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Full Version: Playoffs or bust for Gus?
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Quote:New day. Same schtuff.

Truth is timeless.
Quote:Truth is timeless.
Hmmm... like the world is flat? That was a truth... once upon a time.

Hell, some people still believe it.
He's as good as gone.


We're probably at least 2 more years away from Playoffs. That's barring injuries to the roster we have been trying to build

My guess is if we get to 9-7 and still don't make the playoffs, he may keep his job for the moment still.  8-8 or less he's likely done IMO.

Quote:Hmmm... like the world is flat? That was a truth... once upon a time.

Hell, some people still believe it.

The nature of truth doesn't not change because how of it is perceived.

Quote:The nature of truth doesn't not change because how of it is perceived.
Right... try the whole English thing out again and get back to me.
Quote:Hmmm... like the world is flat? That was a truth... once upon a time.

Hell, some people still believe it.

Dude, you need a jungle time vacation. You're beginning to fall off the rails.

The earth being flat, or should I say--the consensus at one time in the past that the earth was flat--was NEVER a truth. It was NEVER the truth. It was a misconception that was proven wrong.

The truth does not fluctuate based on the number of people who believe in it.

Maybe just stop coming into these anti Gus threads for a while... they are affecting you adversely.
Quote:Khan said in his press conference when he notified everyone Bradley was coming back that next year we needed to be vastly improved from where we currently are (paraphrasing) and "Gus understands this." That right there is code for Bradley needs to have this team in position for playoffs
or he's not getting an extension.



Regards..............the Chiefjag
What does "in position for playoffs" mean?
My money is on Bradley coming back unless there is a complete regression to a two or three win season, which I think is completely possible next season. I suspect a 5-11 and 6-10 season with some close games will sell the village leaders that rain is just on the horizon and Rainmaker stays. I hope he's not as bulletproof as I fear he is. 

What if we back into the playoffs?


clots and luck still suck, texans find a rookie that plays worse than Hoyer, and titans remain titans...


...and, we look a lot like we did this year except we're now the "best" of the worst division?


Same season, different result... are Gus and Dave somehow seen differently based on playoffs alone?


Say we get blown out like the texans because we weren't a playoff caliber teams who backed in (much like the texans did.)


Would that be different than if we actually did improve (and our peers in the division did, too) but just went .500 or had a winning but non-playoff year?


I don't think there's any one indicator without context.

Quote:Right... try the whole English thing out again and get back to me.

I guess some basic concepts are too much for you. Get back to me when you finish Freshman year.
Quote:No offense, but this idea that the talent on the defense is so terrible is kinda dumb...

You guys are acting as though the jaguars drafted and signed players from the school of the deaf, dumb, and blind.

In fact, the team has drafted players just like every other team. It's not like we were given 'd' or 'f' grades for the 2013, 2014, and 2015 drafts. And the guys we got in free agency, while not all pros were for the most part ok players at the least.

But from how some of you guys talk, out defensive players were acquired from the coma ward of Our Lady of the Worthless Miracle Hospital.

What are we? The Jacksonville Parapalygics?
I get your drift, and it probably was a bit excessive of me to describe the talent on our defense as abysmal. Obviously, these guys must have talent or they wouldn't be playing in the NFL. Allow me to retract what I said and put it another way; our defense, in spite of what ever degree of inherent talent the individuals on it posses, stinks worse than yesterdays dirty diapers. There are individuals on our defense who, although they play in the NFL, perform at a very low caliber compared to other players on other teams in the same position. Given that the type of defense scheme used here since Gus Bradley arrived (the so called 'soft zone' defense, or sometimes the 'Seattle' defense) and the low caliber quality of defense coordinator we had, it isn't unfair to say that we lack adequate defensive talent to successfully run that type defense.


It has been said that a chain is only as strong as its' weakest link... our defense has demonstrated that it has more than a few weak links. This being said, it really shouldn't surprise any of us that this is the case. Dave has devoted the lions share of recent drafts to building up the offense; and our offense (while still a work in progress) is much better than it was. It should be understood though that it was bought as the price of putting the defense in somewhat of a secondary priority when it came to drafting and f/a, notwithstanding the addition of Dante Fowler (whom has yet to take the field).


So in conclusion, maybe I was a little harsh to say our defensive talent is abysmal... but I wasn't far from wrong either given what we saw this past season.

Quote:Sadly, I could see this happening.
Given the past record with Gus, the failure to take advantage of what turned out to be an inexplicably soft 2015 schedule, and the toughness of our 2016 schedule, and the fact that it more than likely will take more than one off season to adequately upgrade our defense... I too, could see Gus being shown the door before the end of the 2016 season if the Jags start this season the way they've started others in recent years.

It's just my opinion, but I suspect Gus is on a very warm seat and on a very short chain. I don't think that we'll make the playoff's even if the whole of this years off season is dedicated to upgrading the defense... I would expect we could have a better record than 5-11, but I don't think we'll make the cut for getting into the playoffs. Our defense is in too deep of a hole to climb out this coming season.


... but I'm not a football guru, so what do I know? I could be wrong and the Jags roll into the playoffs. We'll see.
Quote:I guess some basic concepts are too much for you. Get back to me when you finish Freshman year.
I learned about double negatives long before freshman year, kid.
Quote:Dude, you need a jungle time vacation. You're beginning to fall off the rails.

The earth being flat, or should I say--the consensus at one time in the past that the earth was flat--was NEVER a truth. It was NEVER the truth. It was a misconception that was proven wrong.

The truth does not fluctuate based on the number of people who believe in it.

Maybe just stop coming into these anti Gus threads for a while... they are affecting you adversely.
Just wondering where the truth in "fire gus" lies?
Quote:I learned about double negatives long before freshman year, kid.

Ah, typo. I get your drift junior. I do hate posting on tablet devices, I miss my keyboard.

Quote:Ah, typo. I get your drift junior. I do hate posting on tablet devices, I miss my keyboard.
I'll buy the mobile texting excuse...

I have never meant "duck" auto-correct!
Quote:I'll buy the mobile texting excuse...

I have never meant "duck" auto-correct!

"did not" becomes "didn't not" because of the damnable auto correct. That's why most of my replies are shorter these days, it's too difficult to type long responses without real keys.
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