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Quote:So, you think that trumps kids are/were registered with the democratic party because they wanted free stuff?? Is that your final answer?

Also, the Donald, that rhino had more faith in the economy when a member of the democratic party is running things. So maybe that means once he's elected (lol) he'll actually implement democratic policies to ensure his companies continue to be successful.

Something to ponder in terms of your boy's inconsistent and flip floppy ways.

That's what I'm expecting Donald is a Democrat more than anything he just picked the party that would be easier to win the nomination since Hillary was already going to be the Democrat nominee. Either way where guaranteed a Democrat in office next year
Quote:It would be hilarious if Trump gets elected and proceeds to propose policies favored by Democrats.
Not really.  It is to be expected. This is why I think he's banking on ultimately winning over a lot of democrats who just can't fathom voting for a corrupt piece of garbage like Clinton. 

Quote:Not really. It is to be expected. This is why I think he's banking on ultimately winning over a lot of democrats who just can't fathom voting for a corrupt piece of garbage like Clinton.

Kinda hard to win over the democratic voters with racism... that may work for republicans via the southern strategy, but democratic voters don't play that game.

Trump had me considering his candidacy, until I realized no matter how much I agree with his analysis on free trade, there is no way I would vote for a racist narcissist that would get us into ww3 if he feels insulted by Russia, China, Iran, north Korea, etc...

Hillary is a career politician, but she's not a megalomaniac. I know you hate her, but she's just the democratic party's version of the establishment. She's vindictive and has her own agenda, but name me a politician who doesn't.

Top line, she won't destroy the country. I can't say the same about trump.

The democratic party isn't split. The gop, on the other hand...

You guys had a chance to pick a legit politician that had conservative values but was not insane-- you wound up with cruz and trump as the last 2 standing.

Your party has seriously lost its mind in your 8 year folly of making Obama a 1 term president. Sad.
Quote:Kinda hard to win over the democratic voters with racism...

I stopped reading you right there. Now I KNOW you're full of [BLEEP]..
Quote:Do you really think Trump will be in charge of the policy and law making as President?

He comes as something who will hire someone else to do that part of the job, and then take the credit for whatever afterwards.

Plus more than likely, whoever he hires will more than likely be a Republican party establishment retread. I mean the current campaign manager who is Paul Manafort was a known adviser to the presidential campaigns of Republicans Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Bob Dole, George W. Bush and John McCain and former lobbyist.

Good points. I recall he also hired laffer as an economic consultant.

However, have you considered that he's still off script? His hiring of manafort and laffer happened months ago.

His latest stupid mistake of speaking for 15 minus minutes straight about his golf course immediately following brexit, his lack of knowledge that Scotland was for remaining in the eu, and just his overall lack of staying on message when he traveled overseas just happened on Friday.

While it's true he'll have a whole team behind him, trump has an ego that is clearly larger than any other politician we've ever seen (maybe Palin is his equal).

Maybe once he's elected he'll sit back and let others run the show. But I'm not sure that will be the case.
Quote:I stopped reading you right there. Now I KNOW you're full of [BAD WORD REMOVED]..

I don't expect the truth to sit well with everyone...

I appreciate your opinion, but I'm gonna stand by what I said.

Think about the southern strategy. Think about the Willie Horton ads. Think about the coining of the welfare queen meme. Think about the crack cocaine version powder cocaine mandatory minimum sentencing. Think about the phrase calves the size of cantaloupes... these are all things that have been done by republicans to sway the votes of a certain group of voters. That group isn't registered with the democratic party.
Quote:Kinda hard to win over the democratic voters with racism... that may work for republicans via the southern strategy, but democratic voters don't play that game.

Trump had me considering his candidacy, until I realized no matter how much I agree with his analysis on free trade, there is no way I would vote for a racist narcissist that would get us into ww3 if he feels insulted by Russia, China, Iran, north Korea, etc...

Hillary is a career politician, but she's not a megalomaniac. I know you hate her, but she's just the democratic party's version of the establishment. She's vindictive and has her own agenda, but name me a politician who doesn't.

Top line, she won't destroy the country. I can't say the same about trump.

The democratic party isn't split. The gop, on the other hand...

You guys had a chance to pick a legit politician that had conservative values but was not insane-- you wound up with cruz and trump as the last 2 standing.

Your party has seriously lost its mind in your 8 year folly of making Obama a 1 term president. Sad.

Those who lead with the racism nonsense should probably have a good look in the mirror.  BTW, race was the DRIVING factor in 2 Obama victories.  Tell yourself otherwise, but I guess race was okay when it was propping up your guy, or used as a weapon he could hide behind in dealing with the opposition.  You've learned well. 


I'm sure you were really pained over voting for a racist narcissist in 2008 and 2012. 


Hillary is not qualified to be president.  She's a failed senator, a failed Secretary of State, and a failed wife.  She's as corrupt as any politician to ever seek the highest office in generations, and she's a criminal based on the way she mishandled the emails as Secretary of State.  The very things she feels qualify her for the job are a complete work of fiction.  I know you're giddy to gaze at her Mao pantsuits on a regular basis.  I am not. 


