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Full Version: This Weeks Edition of trump Lies: Sweden
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Quote:Apparently, we elected the second least honest person on the planet. 

he clarified his statement like a day later
Quote:he clarified his statement like a day later

He's constantly clarifying his statements.
Quote:he clarified his statement like a day later

Apparently, he confused what he saw on his TV and thought it happened in Sweden "last night."   I feel so much better now. 




Oh, God, what have we done? 
Quote:Apparently, he confused what he saw on his TV and thought it happened in Sweden "last night."   I feel so much better now. 




Oh, God, what have we done? 

like it or not, the people actually like a teleprompter free politician.  with that comes some negatives, but overall not a big deal... unless you know you want to make it a big deal.  then its OMG
Quote:He's constantly clarifying his statements.

you're right. LITERALLY HITLER
Quote:like it or not, the people actually like a teleprompter free politician.  with that comes some negatives, but overall not a big deal... unless you know you want to make it a big deal.  then its OMG

Trump would do a lot better with a teleprompter and someone to go over his speeches for accuracy and truthfulness before he gives them.  
Quote:like it or not, the people actually like a teleprompter free politician. with that comes some negatives, but overall not a big deal... unless you know you want to make it a big deal. then its OMG

People like it when you don't talk about something you know nothing about.
Trump is a lier but so is every politician who has ever lived.
Quote:Trump is a lier but so is every politician who has ever lived.

I think most bend the truth a little. Trump flat out lies.
Quote:I think most bend the truth a little. Trump flat out lies.

I don't think he is even lying. I truly think it's ignorance and he feels he can speak on topics he has no knowledge of.
Quote:I think most bend the truth a little. Trump flat out lies.

Politics is the art of bare faced lying. All of them lie but Trumps lies will of course be examined in much greater detail due to who he is.
Quote:You earn respect by actions.
Which is why exactly nobody respects you.
Quote:Which is why exactly nobody respects you.

As if you have a single clue.

Ignorant fool
Trump knows what is happening in Sweden better than the swedes because he watches fox and friends

Anything the swedes say is FAKE NEWS DONT BELIEVE THEIR LIES
Trump is the puppeteer and the media are his puppets.  He mentions Sweden in his usual stumbledy incoherent way, the media reacts predictably, racing to learn about Sweden so they can prove Trump lied.  Then we learn Trump mostly told the truth, and he may have even downplayed the seriousness of the problem. 

Quote:Trump is the puppeteer and the media are his puppets. He mentions Sweden in his usual stumbledy incoherent way, the media reacts predictably, racing to learn about Sweden so they can prove Trump lied. Then we learn Trump mostly told the truth, and he may have even downplayed the seriousness of the problem.

No. Not really.
Quote:No. Not really.

Actually Trump is a clairvoyant wizard.
Hoping this comes to fruition. But there's a vlogger on YouTube by the name of Tim Pool. He's currently working on setting up some funds to actually go to Sweden to do the research himself in the actual country and cities that are being effected by the influx of immigration. 


There's another vlogger on YouTube by the name of Angry Foreigner. He lives there, he sees it everyday. He really has no reason to lie. And, what I like about him and Tim Pool the most is that they're not biased. They don't trust the left nor the right. They don't declare themselves as full on conservatives or liberals. 


So that's where I think most people should investigate. Turn off CNN. Turn off FOX. Go online. Get your information and facts from actual independent journalists, vloggers and writers who LIVE there. Who are not BIASED. Some of these people now on YouTube attract millions of subscribers. 


Now, what I find interesting. You can go through their videos and read the comment sections. You have people also backing up some of these claims in Sweden that live in cities like Rosengard. Telling him to tread lightly but go out at night in this city and take a look. There's people over there validating that there is "no go" zones. There's people telling you NOT to believe anything the Swedish Government has to say. 


