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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Titans Thursday Night Football Game Thread***
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Need to throw your wrs open BB5
Murlolkey going to outcoach Gus

Luke wanted to get blake killed on that one.

Hate mularkey. Freaking turd


Myers = GOAT
That's a terrible sequence of plays, really poor job by Greg Olson

Quote:The Titans called a TO lol
any smart coach would....we are 31st in the league on D
Good grief. This offense sucks inside the red zone
Are we the worst in the red zone?
He doesn't know what to do when the pocket collapses. Lol.

Mularkey is probably a better coach than gus
2 red zone appearances and no tds.  sigh.  well lets see them grab a TD in the 2nd half?

Simms: "a better QB would've thrown that ball in to Hurns and not thought twice about it"

Idk man,, maybe
Stadium is weak tonight...
Quote:Man if only that was fumble....
You can arque that he caught it and made a runners move but doesn't matter. Does this team make you made or what!!!!!!
Bortles and Joke can share the blame there.


Myers is now 16/20 on the year. Not horrible. The missed points are glaring though.



2nd Quarter at :41 second...


Hurns is open.  Great rout as well...  He's legit. Best WR I've seen.  


Not sure why BB5 isn't targeting Burns more than any other reciever

BB5 looks wayyyyy.too nervous and indecisive in the pocket
Quote:That's a terrible sequence of plays, really poor job by Greg Olson
BB did not help at all