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Full Version: Chuck Pagano is FIR...wait, what?! He's not fired?!
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Quote:Trolling aside, I'd like to hear your thoughts on the recent news. You're the only Colts fan left here since the late 00s.

I'll say basically what I've told everyone else. I'm alright with this. I would have been fine either way. I'm not a huge Pagano/Grigson fan, but I think the roster held up pretty well this year considering we had to play 5 different QBs in a season. FIVE. That's pretty absurd and still went 8-8.


With Pagano, the one thing that bothers me and has bothered me the last 4 years is the random (usually 2-3 a season) blowouts where the team looks completely unprepared. He needs to be more consistent. However, It's obvious that the players love playing for him.

Must be depressing. Sorry CW.

On the plus side you are good enough to go 6-3 with backup qbs.

If only Luck had gone down earlier you may be in the playoffs now.
Quote:Rapoport reported that the Colts are also keeping Grigson.


Irsay really doesn't care about winning, does he?


I thought I'd heard that this morning, but I thought I may have been dreaming.


Good news, indeed!  A most pleasant surprise!


If the Tacks keep Mularkey....yes!!!


One of the biggest fears I had was that with the QBs in this division, some excellent coaches like Payton or Gruden would come available and jump at the chance to coach Luck or Mariota.


Pagano is a good coach, but he's not in their class.  Certainly Grigson is a goof.


For the status quo to remain in Indy is a bullet dodged!
The three men entered Irsay's office and ingested peyote. 5 hours later extensions for Pagano and Grigson were signed.
A guy who beat cancer calls being resigned by the clots the best day of his life. Very odd.


I can't really rag on the colts for keeping those two because our team has kept Bradley and babich(atleast as I type this). So I'll keep the trolling to myself lol.
Quote:I can't really rag on the colts for keeping those two because our team has kept Bradley and babich(atleast as I type this). So I'll keep the trolling to myself lol.



I hate the clots, but the one thing they know is that it is simple to win this division and all you have to do is make it to the playoffs, and anything can happen.
Am I missing something here? Since when is Pagano a bad coach? Playoff wins, AFC Championship appearance, no losing seasons.

An example of a bad coach would be the beer bellied buffoon patrolling our sidelines. I'm sure clots fans are quaking in their collective boots at the prospect of going up against a Bobblehead Gus defense for the next 10 years.
Quote:Am I missing something here? Since when is Pagano a bad coach? Playoff wins, AFC Championship appearance, no losing seasons.

An example of a bad coach would be the beer bellied buffoon patrolling our sidelines. I'm sure clots fans are quaking in their collective boots at the prospect of going up against a Bobblehead Gus defense for the next 10 years.

[Image: Hallmarked_Gold.jpg]
I mean, we got ourselves a dumpster fire over here.

But at least our gm is competent and our owner is sober.

Man, I can't believe they are keeping both hc and gm.

My stomach hurts from reading this thread!
Irsay heavy dosed on his best stuff before making his final decision, obviously.


Grigson should be gone.


Instead the three ring circus of owner, GM, coach remains intact.  Coach being the most sane and talented of the three, but in a seemingly impossible situation.


I can only guess he thinks he'll be able to outlast Grigson and is desperate to stick close to the luck of Luck.

Colts fans thought they would have the pick of the coaches too. Cowher and Gruden begging for the job because Luck is so good...
Oh and they have fired the D coordinator. Typical Indy, blame the defence for everyone else's bad play...
Curious. Do the Colts draft well these days?
Quote:Oh and they have fired the D coordinator. Typical Indy, blame the defence for everyone else's bad play...


Bortles played ten times better than Luck did this season.


Pagano & Grigson won 8 games.


Bradley & Caldwell won 5 games (with Bortles ( A huge positive)).


You tell me which Coach/GM team had the better season.


Can't go blaming the wrong person, now can we?
Not sure what your point is? How is Colts firing the wrong guy related to jags woes?
Quote:Not sure what your point is? How is Colts firing the wrong guy related to jags woes?


We have an opening ... we can hire Manusky. :woot:
Would have no problem with that. No idea of scheme fit though
I despise the Colts with a passion and would send them out of my hometown with at least the second wish from the Genie's Lamp, but Pagano is the best thing they have going for them. I'd have been much more comfortable with somebody else getting sandbagged with an idiot GM, an addled Owner, and the most overrated QB in league history as Chuck actually manages to create success in spite of them. 

cant wait until next season when luck and the clots disappoint.


all the excuses will still be in full force. Then midseason firings.


Cw will be on here saying it was the right thing to do. We will have a grand ole time.
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