killing me. LET ME KILL A BABY PLEEEAAASSE! Get ur bible outta here and let me go on a killing spree. Dont try to tell me what's right!

Quote:Public schools have been teaching elementary school kids all about cool sexual positions for decades now. I'm just astonished that abortions have not decreased.

In all seriousness, you hit on a good point there.

Not too long ago, I saw (or heard, can't recall exactly how) that numbers of STD, teenage pregnancy were high and increasing.

If sex ed and increased preventatives like condoms have already been taught/given, it doesn't look like it's working (due to the numbers anyway).

I'm all for that if it will actually work. They better increase the education and preventatives alot if they want it to achieve success. If it is already at a high level, then it appears they're going to have to find another way.
When I see arguments like these, I just go back to my childhood and my experience.  I can only speak for myself as a heterosexual male growing up years ago.


I was taught "sex Ed" early on in school (I want to say 5th grade).  We were basically taught the differences between "male hardware" and "female hardware" and how that hardware was used to make a baby.  Nowadays it's taught that even if little Jimmy has male hardware, it's "OK" for him to think that he is a girl.  It's "OK" for little Jimmy to insert his hardware into another male's rectum or other orifice.  After all, it's not about science and procreation, it's all about how the little dumplings "feel" and what feels good to them.


Abstinence was also not only taught in school, but also in the church that my family attended and most importantly in the home.  I still remember having "the talk" with my father when I reached puberty and I remember being taught abstinence as well as safe sex practices in health class in school (9th grade if I remember right).  The key thing taught was "safe sex" precisely to prevent unwanted pregnancy.  Now "safe sex" is taught to prevent STD's rather then pregnancy.  It has nothing to do with procreation and everything to do with lifestyle.


As a young adolescent first experiencing sex, I was able to get a hold of protection not only for myself, but also for my female partners.  The big risk back then was getting a girl pregnant and I remember that if a high school girl got pregnant back then it was a stigma.  Today we have nurseries and daycare for high school aged mothers.


Abortion used to be very frowned upon unless it had to do with risk to the mother or other circumstances.  The problem that I have with abortion now is that it seems in far too many cases it's being used as a form of birth control.

Quote:In all seriousness, you hit on a good point there.

Not too long ago, I saw (or heard, can't recall exactly how) that numbers of STD, teenage pregnancy were high and increasing.

If sex ed and increased preventatives like condoms have already been taught/given, it doesn't look like it's working (due to the numbers anyway).

I'm all for that if it will actually work. They better increase the education and preventatives alot if they want it to achieve success. If it is already at a high level, then it appears they're going to have to find another way.

Not long ago huh? LOL. Teen birth rates are actually going down and have been declining for the entire decade. And the teen pregnancy rates in states that have "abstinance only" and other backwards policies when it comes to birth control and birth control education (TEXAS, Arkansas, Alabama, Mississippi, etc) the rates are higher. The "liberal" east coat and west coast states have the lowest rates of teenage pregancy. The red states in the south have high rates.

Go figure.

<a class="bbc_url" href='https://thenationalcampaign.org/data/landing'>https://thenationalcampaign.org/data/landing</a>
I hate to say it, but this just made me sicker.  In NY they are 34th in teen pregnancy rate, but only 8th in birth rate...  The absolute unmittigated carnage.  i think 1/3 black pregnancies end in abortion. 


Pro choice or pro life it doesn't matter.  The fact that the richest freest country in history, one of Man's crown Jewels, has indiscriminately killed 50 million people in less than half a century will be our generations stain on the very fabric of humanity. 


If you think a pie Chart or making fun of abstinance education is going to soften that blow then God Bless you anchorman.  May you live forever.

Quote:I hate to say it, but this just made me sicker. In NY they are 34th in teen pregnancy rate, but only 8th in birth rate... The absolute unmittigated carnage. i think 1/3 black pregnancies end in abortion.

