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Full Version: BREAKING: Four U.S. Marines, Police Officer Shot In Chattanooga, Tennessee Attacks
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Quote:I wonder if this would be considered a "hate crime".


I wonder if the shooter is just an "individual" or "just a lone wolf".
1. Most likely yes.


2. Clearly not, as evidenced by the Twitter that posted about the shootings before they happened, then posted again afterwards. Doesn't mean there's a massive conspiracy behind it, but it does mean that at least one other person was aware of the plan.
Quote:Since you have no valid point to add to the thread other then to insult me while I prove my point. Maybe you should crawl under the bed

Chattanooga: The Effects of Our Suicidal Immigration Policy

The deadly terror attack that killed four Marines in Chattanooga will undoubtedly weigh on Americans sitting around the dinner table tonight and present questions for many heading into the weekend. Why have we not learned the lessons of 9/11?

- See more at: <a class="bbc_url" href='https://www.conservativereview.com/Commentary/2015/07/chattanooga-the-effects-of-our-suicidal-immigration-policy#sthash.yN4b52az.dpuf'>https://www.conservativereview.com/Commentary/2015/07/chattanooga-the-effects-of-our-suicidal-immigration-policy#sthash.yN4b52az.dpuf</a>
What have you added outside of your typical loony fear mongering?

The right cries and moans about the left attempting to politicize these events for gun control purposes. You and your ilk are doing the exact same thing while displaying disgusting amounts of xenophobia. Not very American I'd say.
Quote:1. Most likely yes.


2. Clearly not, as evidenced by the Twitter that posted about the shootings before they happened, then posted again afterwards. Doesn't mean there's a massive conspiracy behind it, but it does mean that at least one other person was aware of the plan.

Is there a tweet besides the one linked in this thread?
Quote:Is there a tweet besides the one linked in this thread?
The account made another tweet during or just after the attack.
Quote:The account made another tweet during or just after the attack.

Yeah but the site reporting that first tweet apparently didn't take into account the time difference.

I think all the tweets were tweeted after the event.
From Drifters link:

"Update: Later sources have confirmed that this tweet was posted in a different time zone, so it did not go out before the attack. However, it could still be an ISIS attack, especially given that the shooter appears to be a Muslim terrorist."
Quote:From Drifters link:

"Update: Later sources have confirmed that this tweet was posted in a different time zone, so it did not go out before the attack. However, it could still be an ISIS attack, especially given that the shooter appears to be a Muslim terrorist."
I doubt direct ISIS involvement. ISIS praising the attack after the fact is no surprise, but it never felt like a full-on ISIS deal to me. More like one person who actually carried out the attack, and one or two more who were aware of the plans, maybe aided in the procurement of firearms.


If the tweets went out after the fact, though, it's entirely possible that it was one chicken-dookie excuse for a human being working alone. There are a lot of details that will continue to trickle out, and unfortunately, we won't see them until after the government and the various agenda-driven news organizations have gotten their hands and spin on them.
Quote:I doubt direct ISIS involvement. ISIS praising the attack after the fact is no surprise, but it never felt like a full-on ISIS deal to me. More like one person who actually carried out the attack, and one or two more who were aware of the plans, maybe aided in the procurement of firearms.

If the tweets went out after the fact, though, it's entirely possible that it was one chicken-dookie excuse for a human being working alone. There are a lot of details that will continue to trickle out, and unfortunately, we won't see them until after the government and the various agenda-driven news organizations have gotten their hands and spin on them.

It really is our biggest weakness how do you stop random acts violence with the purpose of terrorizing the west?
Quote:It really is our biggest weakness how do you stop random acts violence with the purpose of terrorizing the west?
And therein lies the great paradox of the right. I can't answer that question without driving gun nuts into a frenzy.
Quote:What have you added outside of your typical loony fear mongering?

The right cries and moans about the left attempting to politicize these events for gun control purposes. You and your ilk are doing the exact same thing while displaying disgusting amounts of xenophobia. Not very American I'd say.


