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Quote:I can tell you that now. He's gonna say we need to tax corporations like they used to be taxed in this country.

Not to mention cutting Defense spending on Cold War programs to fight a Soviet Union that no longer exists, and eliminate oil subsidies.
Quote:I can tell you that now. He's gonna say we need to tax corporations like they used to be taxed in this country.
Off topic, but I would say, if they raise taxes on corporations, in fact if they don't lower taxes on corporations, more corporations will move overseas to lower tax environments like Ireland.

Raising taxes on corporations is about the dumbest idea anyone could come up with. That idea is so simplistic and simpleminded and it reflects a complete lack of understanding of how our economic system works.
Quote:Off topic, but I would say, if they raise taxes on corporations, in fact if they don't lower taxes on corporations, more corporations will move overseas to lower tax environments like Ireland.

Raising taxes on corporations is about the dumbest idea anyone could come up with. That idea is so simplistic and simpleminded and it reflects a complete lack of understanding of how our economic system works.

Call me old fashioned, but I think any corporation that establishes offshore tax havens even though the bulk of their work is done in the US to avoid paying the amount of taxes they should are unpatriotic pieces of manure. Just because a lawyer says it's legal doesn't make it okay.
Quote:I loathe CNN


just read an article this morning about how Cooper and the station will not draft questions designed to pit the candidates against each other.


funny how they did the exact opposite in the GOP debate that they had. they purposely designed questions to have the candidates attack each other.



I always knew that they were liberal, and didn't ever buy their "we're balanced" shtick, but they're not even trying to hide it now

Pretty much.  I'm interested to see how many "hard hitting" questions there will be rather than softball questions.
Quote:I loathe CNN


just read an article this morning about how Cooper and the station will not draft questions designed to pit the candidates against each other.


funny how they did the exact opposite in the GOP debate that they had. they purposely designed questions to have the candidates attack each other.



I always knew that they were liberal, and didn't ever buy their "we're balanced" shtick, but they're not even trying to hide it now
Fox is the right, MSNBC is the left and CNN is a tabloid. It's not about party lines for them; it's about eyes on the screen. They knew they'd keep people's attention for the GOP debate if they got the candidates to go after each other (particularly Trump). On the Democratic side, Bernie Sanders is the interesting character. My expectation is that they'll throw him lots of questions designed to elicit animated responses against Hillary Clinton and the Republican front-runners. Clinton will be tossed a few hard questions about the email server, maybe Benghazi, but mostly softball questions about her fond memories of Socks the cat. Hillary Clinton is Hillary Clinton. By this point, we know what we're going to get from her.


O'Malley has a real opportunity to be the Democratic Ben Carson in terms of his sleeper potential. Lots of people are turned off entirely by Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders is so far left that a lot of his goals could be described as dreamy in nature. If O'Malley comes out of this debate looking like an honest alternative to Hillary and a common sense alternative to Sanders, he could gain traction quickly. My personal thoughts at this point are that Biden has decided not to run, and he would have been the ideal candidate to bridge the Clinton and Sanders supporters into unified support. Without Biden around, O'Malley has a chance to be that guy if he comes out of tonight's debate looking strong, smart and appealing to centrist voters.

I know which side of the party line you reside with, which is why I stated the "motto" of Fox News.

Fox News is to liberal for me
Quote:Fox News is to liberal for me
Everyone is too liberal for an anarchist  Ninja
Quote:Fox News is to liberal for me
A few months after the apocalypse, "Bunker News Network" will go live. Its anchor? Eric. Its only programming? A loop of Eric dancing around and telling us all how right he was on infinite repeat.


I'd watch that.
Quote:Fox News is to liberal for me

MSNBC is too conservative for me.
Quote:A few months after the apocalypse, "Bunker News Network" will go live. Its anchor? Eric. Its only programming? A loop of Eric dancing around and telling us all how right he was on infinite repeat.

I'd watch that.

My dancing can be mesmerizing not only would you watch you'd be thoroughly entertained.
Quote:MSNBC is too conservative for me.

Well you count as my one communist friend lol
Quote:MSNBC is too conservative for me.

Does anyone even watch them?
Quote:Well you count as my one communist friend lol


I still find communism completely dirty.  
Quote:Everyone is too liberal for an anarchist Ninja

The existence of the state is the problem ..... You've got me figured out friend

I still find communism completely dirty.

Socialism the washed down version of communism! Cause anything watered down is always better!
Quote:My dancing can be mesmerizing not only would you watch you'd be thoroughly entertained.
Well, considering that BNN would probably be the only network on that air...
Quote:Well, considering that BNN would probably be the only network on that air...

Worry not there's a whole underground of paranoid rednecks with bunkers all across the country!
Quote:Worry not there's a whole underground of paranoid rednecks with bunkers all across the country!
What kind of conspiracy theories will you guys dream up after all your current ones come true?
Quote:What kind of conspiracy theories will you guys dream up after all your current ones come true?

Pft there is a never ending list of possible conspiracies the trick is sifting through to find the good ones!
Quote:Socialism the washed down version of communism! Cause anything watered down is always better!

Not really. Socialism is older than Communism.  If anything Communism is an extreme version of Socialism.  And Extremism is often the worst of all things.


Also communism is more of a political system, while socialism is more of an economic system.  It's like comparing apples and things that are most definitely not apples or fruit or food really.

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