Top line, she'll continue the Obama agenda, which no matter how much they cook the books, is going to end disastrously.  We don't need 4 more years of lies and shell games as they hide just how bad things actually are whether you're talking about the economy, foreign policy, healthcare, or just about anything the fecal finger of Obama has touched.


Keep thinking the democrats aren't split.  Bernie Sanders was just a mirage, right?  I hate to break it to you, but people really don't like Clinton.  Even those who intend to vote for her because they're ingrained with partisan politics to the point where they can't risk the gravy train can't stand the woman.  That's why Sanders forced her to campaign far longer than she anticipated.  You're going to see just how unified the democrats are when they arrive in Philly and burn the place down. 


My party made the mistake of trotting out weak candidates against a guy who could read a teleprompter.  Clinton is going to have her hands full this time around because, even though I don't like Trump, I know full well that he's going to be coming after her relentlessly between now and November.  No doubt, she'll play the gender card and whine about the big mean man who is trying to intimidate her.  I'm sure you'll turn into a pool of goo supporting her when she does.  Sheep are predictable. 

Quote:I don't expect the truth to sit well with everyone...

I appreciate your opinion, but I'm gonna stand by what I said.

Think about the southern strategy. Think about the Willie Horton ads. Think about the coining of the welfare queen meme. Think about the crack cocaine version powder cocaine mandatory minimum sentencing. Think about the phrase calves the size of cantaloupes... these are all things that have been done by republicans to sway the votes of a certain group of voters. That group isn't registered with the democratic party.
Think about the KKK.  Think about who fought Civil Rights.  I know you're a myopic liberal who feeds from the trough of Obama and his divisive politics, but there's more racist history coming from your side of the aisle over the years than what your messiah has spoon fed to you. 
Quote:Kinda hard to win over the democratic voters with racism... that may work for republicans via the southern strategy, but democratic voters don't play that game.

Trump had me considering his candidacy, until I realized no matter how much I agree with his analysis on free trade, there is no way I would vote for a racist narcissist that would get us into ww3 if he feels insulted by Russia, China, Iran, north Korea, etc...

Hillary is a career politician, but she's not a megalomaniac. I know you hate her, but she's just the democratic party's version of the establishment. She's vindictive and has her own agenda, but name me a politician who doesn't.

Top line, she won't destroy the country. I can't say the same about trump.

The democratic party isn't split. The gop, on the other hand...

You guys had a chance to pick a legit politician that had conservative values but was not insane-- you wound up with cruz and trump as the last 2 standing.

Your party has seriously lost its mind in your 8 year folly of making Obama a 1 term president. Sad.

You're underestimating the amount of registered democrats who are also sick and tired of the PC agenda

Like I said, southern strategy, Willie Horton, welfare queens, the small town Reagan declared his presidency, crack versus cocaine, the Reagan gun laws in California, etc ad nauseam.

Try to refute it any of these...
Where did this Trump being a racist thing even come from in the first place? 


Trump employees multiple races and nationalities. Hillary employs nobody. Hillary is a racist.


Trump is married to a Slovenian for crying out loud!

Quote:Second, I'm not sure how much Glenn beck you listen too, but there's a rather large faction within your own party that very well could stay home when November rolls around.

This is the case in my conservative small town. More and more people are saying they aren't doing to vote this time. They are hard core republicans so will never, ever vote democrat and they think Trump is a joke.
Quote:This is the case in my conservative small town. More and more people are saying they aren't doing to vote this time. They are hard core republicans so will never, ever vote democrat and they think Trump is a joke.

Don't let them fool you. Trump has a lot of closet supporters.
Quote:You're underestimating the amount of registered democrats who are also sick and tired of the PC agenda

I don't think I am. I'm registered with the democratic party, and I am a hardcore Bernie boy. I'm sick of the Clintons, and I've pointed out in multiple threads my beef with Bill Clinton's presidency. He sold out the working class, in my opinion.

Hell, Hillary has said some things in this primary that don't sit well with me. I took time out of my day to vote for Bernie on June 6, even though everyone already knew Clinton was being pushed my the media as the democratic nominee. My wife and I spent that whole night cursing the Clintons.

But guess what, I'm voting for her come November, with a big ole (bad word proactively removed) grin on my face.

Every liberal radio show, every liberal tv show, every liberal news outlet is unified behind Hillary. Every liberal outlet says the same unified thing about Bernie being able to stay in till the convention. There is no hand wringing on the democratic side.

That's not the case with the republicans. And everyone that is honest with themselves knows it.

It's really weird, cuz it's usually the republicans that get in lock step. But trump, I think, is just too overt with what he's saying, which is dividing your party.
Quote:Where did this Trump being a racist thing even come from in the first place?

Trump employees multiple races and nationalities. Hillary employs nobody. Hillary is a racist.

Trump is married to a Slovenian for crying out loud!

You know how it goes, one Hippo Hilldog supporter makes something up and the rest of them are nothing but parrots.
Quote:You know how it goes, one Hippo Hilldog supporter makes something up and the rest of them are nothing but parrots.

