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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars vs Carolina Game Day Thread***
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AR keep it going boys
Much better.
Ar15 caught he ball!!!
My sunday ticket is like a minute behind this kinda sucks lol

Quote:An wording avoidance warning? Really? Man, some people need to live in a bubble.

And some people need to read the rules of the board. They come in very handy.
Here we go much better two back to back
Looks like an ankle? He went down weird
Grant fighting in there.
Hurt again!?



right knee ar15
course ARob looks hurt.

AR hurt, fml Jags can we get a fkin break! JEEZ

Is there anyone on our team not made of jelly? 

Nice catch by both Robinson. But great ARob hurt.

A rob is a joke

It's the Hurnsinator!!
There you go Hurns!