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Full Version: Packers home game in 2016 likely to be moved to London
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Quote:I'm not spinning anything. The steelers game is the biggest sell in this town, the most premium NFL regular season game that comes to this venue regardless of who is buting tickets. Who on earth do you think would be buying any extra tickets for the cowboys game? It sure as heck wouldn't be jaguar fans.


Who do you think you are trying to fool? Some out of town fans? Some youngsters who haven't experienced multiple steeler game?


To sit here and say the steelers game isn't the most premium NFL game every time they come to town is laughable.


Anyone who has ever been knows you are lying through your teeth.

That's been my point all along, and yet you somehow continue to miss it.


I didn't say the steelers weren't the "most premium" NFL game every time they come here.  What you're struggling with is that this doesn't make them a rival.  It makes this venue exactly like every other venue the steelers play at.  Their fans travel extremely well.  So do Cowboy fans.  And regardless of how blatantly ignorant you are about the label premium when associating it with opponents, you're going to be hard-pressed to find many people who would not consider the Cowboys game a premium home opponent.  Their record doesn't matter.  Their lack of recent success is irrelevant.  They're still the most valuable franchise in the NFL, and an organization that brings fan excitement with it wherever it plays. 


I'm not sure what I'm lying through my teeth about.  I'm pretty sure anyone who reads my comments and then looks at your responses is going to be left wondering how small the hamster is running on that wheel between your ears.
I certainly haven't understood his point.

I did used to have a hamster.
Quote:That's been my point all along, and yet you somehow continue to miss it.


I didn't say the steelers weren't the "most premium" NFL game every time they come here.  What you're struggling with is that this doesn't make them a rival.  It makes this venue exactly like every other venue the steelers play at.  Their fans travel extremely well.  So do Cowboy fans.  And regardless of how blatantly ignorant you are about the label premium when associating it with opponents, you're going to be hard-pressed to find many people who would not consider the Cowboys game a premium home opponent.  Their record doesn't matter.  Their lack of recent success is irrelevant.  They're still the most valuable franchise in the NFL, and an organization that brings fan excitement with it wherever it plays. 


I'm not sure what I'm lying through my teeth about.  I'm pretty sure anyone who reads my comments and then looks at your responses is going to be left wondering how small the hamster is running on that wheel between your ears.
What on earth are you blabbing about. My whole point all along, that you are continuing to stupidly argue, is that the steelers was the best home game last year for a variety of reasons. That, in case you didn't notice, was one of the main premises of this whole preemptive whinefest of a thread.


If you can't argue against that, then put a sock in it. You are just blabbing to hear yourself talk at this point.


And the fact that you sat here and tried to downplay the history or the significance of the steeler games, in order to support whatever argument you now claim you weren't making, makes you a liar.


As people have attested to, there still is a sense of a rivalry beween the two programs and no amount of thumping your chest in this thread is going to change that. No one is claiming that it is as great as it used to be, but it still exists as evident by the attendance of the game.
Green Bay game stays in Jacksonville



Quote:Green Bay game stays in Jacksonville



that's great news
So now can all the babbling non-sense by the usual suspects stop?

This is nothing.  We have 4,922 pages dedicated to Blackmon's return.

So no panic and bellyaching?
Thread should be locked before it grows any further...

Quote:So no panic and bellyaching?
Not until next year. Then whomever gets selected will become "our best home game".
Quote:Not until next year. Then whomever gets selected will become "our best home game".

not even sure why you guys argue like this. Absolute garbage.  For instance, how many people were upset about the Bills game being in London?  Not a single person I know.


We as season ticket holders have the right to be upset about teams like the 49ers and Cowboys being played away from out stadium.  It doesn't make us whiners.
Quote:Not until next year. Then whomever gets selected will become "our best home game".

You've been wrong this entire thread and you're the only person that doesn't realize it.
Quote:You've been wrong this entire thread and you're the only person that doesn't realize it.
LOL! I called this thread from the begining.


From the blowing things out of proportion and exagerrating "our best home game", to the entire business aspect from Khans view point and exactly what they would want to happen.


I've been 100% right on everything.
Quote:not even sure why you guys argue like this. Absolute garbage.  For instance, how many people were upset about the Bills game being in London?  Not a single person I know.


We as season ticket holders have the right to be upset about teams like the 49ers and Cowboys being played away from out stadium.  It doesn't make us whiners.
And when the team is still here in 10 years you'll appreciate the sacrifice.
Quote:LOL! I called this thread from the begining.


From the blowing things out of proportion and exagerrating "our best home game", to the entire business aspect from Khans view point and exactly what they would want to happen.


I've been 100% right on everything.

The fan's reaction to the Packers game potentially being moved was overwhelming negative. I am sure that was noticed by the front office.
Quote:The fan's reaction to the Packers game potentially being moved was overwhelming negative. I am sure that was noticed by the front office.
Most likely it was never wanted by the front office to begin with.
Quote:All you have to do is hear the buzz in town and see the sellouts whenever they come to play to know something still exists.

The Steelers are a massive draw anywhere they play in the NFL. It really doesn't have much, if anything, to do with any rivalry with Jax.

I've seen the Steelers in Cincy many times, Cleveland, Charlotte, and D.C.

Every one of those games were packed full of Steelers fans.
Quote:The Steelers are a massive draw anywhere they play in the NFL. It really doesn't have much, if anything, to do with any rivalry with Jax.

I've seen the Steelers in Cincy many times, Cleveland, Charlotte, and D.C.

Every one of those games were packed full of Steelers fans.
Credit it to whatever you want. The steelers are still the biggest NFL game in town whenever they come and have been for decades, period.
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