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Quote:I remember one play yesterday where Poz was left to cover a slot receiver about 40 yards downfield because the safeties had been pulled out of position.   It resulted in a long gain for the Jets.  No way Poz should have been left on that guy.   No MLB can possibly cover a slot receiver that far down field.  


It's just an example of the type of confusion that is constantly exhibited by our defensive backs, especially our safeties.  

If I recall, we were playing Cover 2 on that play. I know I am in the minority here, but I'm not impressed with Babich. Far too often, our players are caught in mismatches...just like that example above.
Quote:If I recall, we were playing Cover 2 on that play. I know I am in the minority here, but I'm not impressed with Babich. Far too often, our players are caught in mismatches...just like that example above.

I don't know anyone who is impressed with Babich. Not even Mrs. Babich.
Quote:I'm not making excuses, just an observation.  Doesn't that seem like the above has always been a problem with this team...since its inception?  They've always seemed to be vulnerable over the middle.  


Maybe it just seems that way...


Maybe it's simply a League wide thing where teams have made the choice to leave it open. It seems like it may be a holdover from the old days where Defense's practically begged players to go over the middle just so they can unload on them going for the ball. But with the rule changes that have occurred, that policy doesn't seem to be as effective any longer.


As for how it just seems like that, I think you're right. Even the Del Rio Defense's seemed like they were vulnerable with a few exceptions where Mike Pete would make a great play.


Quote:I agree with most of what you said, but especially the underlined part.   Maybe I wouldn't notice it as much if we were winning, but there are a lot of mistakes out there.   They just look kind of sloppy at times.   Neglecting to block someone, or not knowing whom to block, or taking the wrong angle in run support, or failing to find the ball when it's in the air on pass defense, or failing to cover someone, or just looking confused at times.  Safeties get pulled out of position.   Often they look unprepared for what the opponent throws at them.  It looks like opposing coaches are exploiting our mental weaknesses.   They know the plays and formations to throw at us that will confuse us.  


It makes me wonder sometimes if coaching isn't to blame.   So many mental errors out there.   It's like preseason sometimes. 

A part of it has to be youth, but I do think that while coaching may not be to blame for it necessarily, you can certainly overcome such things with coaching.
Quote:None of the other teams turn the ball over as often as we do in the situations we're in. Nowhere near as often.


It's become a trend.





New Orleans





Tampa Bay

Washington all have as many or more turnovers than us. 


But yeah, okay...good point.
Quote:If rising to mediocrity is satisfying, so be it.
Nice canned rhetoric.

Who exactly is satisfied? I don't think anyone is.

Some may TRY to be patient with a young team that is taking baby steps - but no one is satisfied with these losses and persistent mistakes. It stinks.
Quote:If I recall, we were playing Cover 2 on that play. I know I am in the minority here, but I'm not impressed with Babich. Far too often, our players are caught in mismatches...just like that example above.
Who's impressed with Babich?!
Quote:Who's impressed with Babich?!
Opposing Qbs
Quote:I am curious as to how effective it would be to have Denard Robinson start the game at RB and then move to Yeldon as the defense wears down.


I'm not sure this is the answer as Yeldon probably needs the reps himself to get going, but I'd love to see the team using DRob again. He's another dynamic weapon that we're totally ignoring. If only our OL would step up and start run blocking, we could probably do some real damage on the ground with Yeldon, DRob and Pierce. By controlling the clock a bit more we would greatly reduce their chances for committing ugly offensive turnovers.

Quote:I'm not sure this is the answer as Yeldon probably needs the reps himself to get going, but I'd love to see the team using DRob again. He's another dynamic weapon that we're totally ignoring. If only our OL would step up and start run blocking, we could probably do some real damage on the ground with Yeldon, DRob and Pierce. By controlling the clock a bit more we would greatly reduce their chances for committing ugly offensive turnovers.

My heart wants to agree with you... as I'd LOVE to see Denard Robinson from last year in a 1-2 punch with Yeldon, but the last few times I've seen the ball in Robinson's hands... he's looked pedestrian at best, which suggests that he, too, needs the constant reps.


If there can be only one guy getting said reps, it's gotta be Yeldon.  He's just plain better.  Not that I think Robinson is bad, either.


Robinson might just not be capable of being that "change of pace" kind of guy, who instead needs the consistent touches to get production.


Maybe it's just a slump.  I hope it is, because I'd love to see that 1-2 punch really start working.
Quote:Nice canned rhetoric.

Who exactly is satisfied? I don't think anyone is.

Some may TRY to be patient with a young team that is taking baby steps - but no one is satisfied with these losses and persistent mistakes. It stinks.
Try sitting in the stands for the last 20+ years, read the sports page every day. A little different here. Patient? Sure. Its the 3rd year of the patient rebuild, is another 4 win season progress?

Win at least 6, that means 4 more this year. Then these baby steps have at least gotten somewhere. If these predicted 4 wins are signs of progress, fine. I'll humbly disagree. But until the end of the season, the point is moot.

I guess evryone has a different opinion on what progress is. Sure , the team is relevant in stats and in FF. But in the real NFL, still struggling in a real weak division. 

[Image: uWEyLAw.png]

It was a close game. But really needed to win in order to boast confidence.

Quote:It was a close game. But really needed to win in order to boast confidence.

Or even boost it!
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