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Full Version: It's not all bad/the Jaguars have one of the best situations in the NFL
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Quote:just look at our defense. Look at Slowby. look at the offensive line. if you don't get it, you don't know football more than likely.

You can't hit on everyone lol. Slowby is a cheap RB that probably won't be on the team next year so who cares. The defense would be much better with a pass rush which both of the best ones are injured right now.
Oh man, I forgot about his diamond in the rough Dekoda Watson failure lol.


The hits just keep coming for Dave

Quote:Not every player is the same. Revis has been known to just want the best contract throughout his career. Other players will take less to stay withe their team. Yeah maybe if you severely overpay for a guy like Cobb like make him the highest paid receiver he would've accepted but that's just wasting money on a guy that isn't the top player. It might be nice now but if you continuously do that it will come back to bite you in a couple years.

I agree and can see both sides. One side says we aren't "close enough" to need 1 or 2 guys to put us over the top, which in turn makes us go after middle of the pack free agents, which a large majority don't work out or are huge busts.


Having said that, obviously we are the 2nd one here because we aren't close enough, but at the same time they may need to do something drastic to keep fan interest.
Quote:You can't hit on everyone lol. Slowby is a cheap RB that probably won't be on the team next year so who cares. The defense would be much better with a pass rush which both of the best ones are injured right now.

so...everyone is using the injuries excuse......every wonder how OTHER organizations lose a a player and the backup steps up? thats called GMing and building a roster 
Quote:Missing Gene Smiff already?
I'm willing to give Caldwell a 4th year because finding a qb wrs and RB isn't easy to do in this league. he clearly needs to hit on some of these other depth positions tho
Quote:Oh man, I forgot about his diamond in the rough Dekoda Watson failure lol.


The hits just keep coming for Dave
What about Marks tho? 
Kind of tired of looking forward to next year a quarter of the way through the season every year.

Quote:What about Marks tho? 

The team isn't good. Marks isn't good. Nobody is good. Fire everybody.
Quote:Because they always throw at him. Dude is being overrated by you all

Quote:Kind of tired of looking forward to next year a quarter of the way through the season every year.
Well we sitll have the rest of the season to see improvement in Bortles so theres that
His troll level power is over 9000 right now
Quote:Oh man, I forgot about his diamond in the rough Dekoda Watson failure lol.


The hits just keep coming for Dave
that was a cheap enough contract we got rid of him quickly.


also... for this defensive scheme, some of these FAs might be by request of the coaches (Bradley) he might have wanted Watson (and now Skuta) for that OTTO.

He might have requested Slowby....


I don't really know. But you can't fault Caldwell without giving credit also, for every bad one he has a good one.
Quote:His troll level power is over 9000 right now

Seriously!  He's killin' it right now!  I'm laid up sick and I thought I'd be bored out of my mind...  Apparently I can laugh at his troll-tastic flailing all day


I believe you read me giving credit to Caldwell in the Beadles thread today.


But let's not pretend like he doesn't have his fair share of flops.


He's about 50/50. Maybe 60/40 with his success/failure ratio.

Quote:His troll level power is over 9000 right now

Nah, brah. He's just keepin it 100.

Makes my work day go by quicker though! Thanks rockey!


I believe you read me giving credit to Caldwell in the Beadles thread today.


But let's not pretend like he doesn't have his fair share of flops.


He's about 50/50. Maybe 60/40 with his success/failure ratio.

He's easily 60/40...  Probably more like 70/30...


And you want him fired?  LOL! 
Can you hit 6 out of 10 times (60%, which is a big fat F) at your job and still be employed?






Quote:Can you hit 6 out of 10 times (60%, which is a big fat F) at your job and still be employed?






Baseball players hit at like 30%, they all suck, right?


LOL!  You're a joke!!!!  
we're not talking about baseball, we're talking about football


different ball is used and different rules

And to be honest with you, I used to work sales before I got my degree...  In sales, you fail more often than you hit...


In terms of what Caldwell is doing, he's succeeding at a high level.  


You have no clue as to what you're talking about...  But keep flailing!  You're making my morning!

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