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Full Version: Donald Trump's Position on the Economy
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Quote:Boy, you're one insecure guy.

Late shift today I see.


Some inspiration for you...


Quote:I stopped reading you right there. Now I KNOW you're full of [BAD WORD REMOVED]..

Same could be said for you.

Quote:Its funny how liberals are so worried about division on the republican side. Its almost like they care. Once again I stand by my prediction, a record primary for Trump versus a poorer showing than last time for Hillary doesn't spell democrat victory. You can throw as many abc polls saying Hilliarys ahead, but I guarantee the sampling/populations are off. Just like Romneys sampling for Obama was off and he lost. The same people are not all gonna vote for Hillary or come out for her like they did for Obama, they already proved it in the primary when she got less votes than she did last time. Whereas Trump has resulted in a massive increase in the Republican primary from previously untapped constituents. If you are polling based on who came out in 2012, you will be wrong, its gonna be a different crowd this time. Its possible Hilliary could win, but I doubt it seeing as they barely won the last election with a much more popular candidate against a stooge.

You only get one chance to make a first impression - and Trump blew his chance.


Believe it or not many people haven't paid a lot of attention yet, and won't until closer to election day. They've formed an opinion re Hillary. Probably did so years ago. All they know about Trump is that he seems to be a blowhard racist. I know, I know - the theory is that "they" are going to come down from the mountains, pour out of the bars and trailer parks and nursing homes and vote for Donbo in record numbers. That's asking a lot.


I don't think (hope) that Clinton will select Elizabeth (national nanny) Warren. I suspect it will be someone from a swing state, i.e., Virginia or Ohio.


And if you see Romney as a "stooge" what is another rich, white guy from the northeast? Stooge + ? (And Obama didn't "barely win". Do you understand the Electoral College?)
Quote:Late shift today I see.


Some inspiration for you...



Do you have a life? Do you have a job? Or do you work for Daddy who lets you stay on your computer all day and still draw a paycheck?


Now I understand the one line posts. Make sure the "boss" doesn't catch you.
Quote:Do you have a life? Do you have a job? Or do you work for Daddy who lets you stay on your computer all day and still draw a paycheck?


Now I understand the one line posts. Make sure the "boss" doesn't catch you.

Yes, Yes, No.
Quote:You only get one chance to make a first impression - and Trump blew his chance.

Believe it or not many people haven't paid a lot of attention yet, and won't until closer to election day. They've formed an opinion re Hillary. Probably did so years ago. All they know about Trump is that he seems to be a blowhard racist. I know, I know - the theory is that "they" are going to come down from the mountains, pour out of the bars and trailer parks and nursing homes and vote for Donbo in record numbers. That's asking a lot.

I don't think (hope) that Clinton will select Elizabeth (national nanny) Warren. I suspect it will be someone from a swing state, i.e., Virginia or Ohio.

And if you see Romney as a "stooge" what is another rich, white guy from the northeast? Stooge + ? (And Obama didn't "barely win". Do you understand the Electoral College?)

All good points.

But I'm curious, why do you not like the idea of Warren as Clinton's running mate?
Quote:All good points.

But I'm curious, why do you not like the idea of Warren as Clinton's running mate?

I know the question wasn't asked to me, but first of all, I can't vote for a proven liar (Clinton) regardless of who her running mate is.  To add another liar (Warren - aka Pocahontas) makes it that much worse.  If that combo gets elected, we deserve our country finally going down the toilet.


By the same token, I don't know that I could really cast a vote for Trump either...
Quote:Kinda hard to win over the democratic voters with racism... that may work for republicans via the southern strategy, but democratic voters don't play that game.

Trump had me considering his candidacy, until I realized no matter how much I agree with his analysis on free trade, there is no way I would vote for a racist narcissist that would get us into ww3 if he feels insulted by Russia, China, Iran, north Korea, etc...

Hillary is a career politician, but she's not a megalomaniac. I know you hate her, but she's just the democratic party's version of the establishment. She's vindictive and has her own agenda, but name me a politician who doesn't.

Top line, she won't destroy the country. I can't say the same about trump.

The democratic party isn't split. The gop, on the other hand...

You guys had a chance to pick a legit politician that had conservative values but was not insane-- you wound up with cruz and trump as the last 2 standing.

Your party has seriously lost its mind in your 8 year folly of making Obama a 1 term president. Sad.

I'm glad the people spoke and went non-establishment on the Republican side. The establishment on the Democrat side had too strong of a hold for Bernie to win and the media influenced the outcome which is unfortunate. This country is slowly erroding and it is because of politicians like Hillary. I guess people are okay as long as the lies and corruption can't be seen? Our Country is up for sale with her leading it. The rhetoric that Trump is going to start WW3 is asinine. Fear mongering at its best. The difference is you are projecting, but with Hillary that isn't needed. She has plenty of actual history to back up her corrupt politics.

