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Full Version: Gotta love ESPN and QBR
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Considering Brady, Rodgers and Manning are regularly the highest TD and yardage throwers it kind of proves the point. Are you trolling or dumb?
Quote:Considering Brady, Rodgers and Manning are regularly the highest TD and yardage throwers it kind of proves the point. Are you trolling or dumb?

No but you appear to have trouble with reading comprehension. The point is that you can 'dink and dunk' your way to being the best qb in the nfl. It's about timely opportunities and controlling possesions. That's how you win games, not forcing balls deep and hoping your wr can come down with a contested catc. Which admittedly Robinson has been great at.
You don't find the timing of your gripe eerie?
So you wouldn't throw it to a guy who can make great contested catches? Good thing your qb doesn't have the arm to go deep...
Quote:You don't find the timing of your gripe eerie?

Mariota also hasnt thrown a TD in 3 of his last 5 whilst Bortles has only thrown less than 2 once in his last 9 and thrown a TD In every game.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, continue you to duck your head in the sand and ignore all the facts. So the major football analytic sites all have an agenda against bortles right? Because they all confirm what I argue for using empirical data.

I don't know why you guys are so salty, I'm hoping the jags win the division.
To understand that both are bad statistics, all you have to do is look at how PFF states they "faulted" Bortles for the bad snap. I guarantee that QBR did the same. They lose all credibility there.

And didn't acknowledge his throw to Hurns because it was risky...

That's the problem with stats which include a lot of subjectivity.
Why can't both be good QBs?
He jealous


Can't you tell

Is caught Bortles mania it seems only to be curable by trolling.
Quote:To understand that both are bad statistics, all you have to do is look at how PFF states they "faulted" Bortles for the bad snap. I guarantee that QBR did the same. They lose all credibility there.

Nah the biggest knock was his accuracy. He threw several poorly placed balls that should have been picks or ended up as easy deflections. The horrible turnover doesn't help, but his inaccuracy is the biggest thing hold him back, next to his decision making but it's hard to quantify that.
Aaron Rodgers is prob the last person anyone should be calling dink and dunk. It just isn't true. That is if you have actually watched him play.
Quote:Nah the biggest knock was his accuracy. He threw several poorly placed balls that should have been picks or ended up as easy deflections. The horrible turnover doesn't help, but his inaccuracy is the biggest thing hold him back, next to his decision making but it's hard to quantify that.

Which plays are these?... Feel free to list them.
Quote:Why can't both be good QBs?

Of course they can. I was just pointing out that QBR wasn't the only advanced metric thay showed bortles was actually pretty sub part despite the TD's. That's been the story all season for him. I never said he hasn't made major improvements or has a lot of promise, just that his TD numbers are a bit inflated and make it look like he is playing better than he is. Everyone wants to force him into the elite category and the facts just don't line up with that.

Other posters brought up mariota, so I defend my position. At least I don't resort to personal attacks and actually try and look at the data with an objective lense.
Everyone? Elite

Not even close, we know that

He franchise, without a doubt

Go away
You expect him to hit the numbers on every pass though? Making him the best qb of all time and some kind of quarterbacking robot all while having a poor o line an awful D and poor running game...

He's the most talented young qb of last few years, just watch the games...
Quote:Actually it seems there are a large number of professionals that do agree with me, and the empirical evidence does as well. Unfortunately for me I'd probably get a more intelligent discussion from a GI Joe than you.

As I tell so many fantasy people stats don't mean anything. Wins do!
Quote:Of course they can. I was just pointing out that QBR wasn't the only advanced metric thay showed bortles was actually pretty sub part despite the TD's. That's been the story all season for him. I never said he hasn't made major improvements or has a lot of promise, just that his TD numbers are a bit inflated and make it look like he is playing better than he is. Everyone wants to force him into the elite category and the facts just don't line up with that.

Other posters brought up mariota, so I defend my position. At least I don't resort to personal attacks and actually try and look at the data with an objective lense.

The facts don't line up with him being a bottom tier QB either, which is what you claim Bortles is.
Quote:So much hate "pass that was nearly intercepted but turned into an 80 yard touchdown" That pass was a thing of beauty, perfectly thrown. Had Rodgers made that same pass they'd be all over his jock.

I'm not one to really argue the end result here but in the NFL of old Hurns would have been decapitated on that play.  The safety was in position to intercept or make a play there.  Nonetheless, it worked out well for us.


This is a pretty worthless article though, the writer had an agenda, plain and simple.

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