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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Colts Game Day Thread***
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Greg Tolar is playing on a bad ankle. Vontae out. This should be a good day for our WRs if our OL does anything.

Quote:This Colts man to man coverage is shutting the jags down. Davis hurt is huge

Yet we stick with our [BLEEP] coverage scheme that routinely leaves people open.
Of course.
Glad to see if Vintae gone for this game, but I hope he's ok. He's a great player
Man seriously what is the deal with the offense
This offense is lost today.

Doctors should prescribe this game to insomniacs 

5th punt is a nice one... Colts start on the 9.

Anger the MVP

A Rob and Bortles really need to stop laying an egg here. My fantasy season sort of depends on it.
Browsing the O-Zone...tired of Oehser's man-crush for Bradley.  The articles on jaguars.com have become so worthless.

Legatron earning his money today
Im about to change this game to something else
Bortles can't complete a pass over 5 yards.
Good lord, wide open again!
Wow, why can't we get that wide open?

Our secondary man......
These bums

Good coverage
LOL our secondary