Like I said earlier in this thread. Regardless of how "rape" is counted in Sweden statistically. Bottom line, the reporting of sexual incidents and acts of molestation and rape have gone up since the immigration influx in Sweden. So, again, I guess people are just full of [BAD WORD REMOVED]? That somehow these people are all in a conspiracy to ban together to keep immigrants out of their country. 


It's scary that diehard lefties and liberals, and, in fairness, even the hardcore righties and conservatives will typically deny, deny, deny or full on support anything that fits their own personal team's narratives or policies. No matter how undeniably reckless and foolish it is for the masses that don't even partake in this two party [BAD WORD REMOVED]. 


I put myself in that camp. And I have no problem saying that. And I have no problem calling a spade a spade when it comes to our leaders, our mainstream media and sycophants of both parties that just spew out [BAD WORD REMOVED] to fit their own agendas.


Bottom line, our system has failed. Garbage in, garbage out. Enjoy free lance journalism and first hand accounts online while you can folks before the Government decides to censor what you can and cannot say and see like China does to it's people along with North Korea and various other countries. It's only a matter of time as these crooked and corrupted pieces of [BAD WORD REMOVED] get exposed and called out by REAL journalists. 

Quote:Trump is the puppeteer and the media are his puppets. He mentions Sweden in his usual stumbledy incoherent way, the media reacts predictably, racing to learn about Sweden so they can prove Trump lied. Then we learn Trump mostly told the truth, and he may have even downplayed the seriousness of the problem.

He didn't mostly tell the truth though.
Quote:Hoping this comes to fruition. But there's a vlogger on YouTube by the name of Tim Pool. He's currently working on setting up some funds to actually go to Sweden to do the research himself in the actual country and cities that are being effected by the influx of immigration.

There's another vlogger on YouTube by the name of Angry Foreigner. He lives there, he sees it everyday. He really has no reason to lie. And, what I like about him and Tim Pool the most is that they're not biased. They don't trust the left nor the right. They don't declare themselves as full on conservatives or liberals.

So that's where I think most people should investigate. Turn off CNN. Turn off FOX. Go online. Get your information and facts from actual independent journalists, vloggers and writers who LIVE there. Who are not BIASED. Some of these people now on YouTube attract millions of subscribers.

Now, what I find interesting. You can go through their videos and read the comment sections. You have people also backing up some of these claims in Sweden that live in cities like Rosengard. Telling him to tread lightly but go out at night in this city and take a look. There's people over there validating that there is "no go" zones. There's people telling you NOT to believe anything the Swedish Government has to say.

Like I said earlier in this thread. Regardless of how "rape" is counted in Sweden statistically. Bottom line, the reporting of sexual incidents and acts of molestation and rape have gone up since the immigration influx in Sweden. So, again, I guess people are just full of [BAD WORD REMOVED]? That somehow these people are all in a conspiracy to ban together to keep immigrants out of their country.

It's scary that diehard lefties and liberals, and, in fairness, even the hardcore righties and conservatives will typically deny, deny, deny or full on support anything that fits their own personal team's narratives or policies. No matter how undeniably reckless and foolish it is for the masses that don't even partake in this two party [BAD WORD REMOVED].

I put myself in that camp. And I have no problem saying that. And I have no problem calling a spade a spade when it comes to our leaders, our mainstream media and sycophants of both parties that just spew out [BAD WORD REMOVED] to fit their own agendas.

Bottom line, our system has failed. Garbage in, garbage out. Enjoy free lance journalism and first hand accounts online while you can folks before the Government decides to censor what you can and cannot say and see like China does to it's people along with North Korea and various other countries. It's only a matter of time as these crooked and corrupted pieces of [BAD WORD REMOVED] get exposed and called out by REAL journalists.
So the amount of crime has skyrocketed in Jacksonville in line with the increase in average temperatures over the last decade. If you perform a linear regression you'd see the two are highly correlated. Therefore, as temperatures rise so does crime. It's only a matter of time until summer hits, when the crime will really spike. Don't be surprised if all of Jacksonville is in flames.
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