It is the blanket argument that holds no water. The guy took 2 hours to denounce an endorsement from the KKK and all of a sudden people think he is a racist. Unreal.
Quote:Where did this Trump being a racist thing even come from in the first place?

Trump employees multiple races and nationalities. Hillary employs nobody. Hillary is a racist.

Trump is married to a Slovenian for crying out loud!

First of all, it's important to remember that, while I've talked mad smack to almost everyone on this forum at one point or another, there isn't one person that posts here that I think is racist. I have a ton of respect for everyone here that puts their opinions out there to be criticized.

With that said, trumps campaign kicked off with an out right attack on Hispanics, Mexicans particularly. "They are not sending their best"

Then he kicked out the telemundo news anchor that was trying to ask him questions at a news conference. Then, as a black man that was speaking out against him at a rally, he told his security to get him out and not give him his coat back. Then the whole Muslim thing. Then the judge who is a born us citizen, who trump considers Mexican, I mean, it goes on and on.

He's a racist. Or, he's pushing racist means to energize the racists in the republican party.

Dude, this really shouldn't be ground breaking revelations that I'm giving here. These are the facts of what he's done. And they are done to motivate a particular type of voter, that particular type of voter is racist...

Again, I'm not saying anyone here is racist. As I have also pointed out in multiple threads throughout the winter, I also was considering some of what he was saying.

But I've decided that I don't want to be associated with what trump is doing. If one looks up the definition of national fascism, it is exactly the type of campaign trump is running. I'm not down with that.
Quote:I don't think I am. I'm registered with the democratic party, and I am a hardcore Bernie boy. I'm sick of the Clintons, and I've pointed out in multiple threads my beef with Bill Clinton's presidency. He sold out the working class, in my opinion.

Hell, Hillary has said some things in this primary that don't sit well with me. I took time out of my day to vote for Bernie on June 6, even though everyone already knew Clinton was being pushed my the media as the democratic nominee. My wife and I spent that whole night cursing the Clintons.

But guess what, I'm voting for her come November, with a big ole (bad word proactively removed) grin on my face.

Every liberal radio show, every liberal tv show, every liberal news outlet is unified behind Hillary. Every liberal outlet says the same unified thing about Bernie being able to stay in till the convention. There is no hand wringing on the democratic side.

That's not the case with the republicans. And everyone that is honest with themselves knows it.

It's really weird, cuz it's usually the republicans that get in lock step. But trump, I think, is just too overt with what he's saying, which is dividing your party.

That's the thing, media and politicians are out of touch with the population.  There's no doubt in my mind that Trump is at least a few % votes more popular than media would lead one to believe.  That's enough to get him elected.


And the more you bang the "he's a racist" drum, the more votes he's getting. People are so sick and tired of that crap. 
Quote:I don't think I am. I'm registered with the democratic party, and I am a hardcore Bernie boy. I'm sick of the Clintons, and I've pointed out in multiple threads my beef with Bill Clinton's presidency. He sold out the working class, in my opinion.

Hell, Hillary has said some things in this primary that don't sit well with me. I took time out of my day to vote for Bernie on June 6, even though everyone already knew Clinton was being pushed my the media as the democratic nominee. My wife and I spent that whole night cursing the Clintons.

But guess what, I'm voting for her come November, with a big ole (bad word proactively removed) grin on my face.

Every liberal radio show, every liberal tv show, every liberal news outlet is unified behind Hillary. Every liberal outlet says the same unified thing about Bernie being able to stay in till the convention. There is no hand wringing on the democratic side.

That's not the case with the republicans. And everyone that is honest with themselves knows it.

It's really weird, cuz it's usually the republicans that get in lock step. But trump, I think, is just too overt with what he's saying, which is dividing your party.

Please... just stop.


Contrary to your liberal fantasy, all libs are not behind Hillary.  Why do the democrat convention officials feel the need to build a wall?  I'll give you a hint... it's not to protect from Donald Trump supporters or "protesters".  It's to protect against the same liberal protesters that went after a certain group and tried to shut down freedom of expression.  Don't tell me that the left is "united for Hillary" because that simply isn't the case.  She's bringing out Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren to try to win over the crazy Bernie supporters.


Now on the right, you seem to confuse republican with conservative.  Republican != Conservative.  I personally happen to be Conservative and a former registered member of the Republican party only because they used to align themselves with my points-of-view and values.  It's pretty much not the case anymore with the impending nomination of Donald Trump, so I switched my party affiliation.  I still haven't decided if and/or how I'll cast my vote in the general election.  I do admit that I do hold a strong dislike of Hillary (I don't like to use the term hate), but at the same time I don't feel that I in good conscience vote for Trump (yet another Democrat).


There are several in the Democrat party like you that feel the same way.  I personally know several that wouldn't vote for Sanders, Clinton or Trump.  I actually have several family members who are Democrats that are saying pretty much the same thing that I am, they probably won't vote because they couldn't in good conscience vote for Clinton.
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