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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars @ Texans Game Day Thread***
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oh damn he had that

Bortles Pick 6 in 5,4,3,2,
Quote:No wonder Shad doesnt care if Gus is back, looks like he isnt watching this garbage. 
If people are still buying tickets to watch this garbage, there is no incentive to change and pay more for a real HC.  Gus is one of the cheapest HC's around.  


You get what you pay for. 
Quote:No wonder Shad doesnt care if Gus is back, looks like he isnt watching this garbage.

He did. I hope he has changed his mind ..... Or he will be back in 2016 meant for this game only in 2016
Good pickup by Gray soooo, put in Robinson?
Wow Arob playing corner better than our guys!! Ar15 for defense!!
Quote:Bortles Pick 6 in 5,4,3,2,

We suck
....im about to turn this off.
God I hate Luke Joker

Offense pitiful so far. O-line getting beat like a drum.

TBH, why is Bottles still in there?
Not one of our pass blocker is worth keeping
Luke Joeckel is so bad

Joekel looks "fine"...
Joeckel is a joke. Young is garbage.
Joekel still sucking.