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Full Version: BREAKING: Four U.S. Marines, Police Officer Shot In Chattanooga, Tennessee Attacks
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Quote:I think you need to fact check your links a little bit better. Where does it say that's the shooters picture?

They HAD his pic up, must of updated the site



[Image: Coward_zps2qhudgrx.jpg]

Quote:They HAD his pic up, must of updated the site


[Image: Coward_zps2qhudgrx.jpg]

My apologies then.
Quote:Funny how other countries (including China) is cracking down and deporting Muslims while we, on the other hand, seem to be bringing them here by the boat load.


Y'all know how I feel about them so........

Can you get any dumber ...
Quote:Your lack of any critical thinking amuses me. When have I ever said I admire this administration? I'll wait for a quote.

You said that you are upset that this is called an act of domestic terror. I asked you what you would call it, if not that.

You didn't answer, but asked me if it was that hard for me to understand. Yes, it is very hard for me to understand your point.

So explain, please.

Don't ask him to explain - he's too busy politicizing this tragic event, while criticizing others for politicizing the event. 


C'mon - we all know how it works around here.
Quote:Terrorism... why denote Islam to it at all?

That racist kid has a Christian name, should we call him a Christian extremist?

Apples and oranges dude.

That kid didn't specifically issue a religious fatwa related to Christianity and say his motivation was because he's out to kill infidels, as well as issue videos and manifestos specifically outlying his Christian motivations. And it's particularly ironic you chose that as a "counter example" see as it was church of Christendom he shot up
Terrorism is terrorism. I don't see a lot of you calling out right-wing white guys just because the greatest act of home grown terrorism was an anti-government nut in Oklahoma City.


Every Muslim in America probably hung their head when they heard the news. They knew they'd once again have to deal with the attitudes of people like Drifter.

Quote:Terrorism is terrorism. I don't see a lot of you calling out right-wing white guys just because the greatest act of home grown terrorism was an anti-government nut in Oklahoma City.


Every Muslim in America probably hung their head when they heard the news. They knew they'd once again have to deal with the attitudes of people like Drifter.

Maybe most in America, but not every one. There are plenty of other Tsarnaev types waiting to strike.


However, I remember huge crowds of Middle Eastern Muslims dancing in the streets after 9/11. We're not talking about a small minority who hate infidels.

Quote:Maybe most in America, but not every one. There are plenty of other Tsarnaev types waiting to strike.


However, I remember huge crowds of Middle Eastern Muslims dancing in the streets after 9/11. We're not talking about a small minority who hate infidels.
There was also a massive crowd in Iran, in particular, in a support of US type of display. Just to complete the perspective. 
Quote:Terrorism is terrorism. I don't see a lot of you calling out right-wing white guys just because the greatest act of home grown terrorism was an anti-government nut in Oklahoma City.


Every Muslim in America probably hung their head when they heard the news. They knew they'd once again have to deal with the attitudes of people like Drifter.

It also happened 20 years ago. Do you really expect people to still talk about it?


How many right-wing white guys are shooting up Marine recruitment buildings? 


If a Christian shoots up some public building, then I fully expect to despise that person as much as any Muslim terrorist. You guys pretend that we want Muslims to attack us, so we'll get some sort of satisfaction out of the fact that they murdered Americans. We're addressing an issue that appears to be on the rise, and you seemingly want to dismiss it as just some guy with an Islamic name. 


This isn't a Muslim that so happened to shoot Americans. This is radical Islam attacking America. 

Quote:Your lack of any critical thinking amuses me. When have I ever said I admire this administration? I'll wait for a quote.

You said that you are upset that this is called an act of domestic terror. I asked you what you would call it, if not that.

You didn't answer, but asked me if it was that hard for me to understand. Yes, it is very hard for me to understand your point.

So explain, please.
You've never said you admire the administration, but based on your political viewpoints, it didn't need to be said. 


Did I say I was upset?  Let's talk about "lack of critical thinking" and how amusing it can be, shall we?  I never said I was upset about the label.  I simply pointed out, as RJ had already pointed out before I ever posted in this thread, that they were already trying to walk back the domestic terror label as of yesterday afternoon.  I'm not sure where  you got that I was upset by the label, but I guess somewhere in your deep critical thought process, you concocted an alternate reality.


It's not difficult to understand my point...unless your bias has so blinded you to the reality here.  That appears to be the case. 
Quote:There was also a massive crowd in Iran, in particular, in a support of US type of display. Just to complete the perspective. 