127,000 Student Visas Given to Muslim Youth in One Year 

That's a lot of potential terrorist. Over 10K from IRAN!
And I Guaran-damn-tee ya's they are not studying Home-Economic
Here are the numbers......

<div>127,000 Student Visas Given to Muslim Youth in One Year 

That's a lot of potential terrorist. Over 10K from IRAN!
And I Guaran-damn-tee ya's they are not studying Home-Economic
Here are the numbers......

So basically, your contribution to this discussion is that we should discriminate based solely upon religion, refusing US entry to Muslims and deporting the ones already here?
Quote:And therein lies the great paradox of the right. I can't answer that question without driving gun nuts into a frenzy.

But even if you outlaw guns and then confiscate them without incident how does that stop things like this from happening?
Quote:127,000 Student Visas Given to Muslim Youth in One Year

That's a lot of potential terrorist. Over 10K from IRAN!

And I Guaran-damn-tee ya's they are not studying Home-Economic

Here are the numbers......

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://reviveusa.com/127000-student-visas-given-to-muslim-youth-in-one-year/'>http://reviveusa.com/127000-student-visas-given-to-muslim-youth-in-one-year/</a>

There's an argument to be made that bringing the youth over here to educate and introduce them to western culture will eventually help curve them away from the propaganda at home that we are all white devils.

If all the generations know is what their authoritarian regimes tell them about us they'll always hate us.
Quote:There's an argument to be made that bringing the youth over here to educate and introduce them to western culture will eventually help curve them away from the propaganda at home that we are all white devils.

If all the generations know is what their authoritarian regimes tell them about us they'll always hate us.


That worked REAL WELL for the shooter/killers of 4 Marines and 1 sailor didn't it?
Quote:But even if you outlaw guns and then confiscate them without incident how does that stop things like this from happening
A "lone wolf" with ties to a major terrorist organization that's motivated enough to make it happen will probably find a way to do so. That's just a reality of the situation.


Outlawing guns isn't the answer either. Americans have a right to own them, and while I don't know the exact numbers, it's safe to say that the overwhelming majority of people who buy guns are not intending to use them to harm other human beings. My thoughts get convoluted from there, with restrictions on the types of weapons allowed, magazine size, ammunition stored, outlawing of weapons that fire repeatedly with a single pull of the trigger, licensing of all gun owners and registration of all guns, and additional background checks that go above and beyond criminal history to include association with known criminals, social media history, immigration status and country of origin (yes, profiling), etc. I don't think it's unreasonable to ask that gun owners give up a little bit of their privacy so that the government can make sure it isn't about to award a .30-06 rifle or a 12-gauge shotgun to someone who runs a white power blog or an ISIS-sympathetic Twitter.


The second part would be making it a felony to possess an unregistered gun, an illegal/illegally modified gun or a gun not registered to you without the owner present. I will never support warrantless searches of persons or property, nor will I ever support suspicionless stops to search a person for concealed firearms (or for any reason, actually), but open carry should be reason enough for an officer to stop you, ask to see your firearm and your license, then cross-check that gun to your name in the registry and make sure that it's yours and it's legal before sending you on your way.


I will never support seizure of weapons without cause. What is cause? Evidence that the person possessing the gun is a clear and present danger to those around them would be one. An illegal weapon or a weapon modified to be made illegal is another. Possessing someone else's gun or an unregistered weapon would be a third. There aren't a ton of circumstance that would fall into this category, and that's by design. It goes without saying that any legislation like this that goes into effect would absolutely have to be accompanied by legislation guaranteeing that a gun registry will be used solely to track, not to confiscate. That might even require a Constitutional amendment to guarantee. Under no circumstances should legislation designed to make it harder for the bad guys to get or keep guns be allowed to open a back door for the Nancy Pelosis (Pelosii?) of the world to confiscate the firearms of law-abiding citizens.


