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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars vs Carolina Game Day Thread***
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Love Shoelace!!!!

Is it weird that I think the yardage font is cool?

Broken tackles nice.

Shoelace just looks better.
He was going to the ground. Horrible call
DRob is a great #2 back
Attack that Lotulelei hole
Quote:WOW!!!  We get a call!!!!  


This season already seems different...


I should probably wait till the end of this game to say anything
plzzz they can keep that


clear as day that he had that first down by a mile


man ive never seen such blatant....
Denard is quick
Blake having a rough game so far, yikes. 

Bortles so inaccurate today. Ahhhh

Every thing past 5 yards is off
Good grief
Blake's passes ...

4 have been long
BB5, deep breathes

He woulda dropped it anyways if the throw had been on target.
Blake needs to start throwing catchable balls...
Bortles is WAY off today
Passing game is just horrible what the hell?
Halloween came early in Cleveland