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Full Version: Feel a trade incoming?
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Quote:We need to try to get these 5 guys prior to the Patriots game because I don't like our chances against them with our existing roster (given the fact that it's an away game).

I didn't like the tight end play. I think a Graham/Gronk combo sounds enticing.
Quote:The team could've drafted La'el Collins in the 6th/7th round, I still don't understand that. It's rare circumstance that the Jags should've pounced on, but didn't. Oh well

No team didn't. Including the team that signed him as an UDFA.
Quote:I was hoping for it but I think he was deadly serious about sitting out the year if someone drafted him. If he'd have went late to another team I'd have been mad but considering all 32 teams passed on him in the 7th I'm pretty sure they knew he wasn't gonna sign.

And lets not kid ourselves here. He was a person of interest in a murder investigation.
Quote:And lets not kid ourselves here. He was a person of interest in a murder investigation.
That part is conveniently forgotten.
Oh for sure, I think that drops his stock a lot down to the very late rounds where teams can take a chance but if he'd have said "I'll play no matter where I'm drafted" then a team would have taken a chance in the 7th.

Quote:Pretty much what I hear from the Ravens fans I know.

What's funny is hearing a Jaguar fan talk about how great Monroe has been for Baltimore but ask them if they have watched him play and most have not.
He played good enough his first year with them to warrant a big contract extension.

He played better for us the last 2 years he was here than anything joeckel has done in his time here.
Quote:He played good enough his first year with them to warrant a big contract extension.

He played better for us the last 2 years he was here than anything joeckel has done in his time here.
How many more starts did he have under his belt in year 3 and 4 than Joeckel? 


It took Monroe into his third season after starting almost all games in his first 2 years before he started to show signs that he was a decent LT.  How many games has Joeckel played? 
Quote:How many more starts did he have under his belt in year 3 and 4 than Joeckel?

It took Monroe into his third season after starting almost all games in his first 2 years before he started to show signs that he was a decent LT. How many games has Joeckel played?

Oh yeah. I forgot. Luke is basically a rookie for you guys. I'll check back in 3 years when you guys have finally seen enough.

To be clear: Luke is the best LT we have. But he's not as good as Monroe was, even as Monroe was in year 1-2. I know some of you like to rewrite history and make Monroe as bad as Luke had been in his time here, but he never was. He was a disappointment and inconsistent in year 1-2, but he showed enough flashes to keep him on as our LT.
Quote:He played good enough his first year with them to warrant a big contract extension.

He played better for us the last 2 years he was here than anything joeckel has done in his time here.

Him getting an extension does not prove anything other than desperation by Baltimore. He has not played up to his contract. He has been injury prone for them. And when he has played, he has underwhelmed.


Honestly, if Caldwell had given him that 9 million dollar a year deal, we'd see threads questioning why the Jaguars are paying him 9 million dollars and how he is overpaid.
I am surprised that Lewis has not been tried at the tackle position. It wouldn't be the first time a TE has been moved to OT. As I recall, Buffalo did that very thing years ago and ended up with a quality starting tackle.


Just spit-balling here.

Lewis is also only 270. He'd have to put on 25-30 lbs to be an effective blocker full time. The Broncos had Dwayne Carswell awhile back who swapped between TE and OT but it's rare.

Quote:I am surprised that Lewis has not been tried at the tackle position. It wouldn't be the first time a TE has been moved to OT. As I recall, Buffalo did that very thing years ago and ended up with a quality starting tackle.

Just spit-balling here.
You have to wonder if Dave is working the FA phone line to see if anyone is out there. Young was tough to watch. Is Shatley any better?
Quote:You have to wonder if Dave is working the FA phone line to see if anyone is out there. Young was tough to watch. Is Shatley any better?
Shatley is a guard, isn't he?
Shatley would be a 6 ft 3 LT
Only trade thats gonna happen is Clemons is getting shipped out for a 6th round pick because we have younger and cheaper guys there
Quote:Only trade thats gonna happen is Clemons is getting shipped out for a 6th round pick because we have younger and cheaper guys there

Ya, this makes sense. Trade one of the better players yesterday. The vet with savvy and leadership on the line, which struggles to generate a pass rush as it is.
Quote:Ya, this makes sense. Trade one of the better players yesterday. The vet with savvy and leadership on the line, which struggles to generate a pass rush as it is.

Chris Smith is younger and cheaper m8, thats all that matters.
Quote:How many more starts did he have under his belt in year 3 and 4 than Joeckel? 


It took Monroe into his third season after starting almost all games in his first 2 years before he started to show signs that he was a decent LT.  How many games has Joeckel played? 
I never seen Monroe get tossed like a rag doll or knocked on his rear like the Joke does.  Both players are very mediocre but Monroe is the better smelling turd
Poor saps still justifying the Monroe trade...lol.
Quote:Poor saps still justifying the Monroe trade...lol.

Monroe has been hurt for the Ravens. When he's played, he hasn't been very good. And they are paying him 9 million dollars a year.


Ozzie sure pulled a fast one....
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