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Full Version: Multiple home games in London?
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Home field advantage doesn't apply to Jacksonville anymore. Well coached teams and well prepared teams win football games no matter where you put them. Two things this team lacks is a solid defense and a running game. Those two things travel well on the road and certainly show up at home.

8 - 30 over the last three years doesn't really scream any advantages.
Meh.....one game is enough.

Listening to a local radio someone actually said good idea it gives us an advantage.


You mean going over a week early gives us as a home team an advantage over a jet lagged team that just got there? Seriously?

We have to resort to that to win?

Back to back games in London followed by the bye week could actually be an advantage as long as one is considered home and one away. 


Jags fly over and get adjusted to the jet lag and time differential for the first game, which gives them an advantage in game 2 when another team has to fly over and they're still adjusting.  Perhaps it's a small advantage, but it's a little something.  


Doesn't really hurt the Jags fanbase in Jacksonville either.  
For those of you citing the stadium lease as ammunition that the Jags won't be able to play more than 1 home game; Weaver's lease said ALL Jag home games must be played in Everbank. It is one of the reasons Wayne Weaver said he couldn't play a game, or even preseason game, in Orlando. That clause in the lease was changed at Shad Khan's request.


Don't think it couldn't happen again.


Regards..................the Chiefjag

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