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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Colts Game Day Thread***
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Good job House.
House is good
House. Our best CB.
Josh Evans with the tip. ...House with the nice coverage.


Colts are punting.

Quote:Jaguars Warrior agrees with me

I don't have much cred tbh
I want TDs, no more FGs
Good pressure by telvin Smith. I like they are blitzing him now
clot offense just flat out sucks.  C'mon BB5!!  It's go time!

You know its hard to blame Joeckel. Modern college football is ruining tackles.

Legitimately surprised at the 3rd down stop. Punt? I thought we were the only team that did that...

Quote:You know its hard to blame Joeckel. Modern college football is ruining tackles.

Whatever lol, dude is getting paid, I blame him
Quote:You know its hard to blame Joeckel. Modern college football is ruining tackles.
Wussy spread offense
Quote:Khan started hiring chicks for the pool

I'm not a fan of tattooed women.  Besides a neck tattoo, is there anything more gaudy than using the entire thigh as a palette.  That's going to look real good in 20 years.
Where's Hurns at? I want to see him get a TD.

Quote:Whatever lol, dude is getting paid, I blame him

A lot of dudes coming out are getting paid and they are playing at the same, if not worse, than Joeckel.
Quote:You know its hard to blame Joeckel. Modern college football is ruining tackles.

Which is why it's a shame the NFL won't just do what baseball does and create a farm league for young up and coming guys to learn the NFL game instead of having them ruined learning the wrong way to play so colleges can make millions.
Quote:I'm not a fan of tattooed women.  Besides a neck tattoo, is there anything more gaudy than using the entire thigh as a palette.  That's going to look real good in 20 years.
trashy chicks with issues get tatts.
No run blocking at all for Yeldon.

O Line looks bad today...

Beadles is terrible.