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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars @ Ravens Game Day Thread***
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nerd field reporter looked like that singer, rick anstley who sang "never gonna give you up"

Did i just hear that right?  Aaron Colvin leads our team in sacks???   WOW  that is sad

We need to find a pass rush for next year
NOW is the time for a pick...   or FF

Quote:At least we have three timeouts. Oh wait..


LOL, no.  Our team gets confused between quarters...  
Gratz is so trash
I don't know how many times Gratz can get beat
Quote: He's inactive with a bad horn.

Shoulda run him anyway. Would have the same result as if he was active anyway. :teehee:
Why does Gus have such a hard on for Gratz?
Quote:I don't know how many times Gratz can get beat

His middle name must be drum the way he gets beat.
jags playing prevent D, big large gaps in the D

Quote:LOL, no.  Our team gets confused between quarters...  

"Are you sure it's not half-time coach? I thought it was half-time."
Kamar Aiken looking like Antonio Brown

Gratz is sooooooooooooo bad

Gratz need to go too...

Quote:jags playing prevent D, big large gaps in the D

That's not prevent D, that's Jags D
Colvin almost had a pick 6 there.

Jags defense needs to tighten up this drive
Quote:Gratz is so trash

What-evs.  You just don't understand this defense.  You have to know about LEOs and OTTOs and techs, and triple zone deep.  If you knew that, you'd know that Gratz is really good at letting  players stay in front of him.  That's all that matter's, men.


You compete and let players stay in front of you.  Then you know you are competing, men.
Gus how many times do you need to see gratz get burnt like toast to see he's worthless!!??