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Quote:That's the thing, media and politicians are out of touch with the population. There's no doubt in my mind that Trump is at least a few % votes more popular than media would lead one to believe. That's enough to get him elected.

And the more you bang the "he's a racist" drum, the more votes he's getting. People are so sick and tired of that crap.

Lol, I don't think I'm changing anyone's mind one way or another on this message board, lol.

Look dude, I'm telling you what people are thinking on the left. The type of national populism that trump is pushing is fascist, and it focuses on targeting "those people". Ever since he pulled that garbage on the judge, it was the last straw for me. If that makes people on this board upset, so be it. What I'm pointing out is not off base, and I'm making valid points based on the facts directly from trumps mouth.

With that being said, I agree with you regarding how out of touch the elite in this country are.

The media elite, the republican elite, and the democratic elite. They have all been removed from the actual working class for so long they are no longer speaking to us workers.

The media is speaking to the corporation investors and to the parties directly. And the republican and democratic parties are speaking to the corporate investors via the airwaves the media provides. It's one big circle (bad word removed).

While I'm telling you there is no way I'm voting for trump, I would not be surprised if he does win. I think, at this point, it's a coin flip. And the reason for that is because the working class has been riled up. The problem with trump is that he decided to go nationalistic/racist with his rhetoric instead of keeping with the pro working class rhetoric. Probably because he knew the republican party establishment would never go for stopping all out free trade agreements and raising taxes on the wealthy goes against who the republican elites are representing.
I don't know about anybody else, but seeing Elizabeth Warren and Hillary Clinton holding each others hands up in the air makes my soul hurt and makes me want to liquidate all of my investment accounts. That pair scares the crap out of me
Quote:I don't know about anybody else, but seeing Elizabeth Warren and Hillary Clinton holding each others hands up in the air makes my soul hurt and makes me want to liquidate all of my investment accounts. That pair scares the crap out of me

I think, at this moment, based on national polling, 5-12% of the nation disagrees with you.  Top line.
Quote:I think, at this moment, based on national polling, 5-12% of the nation disagrees with you. Top line.

Polls are always a great indicator..

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.nytimes.com/1988/05/17/us/poll-shows-dukakis-leads-bush-many-reagan-backers-shift-sides.html?pagewanted=all'>http://www.nytimes.com/1988/05/17/us/poll-shows-dukakis-leads-bush-many-reagan-backers-shift-sides.html?pagewanted=all</a>
Quote:I don't know about anybody else, but seeing Elizabeth Warren and Hillary Clinton holding each others hands up in the air makes my soul hurt and makes me want to liquidate all of my investment accounts. That pair scares the crap out of me

Yea that's a pretty bad pair, it'll just scare more people into trumps corner by default. Especially with the only hope of a third candidate fumbling so hard.
Quote:Polls are always a great indicator..

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.nytimes.com/1988/05/17/us/poll-shows-dukakis-leads-bush-many-reagan-backers-shift-sides.html?pagewanted=all'>http://www.nytimes.com/1988/05/17/us/poll-shows-dukakis-leads-bush-many-reagan-backers-shift-sides.html?pagewanted=all</a>

I know, winger...  That's why I said, at this moment.  We're all just spit ballin' at this moment.  But to be clear one hard right winger's opinion on Warren and Hillary doesn't really matter either, now does it?


Or can you not find a blog that verifies your assumption?   Ninja
Quote:Yea that's a pretty bad pair, it'll just scare more people into trumps corner by default. Especially with the only hope of a third candidate fumbling so hard.

I have a feeling that there will be alot of folks that would be fired up for an all woman, Clinton (moderate) & Warren (working class, stick it to the banks libera)  ticket.  


But as winger says, nothing really matters at this point.  But, how cool would it be to have an all woman ticket.  For as many libertarians and conservatives that will have gas over the situation, alot of independents and liberals will be intrigued...


Just sayin'

Quote:I know, winger... That's why I said, at this moment. We're all just spit ballin' at this moment. But to be clear one hard right winger's opinion on Warren and Hillary doesn't really matter either, now does it?

