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I love Scobee and we can't go wrong with either guy. With so many games being decided by 3 or less points in the NFL, however, it would be comforting to know that late in the fourth quarter, behind by 3 or less, we'd have a decent chance of tying the score or winning once we get inside the 45 yard line. Myers gives us roughly 5 yards additional distance, IMO.
The bottom line for me, I would go for the guy that is proven (Scobee) rather than somebody that could be "just as good".

Quote:Myers exp will come scobee is getting more injury prone due to age and is losing power this is an easy decision I see them messing up

Any proof to Scobee being more injury prone due to age or is this just an ignorant "opinion"?
Where are these injuries that have now tagged Scobee as "injury prone"? 


Sometimes this board is like watching monkeys flinging crap at the wall hoping something sticks.

Quote:Which only serves to make the whole "cut Scobee because youth" argument that much more ridiculous.
That was my point.  Scobee isn't old, and he's not injury prone as someone has already claimed.  His leg is still plenty strong and he's still very accurate.
Sign Jeff Chandler and cut Myers and Scobee. If Tebow is cut; sign him to hold for the field goals. Championship!
Myers certainly passes the eyeball test, but a rookie kicker scares the bejeezus out of me, Scobee's been so solid for so long we almost forgot what it was like to think everytime our kicker lines up he's probably going to miss. Maybe the Vikings would give up a late round draft pick if Blair Walsh completely chokes another week, they already cut the long snapper after the Oakland game.

Quote:This explains a lot of your posts

Should I have put /sarc at the end? I shouldn't have to justify a joke....either or would not affect this team.
Quote:For me, I've always called Scobee "money" when it comes to kicking field goals.

Old at 33 years? LOL. How many kickers have played in the NFL well into their 40's?

Just saying Myers is a rookie who looks as if he might be money as you say. Once again, it would not affect wins or losses whom we have. Myers is too short any how, Scooby all day.
I'm somewhat rooting for Myers tbh. He will be the Jaguar I draft in fantasy if we keep him lol.

Quote:Hollis was terrible on field goals in 2001, though. That and his rocky relationship with Coughlin paved the way for his departure, and I seem to recall hearing on sports talk radio back then that he was almost cut a couple of times during the season.


The Jaguars did start carrying a kickoff specialist in...1999? First it was Steve Lindsey, who doubled as a punter for a few games when Bryan Barker was hurt, then Jim Tarle (who was awful), then Jaret Holmes, who infamously took the last PAT of the 2001 season as Coughlin's way of telling Hollis what he could go do to himself.

Glad to know I am not the only person who remembers these types of things
Myers has a big leg but he hasn't shown enough accuracy, at any level of competition, to usurp an established NFL kicker.


If he makes it somewhere, it will be because a team with few other options gave him a chance and he was able to overcome his accuracy issues..
Quote:Myers has a big leg but he hasn't shown enough accuracy, at any level of competition, to usurp an established NFL kicker.


If he makes it somewhere, it will be because a team with few other options gave him a chance and he was able to overcome his accuracy issues..

Yeah that 55 yarder sure was inaccurate.
Quote:Myers has a big leg but he hasn't shown enough accuracy, at any level of competition, to usurp an established NFL kicker.


If he makes it somewhere, it will be because a team with few other options gave him a chance and he was able to overcome his accuracy issues..

Myers is 3/4 in the preseason and I think his miss was like a 57 yarder. IMO, that's pretty good accuracy albeit in a really small window.
Quote:Myers is 3/4 in the preseason and I think his miss was like a 57 yarder. IMO, that's pretty good accuracy albeit in a really small window.
63% accuracy on 38 field goal attempts in college.
Quote:63% accuracy on 38 field goal attempts in college.

And he's no longer in college.

What he did in college stopped being relevant the moment he stepped into a pro camp.
Quote:And he's no longer in college.

What he did in college stopped being relevant the moment he stepped into a pro camp.

^^^^ what he said.

Quote:63% accuracy on 38 field goal attempts in college.
why do you always bring up what he did in college? Who cares? Players improve. As they said, what matters is what he can do now and in the future. I couldn't care less if he made zero kicks in college
If anyone is interested this link gives some info from his college career.


His kick percentage was low, but it looks like he was also handling punting duties off and on throughout his time there.

I cant imagine that he learned the finer points of kicking there. Lots of room to grow, and it looks like he has.
Quote:why do you always bring up what he did in college?
Because they don't instantly go from 63% to ready to supplant a guy who's been money for 10+ years. I've said all along that if Myers wins it, he wins it, but too many here are ready to anoint him because he has a big leg and is younger than Scobee.
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