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Quote:That is part of being a fan. I wouldn't continue pumping money into this dumpster fire if I wasn't a fan.


Also, you may not be able to see it, but sunshine and rainbow sherbet pumpers are 10x worse than the people who see things clearly on here.

LOL... it's the people seeing things clearly who you are labeling "sunshine and rainbow sherbet pumpers."


That illustrates just how far off base you really are.


As Alexander Kojeve once wrote...


<p style="margin-left:40px;">"The only defense against madness is the accord of your peers. That is, if you can convince no one that your beliefs are well-founded, then it's probably you who are crazy, and not the herd."


I can think of no better way to describe your posture than this.


Your hate and despise of those who don't subscribe to your lunacy is clearly apparent.
Quote:The funny part is that every sports message board is the same as this. Even the best teams have the certain posters who are ultra negative and want everyone fired and stuff. It's a little more prevalent on losing teams boards but you would be surprised by the amount of arguing and complaining done on the boards of good teams. There's just a certain kind of person that wants to be a "fan" of a team but then just trash everything they do. It's weird.
internet breeds trolls
Quote:LOL... it's the people seeing things clearly who you are labeling "sunshine and rainbow sherbet pumpers."


That illustrates just how far off base you really are.


As Alexander Kojeve once wrote...


<p style="margin-left:40px;">"The only defense against madness is the accord of your peers. That is, if you can convince no one that your beliefs are well-founded, then it's probably you who are crazy, and not the herd."


I can think of no better way to describe your posture than this.


Your hate and despise of those who don't subscribe to your lunacy is clearly apparent.

The only problem with your little quote is that there are people who agree with my beliefs.  Nice quote though.
Quote:The only problem with your little quote is that there are people who agree with my beliefs.  Nice quote though.
but if the people that agree with you are still in the minority, then his point stands
Quote:but if the people that agree with you are still in the minority, then his point stands

So, majority determines the state of someones sanity? Interesting viewpoint. 
Quote:So, majority determines the state of someones sanity? Interesting viewpoint. 




welcome to society.


if the majority of people think you are crazy, chances are... you're crazy.
Quote:That is part of being a fan. I wouldn't continue pumping money into this dumpster fire if I wasn't a fan.


Also, you may not be able to see it, but sunshine and rainbow sherbet pumpers are 10x worse than the people who see things clearly on here.
So because you have an opinion, that means you see it clearly and those that disagree don't?  Ignorance suits you well.





welcome to society.


if the majority of people think you are crazy, chances are... you're crazy.

Some day history books will be written about great men doubted by the masses.


Jesus, Christopher Columbus, StroudCrowd1
Quote:but if the people that agree with you are still in the minority, then his point stands
He's not in the minority at all, actually...


There are a few different cliques on this message board.


A. The Apologists

B. Realists

C. Idiots like XfilesJag


You people are the Apologists. Low in numbers, but the loudest on this board.

Lets be honest guys. Most of you are just followers, which probably translates to your personal and professional life as well. You refuse to form strong opinions of the franchise until the franchise decides to make a move, then you hop on board.


I refuse to live like a sheep. I'm sorry you do./

Quote:He's not in the minority at all, actually...


There are a few different cliques on this message board.


A. The Apologists

B. Realists

C. Idiots like XfileJags
That's too funny.


I would say more cliques than that.


1. Trollers 

2. Realists

3. Apologists

4. Pitchfork Crew


some of our more bi-polar posters flip flop often...


Love how you try to lump yourselves as "realists" and everyone else as apologists.


Sosa, you on point, homey

Quote:Lets be honest guys. Most of you are just followers, which probably translates to your personal and professional life as well. You refuse to form strong opinions of the franchise until the franchise decides to make a move, then you hop on board.


I refuse to live like a sheep. I'm sorry you do./
It's a coping mechanism. They insult and tell people they're wrong because they can't handle them being right. They don't want to believe and agree that the Jags are a mess.

Quote:Lets be honest guys. Most of you are just followers, which probably translates to your personal and professional life as well. You refuse to form strong opinions of the franchise until the franchise decides to make a move, then you hop on board.


I refuse to live like a sheep. I'm sorry you do./
Now this is rich....


"most of you are just followers"

You don't know us dude. Because we're mature enough to handle a sports game and the outcome and business goings on of it without flipping out in threads about stuff we can't control?



What a moron. There are some real idiots on this board man but you have just taken the cake.


We refuse to form strong opinions? Reading comprehension is lacking severely by many of you. MANY posters on here have strong opinions. They just aren't in such a negative incantation, so you disagree with them. and you're right and we're wrong


But carry on kid. 

Dang.... that 48 hr ban wasn't long enough.

Sosa, would you categorize the Apologists as Football Chicks?


what I'm saying is this: the ones who go "yay team" regardless?

If a guy is upset about the team and is voicing his opinion, why is it wrong? Why does he get ganged up on and insulted? Why is he called an idiot or moron for thinking differently? Why is it wrong to have a personal opinion on the team? The guy puts money into this team and wants to see a better product on the field. Losing for almost a decade gets to people eventually, and you can't be nice and positive anymore. 
Quote:Are we done with stupid analogies now?

This is a message board, so ... no.

Quote:Sosa, would you categorize the Apologists as Football Chicks?


what I'm saying is this: the ones who go "yay team" regardless?
Just a guess.... but I'm willing to bet if you took a poll asking how many people were happy with a 1-3 record after 4 games, you wouldn't get one honest answer for "yes".


No one is making excuses for why losing is OK. They point out the reasons to believe the team can get better, and soon, like, this year.


You bridge jumpers don't want to hear it. And like to point out "rebuilding for 10 years" failing to take into account, we started over, with a new regime, like it or not.

And you just want to start over and over so you can keep trolling.


You complain regardless. And when there is less to complain about you'll change your frickin screen name, and then wait to pour on again.

I don't get it. How you somehow get jollies from bickering mindlessly online.


Rather be a cheerleader than a turdburger.
Quote:Unless this team quits, changing coaches is pointless. Marrone isn't a good coach either. If he was, he'd have a HC job.

Was this sarcasm?

I love that you guys classify a category for yourselves called realists, because your opinion makes it real, obviously.  Please.  There are a lot of us who realize very clearly the state of this football team.  They simply aren't that good. Find me 1 poster who denies that.  Well, besides FBT maybe.  Look, we suck and have sucked for a long time, but to bash posters when they choose to look for positivies and act like you know something they don't or are smarter really makes you look like the fools you are.  Hows that for reality?

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