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Full Version: So who is going to be the Republican Nominee?
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Quote:Kasich who has almost non delegates is saying there will be an open convention where he will get nomination... This is coming from a guy who has almost no delegates.  Then he talks about the polls of him vs Hillary.


What a joke.  Is this about an election or media driven polls?  Sorry American people, you thought this was an election?  HAHA, silly people.

I watched this guys town hall last week. He is a real prick. Addressing men and women in their early 30's as "young man", and "young woman". Almost sounded like he was talking down to them with his tone. Also got visibly offended when someone questioned him on anything he has done. If you listened only to him, you would think Ohio was the greatest state in the country.
Quote:I don't know why you call them "media driven polls." The pollsters poll people, and it turns out, Kasich has by far the best chance of winning a general election, and Trump has the worst chance of winning a general election.

Only chance Hillary has is to pray for Idiot Trump.
Quote:Only chance Hillary has is to pray for Idiot Trump.

Quit reading CNN. Hillary may have a nervous breakdown if she has to run against Trump. She looks like she has already aged 10 years just running against Bern.

Quote:Quit reading CNN. Hillary may have a nervous breakdown if she has to run against Trump.

Don't have to read CNN to know there isn't enough white males for that moron.
Quote:Don't have to read CNN to know there isn't enough white males for that moron.

DT may be a lot of things, but I don't think he is a moron.
Quote:Quit reading CNN. Hillary may have a nervous breakdown if she has to run against Trump.

That old bog hag has zero chance against The Donald. I can't wait until he exposes her on national tv.
Quote:DT may be a lot of things, but I don't think he is a moron.

He doesn't even truly want the job. The only possible reason he says the stupid things daily is he figures it's an out! Idiot Amercian clap every time he offends some minority's or country.

If he wins is he liquidating his business holdings?
Quote:That old bog hag has zero chance against The Donald. I can't wait until he exposes her on national tv.

Democrats are trying to create the perception they want to run against Trump in order to to fuel the GOP establishment to try to wedge Trump out. Anybody who has been watching and listening knows that Hillary wants no part of The Don.
Quote:He doesn't even truly want the job. The only possible reason he says the stupid things daily is he figures it's an out! Idiot Amercian clap every time he offends some minority's or country.

If he wins is he liquidating his business holdings?

No. His children are going to run his companies. Are his children idiots too?
Quote:Don't have to read CNN to know there isn't enough white males for that moron.

Yea Trump is a moron. Remind me, how many billions of dollars have you made in the real estate market? And how do your NYT best selling books compare to Trump's?

What's that? ZERO billion dollars? And you haven't authored any best selling literary masterpieces?

Quote:Yea Trump is a moron. Remind me, how many billions of dollars have you made in the real estate market? And how do your NYT best selling books compare to Trump's?

What's that? ZERO billion dollars? And you haven't authored any best selling literary masterpieces?


Come on, don't you know that Trump just invested the 1M his dad gave him in the stock market and just happened to manage a 400% return every year since?

Quote:Yea Trump is a moron. Remind me, how many billions of dollars have you made in the real estate market? And how do your NYT best selling books compare to Trump's?

What's that? ZERO billion dollars? And you haven't authored any best selling literary masterpieces?


No what else I haven't done? Stuff my investors through bankruptcy.

Rich man making idiot statements doesn't make the idiot statements less idiotic than a poor man making them.

How does he want to punish women who have abortions?
Quote:Couldn't be the guy winning most of the states right? We have lightweights in here like jagibelieve- total lightweight by the way- who seem to be in denial. Trump just keeps winning, and winning and winning- that's what Trump does, he wins- and these losers have to keep finding new ways to spin it instead of facing the inevitable. You can pray for an open convention or you can do the right thing; jump on the Trump train baby! And believe me we will build a wall, and MEXICO will pay for it. No brakes on this train, believe me! CHOO CHOO!


Ha Ha.  You kids are even parroting Trump.   Rolleyes   It's typical though.  When actual FACTS and POLICY can't be talked about and discussed, then just make a personal attack.  It doesn't bother me though, I have pretty thick skin for a "lightweight".


