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Quote:Tell boudreau that.
Hey man leave me out of this. The last thing I want is another cesspool of attacks and nonsense like the climate change thread has become. 
Quote:Hey man leave me out of this. The last thing I want is another cesspool of attacks and nonsense like the climate change thread has become. 

That's why I directed him to you.
Quote:Normally I wouldn't post something like this, but I did a quick fact check and it is, in fact, accurate. So much for an unbiased media.


[Image: jrQJXOh.jpg]


LOL.  There are headlines and reports that CNN was scrubbing positive comments regarding Bernie Sanders from their website.  I don't know if it's really true and don't really care.


Here is what I find interesting.


On The Democrat Side


Most "establishment" types are kind of backing Clinton, but they really want Joe Biden to get into the race.  I would bet large dollars that if he does, her support would fall big time.


Most of the far left support Bernie Sanders, but I can't really see him winning the nomination.


The other three candidates are not even a "blip on the radar screen".


My prediction for this side is that Hillary wins the nomination unless something drastic changes.


On The Republican Side


Most "establishment" types supposedly support Jeb Bush, though I do believe that there is a contingent that also supports Marco Rubio.


The far right, and this one is surprising to me seems to really like Donald Trump.  When I say the "far right" I'm referring to the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, etc.  I also guage my opinion when talking to people at work (overwhelmingly conservative leaning).  There are quite a few that also like Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina and Dr. Ben Carson.  They also don't like Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or any of the other candidates.


My prediction here is that the nomination is going to probably come down to Trump vs. Rubio.  If Trump at some point drops out of the race, then it's going to be one of the other candidates that the far right likes vs. Marco Rubio.
Quote:LOL.  There are headlines and reports that CNN was scrubbing positive comments regarding Bernie Sanders from their website.  I don't know if it's really true and don't really care.


Here is what I find interesting.


On The Democrat Side


Most "establishment" types are kind of backing Clinton, but they really want Joe Biden to get into the race.  I would bet large dollars that if he does, her support would fall big time.


Most of the far left support Bernie Sanders, but I can't really see him winning the nomination.


The other three candidates are not even a "blip on the radar screen".


My prediction for this side is that Hillary wins the nomination unless something drastic changes.


On The Republican Side


Most "establishment" types supposedly support Jeb Bush, though I do believe that there is a contingent that also supports Marco Rubio.


The far right, and this one is surprising to me seems to really like Donald Trump.  When I say the "far right" I'm referring to the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, etc.  I also guage my opinion when talking to people at work (overwhelmingly conservative leaning).  There are quite a few that also like Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina and Dr. Ben Carson.  They also don't like Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or any of the other candidates.


My prediction here is that the nomination is going to probably come down to Trump vs. Rubio.  If Trump at some point drops out of the race, then it's going to be one of the other candidates that the far right likes vs. Marco Rubio.
Supposedly they deleted an entire poll that didn't agree with their Clinton narrative. Color me shocked. 
Quote:Supposedly they deleted an entire poll that didn't agree with their Clinton narrative. Color me shocked. 

I remember when FOX News did this when...  never mind.
[Image: kwUIpTJ.jpg]



lol I remember similar tactics will Ron Paul the last election. 


Quote:[Image: kwUIpTJ.jpg]



lol I remember similar tactics will Ron Paul the last election. 


The college age hipsters that dominate blogs and internet polls loved Ron Paul. They also love Bernie Sanders.


I'm not saying Bernie did or didn't win the debate, just that I'd expect Bernie to dominate internet polls regardless of how the debate went.
Quote:The college age hipsters that dominate blogs and internet polls loved Ron Paul. They also love Bernie Sanders.


I'm not saying Bernie did or didn't win the debate, just that I'd expect Bernie to dominate internet polls regardless of how the debate went.

While I get what you're saying about the "CAH's" and agree to a degree, but I'm sure not all were of that group.  Either way the point is it doesn't matter how many responded to their web polls, it doesn't matter how many people responded to their facebook or twitter polls, the media pundits say Hillary won, so that's it. 
I gotta agree with Trump. Can you imagine that face as president?

Quote:The college age hipsters that dominate blogs and internet polls loved Ron Paul. They also love Bernie Sanders.


I'm not saying Bernie did or didn't win the debate, just that I'd expect Bernie to dominate internet polls regardless of how the debate went.

Quote:Trump will fall by the wayside soon enough, imo. He has a penchant for opening his mouth and letting whatever happens to dribble out come from it. I doubt he'll have a "Dukakis on the tank" moment, but eventually the weight of things like his comments about Megyn Kelly, his off-the-cuff "we're looking into a lot of things" response to a question about deporting Muslims and his appearance of considering this whole process to be a big game will turn Republicans off to him.


My expectation remains that the Republicans will, for all their far-right bluster, end up coming to their senses and running Rubio, and Rubio would stand a good chance against Clinton or Sanders because he has moderate appeal.
Makes me feel a bit sour to say this, but I'm going to disagree with you here. One thing he has that other politicians don't have is a full understanding on his brand and how to market it across ALL platforms. He knows how to keep his presence in the eyes, ears, and minds every day. For the average web browser, can you recall the last day you've gone without seeing Donald Trump something? Sure, things get reported every day by everyone all across the board, but look at the number of platforms he utilizes to keep his name fresh in everyone's mind. 


