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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Colts Game Day Thread***
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Quote:LOL, McCray appears to be the whipping boy for this entire team.  That's just pathetic...
These decisions make me question Gus's IQ even more...
Quote:Gus knows what he's doing guys. CHILL!!!

Where is the thumbs down Button?
Denard is good at downing in the end zone
"the coaching staff felt like giving Marshal a chance"  LOL,  The coaching staff are stupid

Lol Joeckel
Wow Joeckel the Joke could you whiff any harder?

Damn bortles got whacked
Dammit Luke
Quote:Where is the thumbs down Button?
I hope you know I was joking....


#classic #primetime #leonsandcastle
.....will this be another bumbling game?
Ugh...Bortles might have an off day.

Bortles is very inaccurate today...did the 5 tds go to his head?
Marshall looked like he was break dancing after TY caught that..

Whelp this is going to be one of those games.

Bortles sucks.  Got lucky last week with those stats

Dammit this is hard to watch
Luke should not be on this team next year