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Full Version: Details on new practice facility, and other stadium upgrades
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Quote:Because technically, the stadium and the surrounding area isn't Khan's personal property.  It's a city owned and operated facility. Everything the team does with the facilities must be done in conjunction with the city, especially when we're talking about major renovations like this or the scoreboards. 

I think some people don't really understand how nice it is that Khan fronts so much of his own money. In alot of cities, the owners of sports teams would bring these types of upgrades to the community and say "you own it, you pay for it". I think what Khan has done with the scoreboard, sound system, NEZ upgrades and this proposal is completely fair. And with his guys overseeing the projects they have all been completed on time and have been terrific.
Quote:I think some people don't really understand how nice it is that Khan fronts so much of his own money. In alot of cities, the owners of sports teams would bring these types of upgrades to the community and say "you own it, you pay for it". I think what Khan has done with the scoreboard, sound system, NEZ upgrades and this proposal is completely fair. And with his guys overseeing the projects they have all been completed on time and have been terrific.

As much as I appreciate Wayne Weaver, he never invested the kind of coin in this team that Khan has.  Heck, what Khan has spent or pledged on stadium renovations alone is starting to get to the point where it's almost the same as what Weaver spent just to become an owner.  Khan has a much bigger vision for this team and the city itself than most of the people who live here. 


I spoke to someone with the organization who told me about a dinner he attended with Mr. Khan the first year the team went to London.  This was the big sponsor event where they were schmoozing companies and giving city leaders the opportunity to pitch to bring businesses here.  At some point during the dinner, Khan was asked about the other elites in Jacksonville, and whether they bought into what he was trying to accomplish.  His response was that there was more creativity and big picture thinking from a homeless guy on the street than there was from the wealthy and powerful in Jacksonville.  His point being, we may have wealth and power here, but nobody is thinking long-term about where this city needs to go, and what it needs to become.  Khan has brought that vision to this city, and he's gotten buy-in, albeit kicking and screaming along the way, from many of the power brokers in the private sector here in Jacksonville. 


Jacksonville got lucky to find Wayne Weaver, who brought the NFL to our city.  I think we've gotten to see that with the transition to Shad Khan, the city has lucked out again as he's bringing the world to Jacksonville with his efforts.  There are still those who will complain because they want Duval to remain the Cowford of the south.  They hate the notion that this small market might grow into something more substantial.  Their minds are never going to be changed, but progress will continue, and I think Khan is doing his part to drive that forward.

Quote:Libraries..?. Libraries.?...who needs libraries when you get all of you information over your phone now.

What this city needs is a bigger jail and more police officers. :yes:

Do you know what that would do to Blackmon's mindset?! Come on man, he's definitely maybe thinking about considering coming back to play in like 7 years. You can trust me on that, I know a guy who said he saw him at a bar.
Jacksonville is a very interesting and special place for me and my family.  We are the owner lottery winners at the end of the day.


I think the whole country is stuck in a rut right now and we need innovation in thinking not for social issues but getting people on their feet and feeling better about their country.  I know every day I work and get a paycheck, I feel good about what I am doing.

Quote:Libraries. This has been the kind of vision in city council. Libraries. Don't forget the courthouse!
Why do we need libarys when we have the interweb?
Quote:Why do we need libarys when we have the interweb?

Libraries have computers!
Quote:As stated, the funding is coming out of the hotel bed tax. That tax has to be used on 'tourist' type features. It by law can't be used for infrastructure, firefighters, schools, libraries, etc...


I'm not even from Jacksonville and I've seen it explained so many times that local people should know by second nature.

But than people wouldn't have anything to be upset about.  It isn't about reality, but something to complain about.  Who cares if those funds couldn't be used to build underused and expensive libraries.  I'll still argue the point anyways!
Quote:Libraries have computers!