I'm gonna call it now, it'll be Trump vs. Clinton and Clinton will take the cake. But it's Trump's plan all along......
Quote:Makes me feel a bit sour to say this, but I'm going to disagree with you here. One thing he has that other politicians don't have is a full understanding on his brand and how to market it across ALL platforms. He knows how to keep his presence in the eyes, ears, and minds every day. For the average web browser, can you recall the last day you've gone without seeing Donald Trump something? Sure, things get reported every day by everyone all across the board, but look at the number of platforms he utilizes to keep his name fresh in everyone's mind. 


I'm gonna call it now, it'll be Trump vs. Clinton and Clinton will take the cake. But it's Trump's plan all along......

Winner Winner chicken dinner! 


That's exactly what's going on, Trump is going to hand Clinton the election on a silver platter and the no-nothing or uninformed voting part of the right wing is taking it hook line and sinker. 
Quote:I remember when FOX News did this when...  never mind.

Do you remember when all the pundits on Fox "figured out" why all the polls were wrong in 2012 and declared that Mitt Romney was actually going to win?   And then even during election night, when Obama finally got to the required number of electoral votes, and Karl Rove refused to admit it?  
I remember late 09 when someone called rush's show about rubio. At the time it was agreed that he would be too far right to be taken seriously. He was just a name taht the tea party types liked.

Funny how 6 years changes perception. Begrudgingly.... Again i have to agree with tj.
Quote:Makes me feel a bit sour to say this, but I'm going to disagree with you here. One thing he has that other politicians don't have is a full understanding on his brand and how to market it across ALL platforms. He knows how to keep his presence in the eyes, ears, and minds every day. For the average web browser, can you recall the last day you've gone without seeing Donald Trump something? Sure, things get reported every day by everyone all across the board, but look at the number of platforms he utilizes to keep his name fresh in everyone's mind. 


I'm gonna call it now, it'll be Trump vs. Clinton and Clinton will take the cake. But it's Trump's plan all along......


As I was saying, Trump is going to slowly erode his base with comments like that, and eventually he'll just collapse. Hopefully it's to a sensible candidate like Rubio and not a looney toon like Ben Carson or Ted Cruz.


As I was saying, Trump is going to slowly erode his base with comments like that, and eventually he'll just collapse. Hopefully it's to a sensible candidate like Rubio and not a looney toon like Ben Carson or Ted Cruz.

I don't think so.  


I think the Republicans are reaping what they have sewn.   They have fed the wacko loony toon base for 7 years, and now they have a tiger by the tail.   It's like the French Revolution.   Eventually, the people who led the French Revolution, who sent all those royals to the guillotine, wound up going to the guillotine themselves. 


So all these career politicians in the Republican party who fed the extreme wacko wing of the party are now facing a big voting bloc that believes what they were told: that Washington is an evil place and the whole thing needs to be cleaned out.  Only now they are included in the cleanout.   


Case in point: I had a neighbor, a very level headed doctor, who told me one day that he thought Obama was trying to destroy the country on purpose.   He was serious.   The Republicans, especially the thought leaders like Hannity and Limbaugh, have fed these wacky theories for years now, and half the Republican party is ready for a revolution, and among their targets are their own politicians. 

Quote:LOL.  There are headlines and reports that CNN was scrubbing positive comments regarding Bernie Sanders from their website.  I don't know if it's really true and don't really care.


Here is what I find interesting.


On The Democrat Side


Most "establishment" types are kind of backing Clinton, but they really want Joe Biden to get into the race.  I would bet large dollars that if he does, her support would fall big time.


Most of the far left support Bernie Sanders, but I can't really see him winning the nomination.


The other three candidates are not even a "blip on the radar screen".


My prediction for this side is that Hillary wins the nomination unless something drastic changes.


On The Republican Side


Most "establishment" types supposedly support Jeb Bush, though I do believe that there is a contingent that also supports Marco Rubio.


The far right, and this one is surprising to me seems to really like Donald Trump.  When I say the "far right" I'm referring to the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, etc.  I also guage my opinion when talking to people at work (overwhelmingly conservative leaning).  There are quite a few that also like Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina and Dr. Ben Carson.  They also don't like Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or any of the other candidates.


My prediction here is that the nomination is going to probably come down to Trump vs. Rubio.  If Trump at some point drops out of the race, then it's going to be one of the other candidates that the far right likes vs. Marco Rubio.

CNN has been so bias towards the Democrat party that I dont consider them a real news channel anymore...
Quote:CNN has been so bias towards the Democrat party that I dont consider them a real news channel anymore...
You still considered them a real news channel before now?


Fox News, CNN and MSNBC are little more than entertainment branded as "news". Fox swings right, MSNBC swings left, and CNN wants to be a tabloid when it grows up. There is nothing "news" about any of them, and the three-letter networks aren't much better. ABC is a joke, focused more on viral videos than Congressional proceedings. NBC's credibility is shot, even with Holt in the chair, and CBS is the same old left-swinging partisan rag that it's been since Dan Rather was in the chair.
Quote:You still considered them a real news channel before now?


Fox News, CNN and MSNBC are little more than entertainment branded as "news". Fox swings right, MSNBC swings left, and CNN wants to be a tabloid when it grows up. There is nothing "news" about any of them, and the three-letter networks aren't much better. ABC is a joke, focused more on viral videos than Congressional proceedings. NBC's credibility is shot, even with Holt in the chair, and CBS is the same old left-swinging partisan rag that it's been since Dan Rather was in the chair.

Oh, never mind. 

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