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Quote:Lame argument is lame.

But just to play along, people say they are HAVING a baby. The word HAVING implies, and is understood by everyone, to mean the baby isn't here yet.

Hence the potential of life. Dang, I'm good wrong.

Having is defined as the state of possessing, owning or holding something.


Read more at http://www.yourdictionary.com/having#O1z...POLuahq.99
Quote:Lame argument is lame.

But just to play along, people say they are HAVING a baby. The word HAVING implies, and is understood by everyone, to mean the baby isn't here yet.

Hence the potential of life. Dang, I'm good.

Talk about lame.  I'm sure your brother and sister-in-law would appreciate the sentiment of knowing that while pregnant, they were only having a potential child.  I hope you told them that when you were being all sad and trying to cheer them up.  I'm sure they appreciated the viewpoint.


By saying they were having a baby, they were acknowledging something that you refuse to.  It's a baby.  It's a child. 


I find it interesting that you didn't even dare respond to my question about state laws giving personhood to an unborn child who is killed by some violent act.  I guess that doesn't play into your love of abortion, especially when it associates humanity with the unborn child.  How dare nearly 40 states have laws on the book that see a clump of cells as a person.
Quote:Having is defined as the state of possessing, owning or holding something.


Read more at http://www.yourdictionary.com/having#O1z...POLuahq.99

You need to look this up in the Berndictionary.  Having means "entitled rich white people who need to be punished so that their wealth can be distributed to the unwashed masses who support Bernie Sanders".  That doesn't include potential children.

Quote:You're not going to get an apology from me, so I hope your Obamacare is up to date because if you're holding your breath waiting for one, you may need a ride to the ER.

Your messiah rammed Obamacare down our collective throats. Nobody should be uninsured based on his promises. You can post all the stats you want about how it was before the government took over the healthcare industry, but we're living in your utopia now. If people are dying because they're uninsured, they're breaking the law by not having coverage. And don't whine about affordability because I'm paying over $20k a year for my health insurance so you and your ilk can leach off the system and get your heavily subsidized coverage and free abortive services.

Universal healthcare isn't the solution to anything other than allowing you and your sucklings to live off the backs of those who earn.

I'm good, thanx.

And if you are so pro life, you'd care about the entire life span of a person... you conservatives seem to only care when it's in the womb, and then you seem to give a rat's petuuty about that person.

I make a pretty good living, enough for my wife to stay home with our two kids, fly to Jacksonville for a couple weeks each year, and visit my bro in Denver a few times out of the year.

But again, if it makes you feel better to demonize me and picture me as a welfare king that is ruining our country go for it.

Either way, your attacks and bait and switch tactics don't work, in my opinion.
Ps, I know you're full of it if you think abortive services are "fee". Federal law had been passed that does not allow any government subsidies to go towards the procedure of an abortion.

Quote:Ps, I know you're full of it if you think abortive services are "fee". Federal law had been passed that does not allow any government subsidies to go towards the procedure of an abortion.


Top Line?
Quote:I'm good, thanx.

And if you are so pro life, you'd care about the entire life span of a person... you conservatives seem to only care when it's in the womb, and then you seem to give a rat's petuuty about that person.

I make a pretty good living, enough for my wife to stay home with our two kids, fly to Jacksonville for a couple weeks each year, and visit my bro in Denver a few times out of the year.

But again, if it makes you feel better to demonize me and picture me as a welfare king that is ruining our country go for it.

Either way, your attacks and bait and switch tactics don't work, in my opinion.

Trying to connect universal healthcare to the pro life position is grasping at straws.  Sorry, but when you need to prop up a straw man like that, you've already lost the debate.   It's already been pointed out that nobody is going to be refused healthcare.  What you demand is that everyone get the Cadillac plan without having to pay for it. 


Congratulations on you making a pretty good living, but the reality is, you want someone else to pay for your stuff so that you don't have to.  Feeling the Bern is a way of life for you, clearly. 