And very expensive buildings to house them!
I think this is a very important reason as to why this project needs to move forward:

Quote:Curry, who submitted the plan to the council Wednesday, said the project would be a “solid” improvement to the stadium and the city as it negotiates a new contract to keep the Florida-Georgia game in Jacksonville.
Considering the revenue generated during the week of Florida/Georgia this project is a much needed investment. If the game moves to Atlanta or anywhere else that would be a huge blow to the city's pockets. Last year, this game alone had a 33 million dollar impact to the city.
I'm not saying asking questions and having doubts is a bad thing, but I think Khan has earned something because of what he has done.  How many times do people over promise and under deliver.  Khan if anything has over delivered on what he has said.  That is rare.  Very rare.  

Quote:I think this is a very important reason as to why this project needs to move forward:

Considering the revenue generated during the week of Florida/Georgia this project is a much needed investment. If the game moves to Atlanta or anywhere else that would be a huge blow to the city's pockets. Last year, this game alone had a 33 million dollar impact to the city.

That is a great point.  Also, there is a big possibility more people come.  I think people are also undervaluing the indirect money that will be generated.  Not everything shows up on the stat sheet.  
If the shipyard project becomes anything near what is proposed, adding these these new projects will create a complex worthy of future SEC Championship game, college football championship game and, dare I say, Super Bowl consideration.

Quote:If the shipyard project becomes anything near what is proposed, adding these these new projects will create a complex worthy of future SEC Championship game, college football championship game and, dare I say, Super Bowl consideration.

Add in a potential NFL draft and maybe even a Final 4 bid.
Would be nice to see a transportation system between Landing/Stadium/Baseball grounds/Arena.

Quote:Add in a potential NFL draft and maybe even a Final 4 bid.

And the Olympics and World Series and World Cup and NBA Championship and NHL Finals, muahahaha we will rule the world!!!!!

Khan when he dreams.
First there was Lucas Oil, then Jerry World. Now... Khan Land
This sounds and looks amazing! Hope we see it happen soon. Love what Khan is doing for the jags and the city of Jacksonville.

Quote:Why do we need libarys when we have the interweb?

The answer lies within the question.
Quote:As much as I appreciate Wayne Weaver, he never invested the kind of coin in this team that Khan has.  Heck, what Khan has spent or pledged on stadium renovations alone is starting to get to the point where it's almost the same as what Weaver spent just to become an owner.  Khan has a much bigger vision for this team and the city itself than most of the people who live here. 


I spoke to someone with the organization who told me about a dinner he attended with Mr. Khan the first year the team went to London.  This was the big sponsor event where they were schmoozing companies and giving city leaders the opportunity to pitch to bring businesses here.  At some point during the dinner, Khan was asked about the other elites in Jacksonville, and whether they bought into what he was trying to accomplish.  His response was that there was more creativity and big picture thinking from a homeless guy on the street than there was from the wealthy and powerful in Jacksonville.  His point being, we may have wealth and power here, but nobody is thinking long-term about where this city needs to go, and what it needs to become.  Khan has brought that vision to this city, and he's gotten buy-in, albeit kicking and screaming along the way, from many of the power brokers in the private sector here in Jacksonville. 


Jacksonville got lucky to find Wayne Weaver, who brought the NFL to our city.  I think we've gotten to see that with the transition to Shad Khan, the city has lucked out again as he's bringing the world to Jacksonville with his efforts.  There are still those who will complain because they want Duval to remain the Cowford of the south.  They hate the notion that this small market might grow into something more substantial.  Their minds are never going to be changed, but progress will continue, and I think Khan is doing his part to drive that forward.
You and I are in 100% agreement on all points here.


Khan is trying to bring real and tangible changes to our city for it's betterment. 
Ever been to the Saint Augustine Amp? I bet they would like to fight this.

Jacksonville has needed this for years. Look at all the concerts going to St. Aug.

Do it and not be a bunch of idiots Jax. This will be a major thing for Jax long after I am gone
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