Pro choice or pro life it doesn't matter. The fact that the richest freest country in history, one of Man's crown Jewels, has indiscriminately killed 50 million people in less than half a century will be our generations stain on the very fabric of humanity.

If you think a pie Chart or making fun of abstinance education is going to soften that blow then God Bless you anchorman. May you live forever.
History will not look at it, IMO, as you see it. Biggest reason is logical science based thinking is becoming more and more accepted and those who believe in things like Christianity, God, Jesus is declining. For good reason. There's a lot more information out there and as we progress as a species we will continue making discoveries that has more questioning their faith. This related back to abortion since a lot of those against are using faith as justification.

Honestly, I see both sides. It isn't an easy answer. If you make abortion to easy than you will have people abusing the system and as others have said, use it as a form of contraceptive. If you make it too hard or illegal than you will have the black abortion market which could have just as negative consequences. Honestly, education to me is the best alternative in a society that legalizes abortion. But that is also a complicated issue. What should be taught?
Quote:what's wrong with a back alley abortion? you trying to refuse a woman's right to have back alley abortions? very hateful. like on Hitler level of hate.

You and I have gone round and round on many occasions, but I'm really starting to become a fan.. We're starting to see eye to eye..
Quote:History will not look at it, IMO, as you see it. Biggest reason is logical science based thinking is becoming more and more accepted and those who believe in things like Christianity, God, Jesus is declining. For good reason. There's a lot more information out there and as we progress as a species we will continue making discoveries that has more questioning their faith. This related back to abortion since a lot of those against are using faith as justification.

Honestly, I see both sides. It isn't an easy answer. If you make abortion to easy than you will have people abusing the system and as others have said, use it as a form of contraceptive. If you make it too hard or illegal than you will have the black abortion market which could have just as negative consequences. Honestly, education to me is the best alternative in a society that legalizes abortion. But that is also a complicated issue. What should be taught?

As science advances the truth of life as a miracle becomes amplified, not diminished.
Quote:As science advances the truth of life as a miracle becomes amplified, not diminished.

So you are for socialized medicine to protect all the miracles of life?
I'm sure all our Goody Posters that are so disgusted with all these abortions because of the sacred beauty of life are for a livable wage as well. The importance of life means that we must love our Muslim brothers and sisters. We must reach out and provide a stipend for single parents so they can raise children that are well adjusted abs prepared to contribute to our society, because we value their lives.

Universal healthcare, unemployment insurance, mandatory livable wages fur those who work, social security entitlements fur our elderly and unhealthy, these are also all pro life positions.

I'm assuming we all agree that as a society we must also allow for these things.
Quote:So you are for socialized medicine to protect all the miracles of life?

Lol, typical. This is exactly what I thought your response would be jj.

Don't bring that pretentious garbage here, snowflake. You can't call life precious and universal to all, and then vote against providing for the care and basic minimums of what it means to be alive in our modern world.

Top Line-- u r full of (Bad Word Removed)
Quote:I hate to say it, but this just made me sicker.  In NY they are 34th in teen pregnancy rate, but only 8th in birth rate...  The absolute unmittigated carnage.  i think 1/3 black pregnancies end in abortion. 


Pro choice or pro life it doesn't matter.  The fact that the richest freest country in history, one of Man's crown Jewels, has indiscriminately killed 50 million people in less than half a century will be our generations stain on the very fabric of humanity. 


If you think a pie Chart or making fun of abstinance education is going to soften that blow then God Bless you anchorman.  May you live forever.

They weren't people you silly right winger.
Quote:If you make it too hard or illegal than you will have the black abortion market 

We already have that, it's called Planned Parenthood.
Quote:Lol, typical. This is exactly what I thought your response would be jj.

Don't bring that pretentious garbage here, snowflake. You can't call life precious and universal to all, and then vote against providing for the care and basic minimums of what it means to be alive in our modern world.

Top Line-- u r full of (Bad Word Removed)

You're really against the concept of personal autonomy, ain'tcha. Because I don't want you to be murdered I have to serve you dinner every night? Really?  :no:
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