Bait and switch tactics?   You brought miscarriage into the discussion, and then said you weren't talking about it.  You showed just how clueless you are on the subject, but couldn't loosen your embrace on abortion because while you say you think there should be restrictions, you and I both know that's a load of crap. 


Bait and switch tactics?  You mean like trying to link universal healthcare to the pro life movement? 


You're the welfare king of straw men.

I find it interesting that you didn't even dare respond to my question about state laws giving personhood to an unborn child who is killed by some violent act.  I guess that doesn't play into your love of abortion, especially when it associates humanity with the unborn child.  How dare nearly 40 states have laws on the book that see a clump of cells as a person.

Totally ignored the question again and accused you of bait and switch.  He ignores anythning that doesn't fit into his viewpoint or strawman arguements and then declares himself the winner.   Comical.


Participation trophy at best.
Quote:Hey, lookie here, a rational well thought out position.

I agree that most abortions after 12 weeks should only be done within strict guidelines when the health of the mother is involved or that the baby is found to have a severe issue that the parents feel would greatly reduce the lack of quality of life.

Nobody is pro abortion, the loss of a potential life is a pretty sad situation, but a pregnancy that's with I the first 2 months is not a baby, and a woman or couple should have the right to terminate that pregnancy if they do choose.

Think there are compromises and common ground that can be reached. But reducing the availability to terminate a pregnancy does nothing to help get us to a compromise.

I'd give you universal healthcare for all children, free education into college, free contraception no questions asked, and wic assistance to anyone that needs it if you'd give me no abortions after 8 weeks.

With the day after pill, the availability of contraception, sex education and everything else there still people using g late term abortion as a form of birth control. That is the real crime to me, when someone starts out wanting the baby then 20 weeks in the boyfriend leaves or [BLEEP] gets real and they go get an abortion. That's not the outlier its been the norm and it's criminal.
Quote:Totally ignored the question again and accused you of bait and switch. He ignores anythning that doesn't fit into his viewpoint or strawman arguements and then declares himself the winner. Comical.

Participation trophy at best.

Now that's Top Line.. Right Anchor?
Where are the women in this discussion?

As far as the value of life, I'll just refer to this simple quote spoken by a soft spoken man.


“I know in my heart that man is good, that what is right will always eventually triumph, and there is purpose and worth to each and every life

The thing is with liberals, that life
only counts if a pregnant woman and/or her unborn child happens to get murdered in a certain way.  If a woman's unborn child is murdered in a different way (abortion), then it wasn't a life, it was just a bunch of cells.
Quote:Where are the women in this discussion?

There aren't many on this board that I know of.  However, I don't see why it matters.
Quote:There aren't many on this board that I know of.  However, I don't see why it matters.

His comment stems from the liberal cop out that you cant have an opinion on abortion unless you're a woman.  And if you're a woman against abortion, well, you're just caught up in this misogynistic culture. 
Quote:There aren't many on this board that I know of.  However, I don't see why it matters.
Well...I think it matters. Not diminishing how men feel on the subject, theres no way one can relate to a woman who actually carries, feels something growing in them. No way a guy can even comprehend that.

Its a moral decision that has waaaay too many factors...rape, incest, health of mother and/or child

Sad situation when there are so may who cant have kids, while others can and not necessarily want them.

Quote:His comment stems from the liberal cop out that you cant have an opinion on abortion unless you're a woman.  And if you're a woman against abortion, well, you're just caught up in this misogynistic culture. 
Liberal cop out? Truly an idiotic statement...and thats being conservative. And in your case, making it legal might have its positive side.
I wonder what the 30 million who were sucked into vacuum cleaners would say?
Quote:Liberal cop out? Truly an idiotic statement...and thats being conservative. And in your case, making it legal might have its positive side.

Making it legal? It is legal... jackass.
Quote:Making it legal? It is legal... [BAD WORD REMOVED].
I wasnt sure if it was when you crawled out
Quote:I wasnt sure if it was when you crawled out

I thought you said this was only a woman's conversation.  That means you should leave.  Or maybe you're confused about your own gender like so many of your friends.
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