This isn't a debate about parties for me. The young Bush did one of the worst things ever as a President which was The Patriot Act (great name for one of the most unpatriotic Acts ever written) and reason I voted for John Kerry the next year. Obama seemed to turn into an establishment President. Bravery in politics seems lost. Right and wrong, standing for what the Country was founded on vs. personal gain has corrupted our entire system. With Hillary nothing changes and we as Americans can continue going along with what is fed to us by the media. With Trump, you will get someone who I believe is a narcissist, prejudice (I don't think he believes whites are superior as a race over others), but someone who will bring the people out of the shadows whether that is the regular public or the ones who want to undermine him simply because he can't be controlled. Either way, he is feared by even world leaders. Not because they believe he will go to war on a whim (one of the most overblown arguments), but because the entire world is corrupt. Look no further than Brexit. The media created the narrative. The world will crumble, we must panic, maybe they can join back with the EU, we will have another worldwide recession... That isn't done by accident. Trump was for the departure which is against what the powerful elites want. Control used to be easy, but their grip is starting to loosen and the panic we see is coming from them and they want us to panic as well to regain control. Hillary is a big piece of that puzzle.
When many potential voters ( not here, I think most here have their reasons ) like Trump because he is going to build a wall, then I believe that these priorities show that there is plenty of ignorance and perhaps Bernie wanting to grant a couple years of post high school education might be a good thing. With the economy, terrorism, Brexit, jobs, International trade,global economy, etc..the selling point is a mother piss wall?

Then again, in some cases, you can't teach a dachshund to fetch ducks.

I'm still laughing at the fact his own kids couldn't vote for him because they were probably still registered Democrats.

The good thing? Trump turned politics on its head, and it just might wake up this do nothing Congress. Proving that politics as usual is over.
Quote:Where did this Trump being a racist thing even come from in the first place?

Trump employees multiple races and nationalities. Hillary employs nobody. Hillary is a racist.

Trump is married to a Slovenian for crying out loud!

He was sued by the State of New York for housing discrimination.
Quote:All good points.

But I'm curious, why do you not like the idea of Warren as Clinton's running mate?

I don't think Clinton wants to be perceived as any more left than she already is. The left isn't going to vote for Trump, so she has them. She needs to be perceived as sort of a centrist, within the context of the Democrat Party. That's how Bill won - and if there is anything about the Clintons, they'd rather win than be ideologically pure.


And I just don't want Warren on the ticket. She comes across as the national nanny - another rich person telling the rest of us how to live.
Quote:And I just don't want Warren on the ticket. She comes across as the national nanny - another rich person telling the rest of us how to live.

That describes pretty much every politician. The solution is to decrease the power of government, not to just vote for the nanny who you agree with the most.


Of course that will never happen. The government is out of control, and only the Libertarians (5%) and a few libertarian Republicans (maybe another 10% at most) want to reduce government power. The Supreme Court is right now at 4-4 (maybe 5-3) in favor of just ignoring the Constitution and ruling however they want. Our supreme dictator just makes up his own laws, and the supposedly opposition congress continues to fund them.

Quote:That describes pretty much every politician. The solution is to decrease the power of government, not to just vote for the nanny who you agree with the most.


Of course that will never happen. The government is out of control, and only the Libertarians (5%) and a few libertarian Republicans (maybe another 10% at most) want to reduce government power. The Supreme Court is right now at 4-4 (maybe 5-3) in favor of just ignoring the Constitution and ruling however they want. Our supreme dictator just makes up his own laws, and the supposedly opposition congress continues to fund them.

My god - you probably actually believe all that. Must be nice to have a one-size-fits-all philosophy. Off with their heads? They're all stupid, and crooks, and evil, and mean! Did I leave anything out?


You and Eric need to keep working on that time machine so you can again live in 1830. You can join John Calhoun and wail against the machine.
Quote:I know the question wasn't asked to me, but first of all, I can't vote for a proven liar (Clinton) regardless of who her running mate is.  To add another liar (Warren - aka Pocahontas) makes it that much worse.  If that combo gets elected, we deserve our country finally going down the toilet.


By the same token, I don't know that I could really cast a vote for Trump either...

If you won't vote for a liar you may as well sit out every election ever.
Quote:All good points.

But I'm curious, why do you not like the idea of Warren as Clinton's running mate?

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3668066/Whatever-don-t-apologize-Trump-supports-radio-host-warm-act-delivered-war-whoop-mocking-Elizabeth-Warren.html'>http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3668066/Whatever-don-t-apologize-Trump-supports-radio-host-warm-act-delivered-war-whoop-mocking-Elizabeth-Warren.html</a>
Quote:My god - you probably actually believe all that. Must be nice to have a one-size-fits-all philosophy. Off with their heads? They're all stupid, and crooks, and evil, and mean! Did I leave anything out?


You and Eric need to keep working on that time machine so you can again live in 1830. You can join John Calhoun and wail against the machine.

Once again you prove that all the left has in their arsenal are insults.

Quote:Once again you prove that all the left has in their arsenal are insults.

He makes a mean batch of French fries. I'll give him that.
Is anyone else here in the finance industry
Quote:My god - you probably actually believe all that. Must be nice to have a one-size-fits-all philosophy. Off with their heads? They're all stupid, and crooks, and evil, and mean! Did I leave anything out?

You and Eric need to keep working on that time machine so you can again live in 1830. You can join John Calhoun and wail against the machine.

You need some new material you've played this one out.
Quote:Is anyone else here in the finance industry

Have considered a masters in it because my current degree/job experience is tied to the gas and oil industry.
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