Jacksonville Jaguars Fan Forums

Full Version: ***Official Jaguars @ Ravens Game Day Thread***
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No rush ever
This game is so darn winnable it's not funny.


Unfortunately it's so darn losable too, and that's not funny either.


Come on Gus, find a way to get the "W"

Welp looks like Flacco can take a nap back there
Even the optimist gotta agree The Joke is a bust.
Big Roy
Widea open much?
Wide open
Nice catch bruuuuhhh
Gratz got BURNED
cyprien blitzing, more of that

Gratz beat like a drum
Gratz got lucky
Looks like the Jags are going to continue being the nice boys of the NFL and allow the Ravens to finally get back on track after a down season so far. :teehee:




Yay a stop.
Nice throw bruuuhhh
Camera man was wide open
Gratz, Bradley's golden boy just got burned. In oher news, water is wet

Flacco throws a wobbler. Must be too windy.