He's getting nervous and whining for Kasich to drop out.  He actually thinks that someone who votes for Kasich would actually vote for him.  The Trumpettes are in for a rude awakening here soon.   :yes:
Quote:Ha Ha.  You kids are even parroting Trump.   Rolleyes   It's typical though.  When actual FACTS and POLICY can't be talked about and discussed, then just make a personal attack.  It doesn't bother me though, I have pretty thick skin for a "lightweight".


He's getting nervous and whining for Kasich to drop out.  He actually thinks that someone who votes for Kasich would actually vote for him.  The Trumpettes are in for a rude awakening here soon.   :yes:

I'm pretty sure Jerrad's posts are mocking the pro-Trump crowd.

Quote:Couldn't be the guy winning most of the states right? We have lightweights in here like jagibelieve- total lightweight by the way- who seem to be in denial. Trump just keeps winning, and winning and winning- that's what Trump does, he wins- and these losers have to keep finding new ways to spin it instead of facing the inevitable. You can pray for an open convention or you can do the right thing; jump on the Trump train baby! And believe me we will build a wall, and MEXICO will pay for it. No brakes on this train, believe me! CHOO CHOO!


All he does is win?
Quote:Very good question.  In the case of Rubio, he didn't really "drop out" he "suspended" his candidacy.  By doing that, the delegates that he holds are bound to him in the first round of voting at the convention.  The same goes for the few delegates that have effectively ended their run (Bush, Fiorina, Carson, etc.).  After the first round of voting, if there is no winner, then those delegates are free to vote for whomever.  If he did actually "drop out" completely, then those delegates would be free to vote for any candidate in the first round of voting in the convention.  I hope that makes sense.


With Kasich still in the race, he still siphons off delegates from others and specifically Trump.  That's pretty much what is forcing the brokered convention at this point.




Let me make this clear for you and others.  The primary election is all about selecting a candidate that is voted on during their respective parties convention.  While yes, you are voting for a particular candidate, what you are really voting for is the delegate selection and how they should vote.


Contrary to popular belief, we don't have a true democracy here.  We have a representative form of government.


Just wait until the general election when people find out about how the Electoral College works.

In the United States' politics, a <b>brokered convention</b>, closely related to but not quite the same as a contested <b>convention</b>, either of which is sometimes referred to as an open <b>convention</b>, is a situation in which no single candidate has secured a majority of delegates (whether those selected by primary elections and ...


How it was explained to me is that a Brokered Convention (not likely) is done by the leaders of the GOP where as a contested convention is when no particular candidate has enough delegates to win out right so they can vote for whomever they want (usually bribed).
Quote:Yea Trump is a moron. Remind me, how many billions of dollars have you made in the real estate market? And how do your NYT best selling books compare to Trump's?

What's that? ZERO billion dollars? And you haven't authored any best selling literary masterpieces?


He is better than Hilary Clinton whom should be in jail for treason, or Bernie commie sanders IMO.

Bad choices for the American people I think we can all agree on that point.
Quote:I'm pretty sure Jerrad's posts are mocking the pro-Trump crowd.

Are you sure?  LOL...  Sometimes it's hard to tell!


Quote:He is better than Hilary Clinton whom should be in jail for treason, or Bernie commie sanders IMO.

Bad choices for the American people I think we can all agree on that point.

You know, that "commie" and Trump have alot of issues they actually agree upon.  The whole free trade thing, for one.  The fact that manufacturing is dying in the USA for another (though they could be said to be linked together).  The whole corruption based on buying and selling politicians is a 3rd...  


Trump and Sanders also agree that the Bush's are bunk and were against the Iraq War.  


So...  Yeah...  


PS, regulating capitalism so it doesn't eat the middle class is not really communism.  But whatever...  
Quote:Are you sure?  LOL...  Sometimes it's hard to tell!


Poe's Law in da house!
Quote:Ha Ha.  You kids are even parroting Trump.   Rolleyes   It's typical though.  When actual FACTS and POLICY can't be talked about and discussed, then just make a personal attack.  It doesn't bother me though, I have pretty thick skin for a "lightweight".


He's getting nervous and whining for Kasich to drop out.  He actually thinks that someone who votes for Kasich would actually vote for him.  The Trumpettes are in for a rude awakening here soon.   :yes:

Ted Cruz is "whining for Kasich to drop out" too, but you left that out of your propaganda. You are really going out of your way in an attempt to convince yourself and others that Trump isn't the man for the job.
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