Like I said, I know I'll drive some here crazy and up a wall with that answer, but it really is the best I've got. Good news I'm not a lawmaker then, huh? "Do nothing because the system wouldn't have prevented this anyway," loses its sincerity after a while. If the system wouldn't have prevented the murder of five members of the US Military, or nine churchgoers, or twenty-something kids or twelve people in a movie theater, do we continue to sit around with our thumbs up our butts insisting that additional legislation isn't the answer because the legislation we have isn't working anyway? Or is it time to make it easier to catch the bad guys and lock them away, thus preventing them from making the attacks in the first place?
Quote:That worked REAL WELL for the shooter/killers of 4 Marines and 1 sailor didn't it?

Was he here on a student visa? I'm not defending him I'm just pointing out that ending student visas might be counter productive.

The real issue has been our preemptive foreign policy since WW2 that has us interjected into all theses tribal and regional conflicts. Every time we try and fix a mess over here we kick 2 hornets nest over there.

All the safeguards we've established, the NSA bulk collection of data and monitoring social media, the patriots act, the department of homeland security, the TSA, none of them knew this was coming nor was there anything they could do once it started. I guess that's my point we can give government all this authority to protect us but the reality is they can't.

now id agree with an argument that nations deemed hostile towards the US shouldn't be on the visa list but then you have to ask who qualifies hostile or friendly states?
Quote:Was he here on a student visa? I'm not defending him I'm just pointing out that ending student visas might be counter productive.

The real issue has been our preemptive foreign policy since WW2 that has us interjected into all theses tribal and regional conflicts. Every time we try and fix a mess over here we kick 2 hornets nest over there.

All the safeguards we've established, the NSA bulk collection of data and monitoring social media, the patriots act, the department of homeland security, the TSA, none of them knew this was coming nor was there anything they could do once it started. I guess that's my point we can give government all this authority to protect us but the reality is they can't.

now id agree with an argument that nations deemed hostile towards the US shouldn't be on the visa list but then you have to ask who qualifies hostile or friendly states?
^This. So much.


I'd actually argue it goes back even further than that, at least to the 1918 partitioning of the Ottoman Empire as it pertains to the Middle East (and possibly back to the Crusades if you include Western Europe in the conversation), but the period immediately following WWII is when the US really started getting itself mixed up in everything.
Quote:I doubt direct ISIS involvement. ISIS praising the attack after the fact is no surprise, but it never felt like a full-on ISIS deal to me. More like one person who actually carried out the attack, and one or two more who were aware of the plans, maybe aided in the procurement of firearms.


If the tweets went out after the fact, though, it's entirely possible that it was one chicken-dookie excuse for a human being working alone. There are a lot of details that will continue to trickle out, and unfortunately, we won't see them until after the government and the various agenda-driven news organizations have gotten their hands and spin on them.

We're in agreement, I'm just trying to clarify. I thought you might have seen something I hadn't.
Quote:Was he here on a student visa? I'm not defending him I'm just pointing out that ending student visas might be counter productive.

The real issue has been our preemptive foreign policy since WW2 that has us interjected into all theses tribal and regional conflicts. Every time we try and fix a mess over here we kick 2 hornets nest over there.

All the safeguards we've established, the NSA bulk collection of data and monitoring social media, the patriots act, the department of homeland security, the TSA, none of them knew this was coming nor was there anything they could do once it started. I guess that's my point we can give government all this authority to protect us but the reality is they can't.

now id agree with an argument that nations deemed hostile towards the US shouldn't be on the visa list but then you have to ask who qualifies hostile or friendly states?

The shooter in Chattanooga came here as an infant, and was a naturalized citizen. According to the latest reports he has been traveling back and forth between the U.S. and Middle East locations the past two years. Dots can be connected, but it's too early to say definitively he was recruited by ISIS, in particular, but judging from statements made by those who knew him, something about him changed radically. Pun intended.


You are right, unless we become the type of country The Drifter seems to want us to be, attacks like the one in Chattanooga are nearly impossible to prevent.

Quote:You are right, unless we become the type of country The Drifter seems to want us to be, attacks like the one in Chattanooga are nearly impossible to prevent.
Drifter seems to want us to be a country free of Muslims. That would not have stopped Sandy Hook, Aurora, Columbine, Oklahoma City or plenty of other examples.
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