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Full Version: When Was The Last Time America Was Considered "Great"?
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Today, of all days, is why America is and always will be great.
Quote:Thank goodness it's not the majority...There are always, and will always be, people wanting the social and economic policies of other countries...In a perfect world, socialism could work, however I can't foresee ever having a perfect or near perfect world to where socialism could actually work...

No. It couldn't. In a perfect world everyone would take responsibility for themselves and recognize the folly of surrendering their personal sovereignty
People always seem to confuse 'European Socialism' with "North Korean Socialism".   I guess it's just easier that way.

I think what makes America great is that we can have a diversity of opinions on all subjects.  We don't all follow the same philosophy.  Freedom of Ideas--that is central to freedom.

The last time America wasn't great was about 1863.



Thanks to those that have kept it that way today, through their lives and the lives of their children, parents, brothers and sisters.

Quote:People always seem to confuse 'European Socialism' with "North Korean Socialism". I guess it's just easier that way.

I think what makes America great is that we can have a diversity of opinions on all subjects. We don't all follow the same philosophy. Freedom of Ideas--that is central to freedom.

Clearly you haven't been on a college campus recently.
Quote:People always seem to confuse 'European Socialism' with "North Korean Socialism". I guess it's just easier that way.

I think what makes America great is that we can have a diversity of opinions on all subjects. We don't all follow the same philosophy. Freedom of Ideas--that is central to freedom.

Quote:We all are obviously well attuned to the slogan: "Make America Great Again", but can Trump or any of these politicians actually give a SPECIFIC time period or date that America was considered "Great"? Was it after World War 2? was it during the Reagan/Bush (Sr.) years? was it right after the Fall of the Soviet Union when we were the sole Superpower?


Most importantly, I'm interested in hearing everyone's own opinions about this. It's a very interesting topic. Does Trump have a point? or is this just political rhetoric designed to fume further anger at the establishment?
It's the typical sloganeering that is done every election cycle.  Every election cycle we're told how bad things are,and how candidate X is the one who can turn things around, make America great again, bring hope and change.  Pick an election cycle and the slogans are retreaded going back probably as far as elections have for this country. 


America has always had the capacity to be great, and the capability of being the opposite.  Sometimes we live up to that greatness, and sometimes we don't. At the end of the day, there are people still sacrificing everything in order to come to this country for a new life, so we must be doing something right.  It's not always perfect, but it's still pretty darn good.

Yes... You are right. History is littered with once great nations... In this century we have generated 14 trillion dollars of new federal debt. That can't continue.
Quote:If a third of the country wasn't advocating that we adopt the economic policies you listed above I would agree with you.

People working the land for a pittance with no work rights. Locking up poor people in camps, thought that would be right up your street the North Korean model.
Just thought you would like some of North Korea's policies.

Workers rights, they must have got that right? No McDonald's workers on a high minimum wage...
Quote:No. It couldn't. In a perfect world everyone would take responsibility for themselves and recognize the folly of surrendering their personal sovereignty
then it wouldn't be in a perfect world, so it wouldn't work...there will never be a perfect world which was my point when I said "in a perfect world it could work" 


In a perfect world, everyone would work together, not hate each other, and everyone would be equal 

Quote:Just thought you would like some of North Korea's policies.

Workers rights, they must have got that right? No McDonald's workers on a high minimum wage...

[Image: 6f6cbcc1c48a76ded1843b2bb13dedd2.jpg]

Simply put..America was great up until Trump won the nomination ( assuming he does). Then it became a reality show. Throw in Hillary on the other side and we equal keeping up with the kardashians.

In reality it is great minus the DC area.
Quote:[Image: 6f6cbcc1c48a76ded1843b2bb13dedd2.jpg]

And now the winning goalie, Craig, is auctioning off all his prized memorabilia from the game. Must not be so great for him.
Quote:And now the winning goalie, Craig, is auctioning off all his prized memorabilia from the game. Must not be so great for him.

Why? His stuff is supposed to net $3 million dollars.
Quote:And now the winning goalie, Craig, is auctioning off all his prized memorabilia from the game. Must not be so great for him.


Quote:Why? His stuff is supposed to net $3 million dollars.

Maybe he has doctor bills?  That'll eat up 3 mil pretty quick in this country.
I would say our last great peak was the Reagan/Bush years, seems to have been slowly treading downward ever since.

Quote:Maybe he has doctor bills?  That'll eat up 3 mil pretty quick in this country.

He said he was doing it to set his family up. Sounds like a good idea to me.
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