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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars vs Carolina Game Day Thread***
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Trainer tackling down Luke
LK done.
back to back catches by greene

Well that's bad news for Carolina.
Quote:Is Marcedes Lewis playing today??

Greene 1 Luke 0
Phew, OK...Looks like he's OK...


I was worried about a spinal cord...
Panthers' trainer just took Luke down. Good teamwork there guys.


Hope Luke's alright though. Hate to see injuries like that.

Guess we did break his jaw.

Hopefully Kueckly out for the rest of the game
hurry up offense under Bortles has always gone well...

Greene lighting it up!!
RASHAD Greene stepping up
greene had his revenge..

Hope he stays out for the rest of the game. Lol at the medic tackle thoigh
Shouldn't tackle with his head
Greene doin work

Hood run by Bortles
Quote:Hopefully Kueckly out for the rest of the game

He will be due to concussion protocol these days.
On the plus side...


Colts  :yes:  :thumbsup: