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If it isnt broken why fix it?  I like the competition why not see how it pans out during preseason before making up your mind in this thread?

I would just hate to see Myers go to say...Minnesota and be awesome for 10+ years
I guess if you really are forced to pick one you go with youth, in Myers.  It'll be a sad day as Scobee has played great for the Jaguars.

It really is a tough call. Scobee is still one of the best in the league with one of the strongest legs in the league. That said, Myers leg is even stronger and he's much younger and cheaper. The only question with Myers is can he remain gold in clutch situations, but we have no reason to think he can't. I doubt they'll be able to manufacture an injury in order to IR Myers, so I'd do whatever I could to trade Scobee while taking my chances with Myers. I say this fully knowing that Josh is a top ten player on this roster.

All else being equal, it's a young man's game. Given that, Scobee.
yeah sad to think that Scobee might not be the Jaguars kicker but he is 33 compared to 24 year old Jason Myers.

Quote:It really is a tough call. Scobee is still one of the best in the league with one of the strongest legs in the league. That said, Myers leg is even stronger and he's much younger and cheaper. The only question with Myers is can he remain gold in clutch situations, but we have no reason to think he can't. I doubt they'll be able to manufacture an injury in order to IR Myers, so I'd do whatever I could to trade Scobee while taking my chances with Myers. I say this fully knowing that Josh is a top ten player on this roster.
Quote:yeah sad to think that Scobee might not be the Jaguars kicker but he is 33 compared to 24 year old Jason Myers.
1. 33 is not old for a kicker. Scobee's not a running back.


2. The Jaguars are not hurting for cash or cap space. "He's cheaper," is not a valid reason to replace a reliable veteran with a guy who, despite having a booming leg, hit 24-of-38 in college and wasn't able to make an AFL squad last year. This isn't 2001.


3. Did I mention that Myers hit 24-of-38 in college and couldn't win an AFL job last year?


If Myers wins the job, he wins the job. If he doesn't win it but the team thinks highly enough of him to keep him around, I'm sure that Caldwell will find some way to give him a paper cut on September 3rd, have him soak it in week-old bath water on September 4th, then put him on IR with an infected finger on September 5th.


I don't understand why people here are so quick to call for the release of guys like Scobee, Poz, Clemons, even Henne. Again, this isn't 2001. The Jags don't have to award starting jobs based on salary cap hit anymore. If Myers is better, he's better, but the fascination with keeping him seems to center around the fact that he's younger than Scobee with a bigger leg.


Do you know how many kickers out there are younger than Scobee and have a stronger leg? Do you know how few of them will ever amount to anything at the NFL level?
Quote:You can't keep two. That's a waste of roster depth and that could be Corey Grant making the team or not making the team because of it. The Steelers went out and got another one because of a freak injury, and that rarely happens. There is never a need for two kickers. What NFL roster has two kickers? I don't think any do.
Pretty sure the Broncos used both Connor Barth and Brandon McManus last season. Barth for field goals and McManus for kickoffs.
Quote:I don't understand why people here are so quick to call for the release of guys like Scobee, Poz, Clemons, even Henne. Again, this isn't 2001. The Jags don't have to award starting jobs based on salary cap hit anymore. If Myers is better, he's better, but the fascination with keeping him seems to center around the fact that he's younger than Scobee with a bigger leg.


Do you know how many kickers out there are younger than Scobee and have a stronger leg? Do you know how few of them will ever amount to anything at the NFL level?


I doubt there are all that many young kickers out there with a stronger leg than Scobee, and I'm sure there are very few with a leg anywhere near as strong as Myers. When you look at college stats, Scobee's weren't exactly stellar either. It's about what they can do now. Myers is coming into his own whereas Scobee is clearly already on his down slope. Two years from now I see us wishing, or else glad, we kept Myers.

Quote:This is a hard one. Scobee is proven, but old. Myers is young, and has been booting the ball from downtown.

I wouldn't care tbh. I'll still never forgive scobee for missing the 60 yarder game winner against Pittsburgh.

This explains a lot of your posts
Keep Scobee.  Myers looks just as good, but you never know what will happen when the pressure is on and the game is on the line.  Also, who knows if Myers is subject to the kind of slump a kicker can have when they just for no reason lose their stroke.  Scobee is pretty steady.  


Keep Scobee- a.k.a. "The Colt Killer."  

with the way our team leads the league in injurys most of the time. we need back ups on every postion. Kicker included.

If they aren't sure they will resign Scobee next year.  They can't let Myers go.  It is not that easy to find young capable kickers without spending a draft pick.
I would go with Scobee. I would much rather have the experienced guy back there, especially with the new PAT rule.

Try and stash Myers on the PS and if he gets signed then good for him
Quote:Myers is coming into his own whereas Scobee is clearly already on his down slope. Two years from now I see us wishing, or else glad, we kept Myers.
So give Myers a paper cut and hide him on IR.
Quote:Kickers are a dime a dozen.

Yes, but Scobee is costing us $3 million per year Wallbash
Quote:Yes, but Scobee is costing us $3 million per year Wallbash
Who cares?  We have good cap space and that's not a lot.
Quote:Yes, but Scobee is costing us $3 million per year Wallbash


Quote:[Image: xL7ViQq.png]
Quote:Yes, but Scobee is costing us $3 million per year Wallbash
So what?  Is this team in cap trouble and nobody has noticed?  Is creating cap room a priority for a team that is struggling just to spend to the cap floor? 


Unless the new guy just blows the door off of this vs. Scobee, he'll wind up being just another guy who is cut when the final roster is determined.  Scobee has proven that he has plenty of life left in the leg, and he has also proven over time that he is more than capable of rising to the challenge when called upon to do so.  He had a few issues last year, but so did the rest of the team.  Unless he has any major gaffes this preseason, I don't expect to see him losing his gig here.  He's definitely feeling the heat, and there's nothing wrong with having a little competition to get him in the right frame of mind. 
I wonder if anybody who says kickers are "a dime a dozen" following this team in 2002-2003?

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