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Full Version: High court rules non-U.S. citizens can be deported if convicted of minor crimes
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The standard would be any non-U.S. person that breaks any law.  Article one of The Constitution pretty much grants that power.



First of all, refer to my comment above as far as granting the power to the Federal Government.


Second, you must be realistic about it.  Shahid Khan became a citizen in 1991 so the law wouldn't apply to him.  Would somebody get deported because of a speeding ticket?  Probably not.  However, when the rules are tightened up, it makes some people think about what they are doing.

Sorry, JIB, that's a pretty terrible standard.


I raised the point about Khan to illustrate the problems inherent in deportation for silly reasons.  Imagine the U.S. missing out on Khan because of an overzealous policeman or judge.


Now, imagine the U.S. missing out on the NEXT Shahid Khan, or Nikola Tesla, or Andrew Carnegie.  Resident aliens should not have to live with a sword over their heads.  They are productive citizens who deserve equal protection under the law.


BTW, did you know naturalized citizens can have their citizenship revoked?  That punishment is reserved for some pretty extreme circumstances, though.


I think the standard for deportation of legal residents should begin at the felony level, at the very least.
Quote:Except for that pesky Eighth Amendment.

Blast those bleeding heart liberals, always whining about their rights and due process.  Let's just call them suspected terrorists and ship them off to Gitmo.
Quote:Except for that pesky Eighth Amendment.

Yeh, I don't think that an administrative hold to determine identification would be considered excessive bail in the event that the initial detention was justified.
Quote:Sorry, JIB, that's a pretty terrible standard.


I raised the point about Khan to illustrate the problems inherent in deportation for silly reasons.  Imagine the U.S. missing out on Khan because of an overzealous policeman or judge.


Now, imagine the U.S. missing out on the NEXT Shahid Khan, or Nikola Tesla, or Andrew Carnegie.  Resident aliens should not have to live with a sword over their heads.  They are productive citizens who deserve equal protection under the law.


BTW, did you know naturalized citizens can have their citizenship revoked?  That punishment is reserved for some pretty extreme circumstances, though.


I think the standard for deportation of legal residents should begin at the felony level, at the very least.

I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.  I would rather err on the side of caution, especially in today's world.  By the way, did you know that driving while intoxicated is not a felony?


Nobody is saying that resident aliens are going to be deported for a traffic ticket.  However, the option should be there in the interest of national security.
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