So only 50% of Muslims want to kill Americans?


Yes, I believe the actual percentage is much smaller, but your counter example does not show that.

Quote:So only 50% of Muslims want to kill Americans?


Yes, I believe the actual percentage is much smaller, but your counter example does not show that.
I merely provided and anecdote to add perspective to what you were trying to say with yours. That was all. 
Quote:Maybe most in America, but not every one. There are plenty of other Tsarnaev types waiting to strike.


However, I remember huge crowds of Middle Eastern Muslims dancing in the streets after 9/11. We're not talking about a small minority who hate infidels.

And there are plenty of others like the nut in Charleston ready to strike as well. I'm just as afraid of the home-grown nuts as I am about the Muslim who lives down the street.


But the politicians will keep trying to convince you that ISIS is coming to get you. 
Quote:What was the name of the kid in Colorado? Or the one in Sandy hook?

More Christian extremists...

Based on the information we have just the name of the shooter is being used to subtlety condemn the entire group.

You mean the guy who converted to Islam?  James Holmes?
Once again, the Obama regime is failing to use the "T" word.

Quote:What was the name of the kid in Colorado? Or the one in Sandy hook?

More Christian extremists...

Based on the information we have just the name of the shooter is being used to subtlety condemn the entire group.

Where is there any credible evidence that either one was a "Christian Extremist"?



Quote:You mean the guy who converted to Islam?  James Holmes?

If you actually read the article instead of stopping two and a half sentences in, you'll note that his conversion to Islam was hardly the sincere decision of a clear mind, and that the true Muslim inmates were far less than happy about him slapping his name onto their religion, making him into cannon fodder for the right wing to throw out as further "proof" that Islam is the enemy of civilization and must be expelled from the western hemisphere. Attributing the Aurora murders to radical Islam is about as valid as attributing the Charleston shootings to a flag.

Quote:If you actually read the article instead of stopping two and a half sentences in, you'll note that his conversion to Islam was hardly the sincere decision of a clear mind, and that the true Muslim inmates were far less than happy about him slapping his name onto their religion, making him into cannon fodder for the right wing to throw out as further "proof" that Islam is the enemy of civilization and must be expelled from the western hemisphere. Attributing the Aurora murders to radical Islam is about as valid as attributing the Charleston shootings to a flag.

So does that mean that he converted to Islam to hide the "fact" that he is a "White Christian Extremist"?  The debate with The Anchor Man had to do with stereotypes, and I certainly claimed that I did stereotype the shooter in Chattanooga.  A guy named "Muhammed" that attacks military targets is more likely than not an Islamic Extremist Terrorist.


A guy named James Holmes that attacks random people in a "gun free zone" does not fit any known profile of a "Christian Extremist" (I don't know if there has ever been an attack by someone that can be labeled that).  He converted to Islam in order to justify what he had done.  Why is that?  From the article "He has brainwashed himself into believing that he was on his own personal jihad and that his victims were infidels
Quote:So does that mean that he converted to Islam to hide the "fact" that he is a "White Christian Extremist"?  The debate with The Anchor Man had to do with stereotypes, and I certainly claimed that I did stereotype the shooter in Chattanooga.  A guy named "Muhammed" that attacks military targets is more likely than not an Islamic Extremist Terrorist.


A guy named James Holmes that attacks random people in a "gun free zone" does not fit any known profile of a "Christian Extremist" (I don't know if there has ever been an attack by someone that can be labeled that).  He converted to Islam in order to justify what he had done.  Why is that?  From the article "He has brainwashed himself into believing that he was on his own personal jihad and that his victims were infidels
He's not a Christian extremist. His killings were never motivated by religion, race, class, anything like that. IMO, he shot up that movie theater because he has a sick, twisted mind, and it was a game to him. The conversion to Islam feels to me like the weight of what he had done suddenly hit him while he was incarcerated, and he converted in a desperate attempt to make sense of it and, as the article said, justify it to himself. The theater shootings had as much to do with Islam as they did with the Easter Bunny, despite what others in this thread have tried to feed us.
Quote:Where is there any credible evidence that either one was a "Christian Extremist"?


Lol, dude, didn't you read my last paragraph??? My point stands. Assuming Islam is the reason for this attack based solely on a person's name or ethnic background is a dangerous and rather pathetic way to view the world. In my opinion...
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