Or can you not find a blog that verifies your assumption? Ninja

Naaa I'm not a big blog reader. Last blog I read, some tool on this message board called Teddy a better QB than Bortles.. That kinda ruined me on blogs.
Quote:I have a feeling that there will be alot of folks that would be fired up for an all woman, Clinton (moderate) & Warren (working class, stick it to the banks libera)  ticket.  


But as winger says, nothing really matters at this point.  But, how cool would it be to have an all woman ticket.  For as many libertarians and conservatives that will have gas over the situation, alot of independents and liberals will be intrigued...


Just sayin'

why does it mater if it's an all woman ticket? Does that change Hilary's record? 


I guess if you vote based on demographics and not policy it matters, but you said it was the Republicans that where racist, sexist and bigots?


Voting for someone based on demographics defines all the above, so tell me again which party is racist, sexist and full of bigots?
Quote:I don't think I am. I'm registered with the democratic party, and I am a hardcore Bernie boy. I'm sick of the Clintons, and I've pointed out in multiple threads my beef with Bill Clinton's presidency. He sold out the working class, in my opinion.

Hell, Hillary has said some things in this primary that don't sit well with me. I took time out of my day to vote for Bernie on June 6, even though everyone already knew Clinton was being pushed my the media as the democratic nominee. My wife and I spent that whole night cursing the Clintons.

But guess what, I'm voting for her come November, with a big ole (bad word proactively removed) grin on my face.

Every liberal radio show, every liberal tv show, every liberal news outlet is unified behind Hillary. Every liberal outlet says the same unified thing about Bernie being able to stay in till the convention. There is no hand wringing on the democratic side.

That's not the case with the republicans. And everyone that is honest with themselves knows it.

It's really weird, cuz it's usually the republicans that get in lock step. But trump, I think, is just too overt with what he's saying, which is dividing your party.
Its funny how liberals are so worried about division on the republican side. Its almost like they care. Once again I stand by my prediction, a record primary for Trump versus a poorer showing than last time for Hillary doesn't spell democrat victory. You can throw as many abc polls saying Hilliarys ahead, but I guarantee the sampling/populations are off. Just like Romneys sampling for Obama was off and he lost. The same people are not all gonna vote for Hillary or come out for her like they did for Obama, they already proved it in the primary when she got less votes than she did last time. Whereas Trump has resulted in a massive increase in the Republican primary from previously untapped constituents. If you are polling based on who came out in 2012, you will be wrong, its gonna be a different crowd this time. Its possible Hilliary could win, but I doubt it seeing as they barely won the last election with a much more popular candidate against a stooge.

Quote:What does that have to do with Trump's kids being Democrats until recently, other than a deflection? You know, the point of the post to which you replied.

It does explain their failing to register in time to vote for him.

Can't make this piss up.
Quote:I have a feeling that there will be alot of folks that would be fired up for an all woman, Clinton (moderate) & Warren (working class, stick it to the banks libera)  ticket.  


I have a feeling you are wrong. The future of the country depends on you being wrong here.
Quote:why does it mater if it's an all woman ticket? Does that change Hilary's record?

I guess if you vote based on demographics and not policy it matters, but you said it was the Republicans that where racist, sexist and bigots?

Voting for someone based on demographics defines all the above, so tell me again which party is racist, sexist and full of bigots?

Quote:Its funny how liberals are so worried about division on the republican side. Its almost like they care. Once again I stand by my prediction, a record primary for Trump versus a poorer showing than last time for Hillary doesn't spell democrat victory. You can throw as many abc polls saying Hilliarys ahead, but I guarantee the sampling/populations are off. Just like Romneys sampling for Obama was off and he lost. The same people are not all gonna vote for Hillary or come out for her like they did for Obama, they already proved it in the primary when she got less votes than she did last time. Whereas Trump has resulted in a massive increase in the Republican primary from previously untapped constituents. If you are polling based on who came out in 2012, you will be wrong, its gonna be a different crowd this time. Its possible Hilliary could win, but I doubt it seeing as they barely won the last election with a much more popular candidate against a stooge.

