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Quote:Former city commissioner mad about defending planned parenthood.

I hate being me, life holds no surprises.
I looked up her record of protests. This is her thing. 
Quote:What so-called "legitimate grievances"?  Jobs?  Obamacare?



"Scott technically didn't cut Medicaid; he just refused to expand it. Medicaid expansion was a key part of President Barack Obama's health-care plan, and his administration has offered federal dollars to expand the program. As many as 800,000 low-income individuals in the state would receive health insurance if Medicaid were expanded.

But Scott blocked those federal dollars and left all of those Floridians — including, it seems, Jennings — without access to health care."


"Scott technically didn't cut Medicaid; he just refused to expand it. Medicaid expansion was a key part of President Barack Obama's health-care plan, and his administration has offered federal dollars to expand the program. As many as 800,000 low-income individuals in the state would receive health insurance if Medicaid were expanded.

But Scott blocked those federal dollars and left all of those Floridians — including, it seems, Jennings — without access to health care."

Federal dollars subsidize Medicaid for a few years then the $$$ go away and the states are left with a budgetary nightmare going forward. Scott was right not to destroy the state's budget for a few dollars up front. Most of those who did not get Medicaid because of his refusal to expand could afford a true Obamacare plan, but they just don't want to or would have to give up their Starbucks habit to pay for it. IOW, Scott didn't bow down to the Free [BLEEP] Army. 
And premiums on the pay side of obamacare are set to jump again this year. Math vs. Emotions.
You're not gonna see me defend Obama care. Though it's obviously better than the system we had, it's got its issues.

But what do you expect when you base a health care plan on a republican idea?

I knew the plan was flawed when the insurance companies started seeing their stocks rise right at the run up to it passing.

But one must also remember the state of our healthcare system prior to the implementation of Obama care...
Yeh average people used to be able to afford to go to the doctor that was so trite and UN enlightened.
In other news zero I repeat zero Republican votes for the Affordable Care Act
Quote:Yeh average people used to be able to afford to go to the doctor that was so trite and UN enlightened.

Psh... come on dude... what you just described was a situation in the distant past, if at all.

By the early 2000s everyone knew that the health care system was out of control. Even republicans...

Both parties agreed that health care reform was necessary. It was a major campaign topic on both sides...
Quote:In other news zero I repeat zero Republican votes for the Affordable Care Act

Some dude said that his primary job was to make Obama a one term president. Not to make America great again, or to build up the middle class, or to focus on helping small businesses... but to make Obama a one term president.

I wonder if that had anything to do with it? Nah....
Quote:Psh... come on dude... what you just described was a situation in the distant past, if at all.

By the early 2000s everyone knew that the health care system was out of control. Even republicans...

Both parties agreed that health care reform was necessary. It was a major campaign topic on both sides...
is Herman Cain put it yes there was a leak in the roof. There are about 8 million Americans that needed to be covered for health insurance that could not afford it. The Democrats did not want to address the leak in the roof. The7 Democrats wanted to build a new house and the roof is still leaking
Dude, Herman Cain? Lol.

To say the roof was leaking is a terrible analogy. Where's the sushi, for crying out loud?

But seriously, it was more than a leaky roof. Just because mr 9-9-9 of uz beck-y becky Stan Stan thinks it was just a leaky roof doesn't convince me that I should revise history.

Nice try, though
No revision necessary. Deductible shock is decreasing access to working class people to offset the costs of services they were forced to buy.
Quote:No revision necessary. Deductible shock is decreasing access to working class people to offset the costs of services they were forced to buy.

41% of all plans purchases on an Exchange have a >$1K deductible, a 31% increase since 2006.


20% have a >$5k deductible, which is effectively not having insurance at all for most families.
Nope, I'm not doing it. I'm sick and tired of debating Obama care.

You two are baiting me into a debate with half truths and I'm not falling fur it.

I'm tired of defending a plan I'm not 100 percent happy with either.

There shouldn't be a profit motive for health care. That's my thoughts on it. If you guys want to bash Obama care, feel free.

I like the fact that that woman yelled at your governor. And that's all I'm gonna say about that.
Well said forest.
Quote:There shouldn't be a profit motive for health care. 
This is America and if there's not profit involved then it's not something those who benefit from it want to discuss. It's sad, really. 


That's all I wanted to say about it. No argument here. 
Quote:He's the real life Red Skull.
More like Bat Boy, imo


Quote:Another wacko liberal. Nothing to see here.
Fixed that for you.


I mean, come on. Palin. Bachmann. Trump.
Quote:This is America and if there's not profit involved then it's not something those who benefit from it want to discuss. It's sad, really.

That's all I wanted to say about it. No argument here.
That's odd, I've worked for both for- and non-profit healthcare companies my whole life. The concerns over rising costs were addressed the same ways on both sides of the line. The only place I saw different was in a goverment owned facility, now, I wonder why that was?
Quote:That's odd, I've worked for both for- and non-profit healthcare companies my whole life. The concerns over rising costs were addressed the same ways on both sides of the line. The only place I saw different was in a goverment owned facility, now, I wonder why that was?
I meant the folks in the healthcare companies, but we can throw politicians in there too. Everything is about profit. To a point I understand it because you have to make money to provide services, but with out of control lawsuits, the cost of durable goods medical professionals use, etc., it's ridiculous. 


It's sad when a doctor has to triple book patients because insurance companies don't want to pay their portion of what is considered a fair market value. Medicare is the worst. I'm thankful for my insurance we have through my husband's employer but they will absolutely drag their heels on paying the healthcare providers we see. We get late notices from doctors quite often because the insurance company has dragged their heels not wanting to pay until the 11th hour and I'm on the phone with people trying to get them to do their jobs. 


Sorry about the side rant. It's a burr under my saddle, these insurance companies. Any insurance company, really. I am also on pain meds due to shoulder surgery I just had this past Monday so I probably shouldn't be posting about anything of consequence. 
Lack of competition is also a real issue.
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