You make valid points, nothing outlandish that I would try to dispute. I think as the summer moves into the fall, things will take shape.

Bear in mind that I have been conceding through out this thread, that the polling is a toss up, at this point. It's interesting to review then and discuss them, but by no means do I take them as hard evidence.

As I said, everything is fluid.
Quote:Kinda hard to win over the democratic voters with racism... that may work for republicans via the southern strategy, but democratic voters don't play that game.

Trump had me considering his candidacy, until I realized no matter how much I agree with his analysis on free trade, there is no way I would vote for a racist narcissist that would get us into ww3 if he feels insulted by Russia, China, Iran, north Korea, etc...

Hillary is a career politician, but she's not a megalomaniac. I know you hate her, but she's just the democratic party's version of the establishment. She's vindictive and has her own agenda, but name me a politician who doesn't.

Top line, she won't destroy the country. I can't say the same about trump.

The democratic party isn't split. The gop, on the other hand...

You guys had a chance to pick a legit politician that had conservative values but was not insane-- you wound up with cruz and trump as the last 2 standing.

Your party has seriously lost its mind in your 8 year folly of making Obama a 1 term president. Sad.
And the lie detector test determined...

<a class="bbc_url" href='https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Wallace&ved=0ahUKEwi7jZ-j_crNAhUG6CYKHT4QCb4QFgiVATAV&usg=AFQjCNEYpNW3Gv5n2NeggD3ry9WQOCA3sg&sig2=xNo268mVMXVmYvuQkX6DGA'>https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Wallace&ved=0ahUKEwi7jZ-j_crNAhUG6CYKHT4QCb4QFgiVATAV&usg=AFQjCNEYpNW3Gv5n2NeggD3ry9WQOCA3sg&sig2=xNo268mVMXVmYvuQkX6DGA</a>

And the last president to attack a country to take the public heat away from his personal shortcomings? Give u three guesses.

Loll. Lybia, Benghazi, Arab spring, Iraq Syria Iran nuke deal guantanamo....

If you like your terrorism.... U can KEEP your terrorism.

You said people would get fired up for an all woman ticket. That means once again the democratic base is voting on demographics instead of policy, but it's the republicans that are always labeled racist or sexist.

Lol, whatever dude. You ignore my points because you can't refute them.
Quote:You said people would get fired up for an all woman ticket. That means once again the democratic base is voting on demographics instead of policy, but it's the republicans that are always labeled racist or sexist.

Come on Eric, pointing out the significance of an all woman ticket is not sexist, it's historic. Don't be silly. That would be like me calling republicans sexist or racist for propping up Susanna Martinez or nikki Haley. No, I'm pointing out specific actions that the gop have done to get a certain group of the popular to become fearful and motivated to vote.

You can argue that an all woman ticket is pandering, but pandering is not sexist or racist. You know that...

Now, pointing out the fatness and unattractiveness of a politician instead of talking about her policies... that could be considered sexist.
Quote:Trump's kids are adults. I am talking about teenagers/young 20 somethings about to enter the real world who think their inability to find employment has nothing to do with the life choices they made and/or the terrible major they thought would all of a sudden be in demand when they graduated.


Edit: I basically just described Adam2012 without even trying to do so.

Boy, you're one insecure guy.
Quote:Come on Eric, pointing out the significance of an all woman ticket is not sexist, it's historic. Don't be silly. That would be like me calling republicans sexist or racist for propping up Susanna Martinez or nikki Haley. No, I'm pointing out specific actions that the gop have done to get a certain group of the popular to become fearful and motivated to vote.

You can argue that an all woman ticket is pandering, but pandering is not sexist or racist. You know that...

Now, pointing out the fatness and unattractiveness of a politician instead of talking about her policies... that could be considered sexist.

If the motivation for support is the gender of the candidates then it's no different then someone opposing the candidates because of gender.

Sexism is making a judgement based on gender doesn't matter if its a positive or negative judgement.
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